General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to harass mid lane as support?

How to harass mid lane as support? in General Discussion
Royalon ZZ

    Hey guys, just wondering about this. I've recently been playing party MMR only, so it's actually worth it to properly support my carries. Basically:

    1. If I am playing a lane support and the safe lane is "won" (1-2 kills on the offlaner/offlaners), should I continue to babysit or start roaming (assuming the offlaner cannot solo kill my carry)?
    2. How exactly do you harass the mid lane?
    3. How to play a roaming support?

    If you guys could post some matches that clearly show how to harass mid, I would be grateful.

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        for godsake dont leech exp

        Dire Wolf

          honestly I think winning your safe lane to secure your carry free farm or pounding the enemy carry by going offlane is more important and impactful. Unless it's an alch mid then sit on his ass gank him every time he goes to stack jungle.


            Stand on the enemy high ground and beat your chest, and all chat" OO OO AHH AHH".

            If that doesn't work you can:
            1)Camp/Take runes
            2)Smoke gank during day time
            3)Gank during night time
            4)Show in lane to put fear into the other dude's heart, then bounce somewhere else


              (1) pick a hero with a stun
              (2) get sentry wards and one obs

              (3) place the obs ward so your mid has uphill vision of them - don't hesitate do it before enemy supports look to see you do it (this is
              technically impossible but in low skill games they just won't look at tower vision if you move fast enough because they are busy deciding what items to get/still on the phone/arguing over who will get the courier/arguing over lanes etc)

              (4) figure out where their vision is - the best thing is to see them place obs. To do this you have to know the likely places for the obs wards, know which heroes will buy and place them, know where they will stand when they place them, check inventories to see the change if you can't stand where you can see them actually place the ward.

              (4) get first blood if they offer it in contesting bounty runes. Do this by being with at least 3 and maybe 4 or 5 heroes at one rune. Don't hesitate if you know you have numbers. Stun that guy that walks in to check when he gets too close. Say in voice chat "kill XXX".

              (5) kill obs right away - don't die doing this, kill the ward as soon as their supports go to lane, but don't wait any longer than needed. This will have an immediate psycological impact. They will begin to fear the darkness.

              (6) if you can, kill the mid hero at level 1. This will not be possible with all situations. See what your mid skilled. For example, if they got raze as SF and you have a stun a level 1 kill is possible. If they got necromastry it is not.

              (7) if you cannot kill them at level 1, check their inventory for weakness - if they went for a full bottle rush their weakness is the courier. Go hide and prepare to snipe it. They will be sending it very soon and it will not be a flying courier. When you kill it the bottle and courier are gone for 3 minutes and the mid lane is completely won.

              If they spent most of their gold on stats (bracer, null, wrath, boots) and did not get regen their weakness is lack of regen. Stand on the lane at level 1 and trade hits getting low until there is a risk you could die. Don't get close enough to take any tower hits. If they trade, then they will get too low to fight and your mid hero will win the lane because you are leaving right away... not staying and taking xp, but leaving them with a big hp advantage. If they hide under tower then stand there zoning them, hopefully your mid is good enough to deny so the lane will not push. This wins the lane by ensureing your mid gets bottle while they can't.

              All of this was level 1 play.

              (8) Control runes. Whatever else happened, get out of vision ( you killed their obs right?) so they don't know if you duck into fog which lane you are really attacking. Force defensive play on all lanes. Now as its getting close to 2 min go to a rune spawn point, get there before 2 min. If your mid is able to get the rune good, if not take it to deny it. If its haste, DD, or illusions you can probably kill someone.

              (9) Keep controlling runes, kill mid every time you see an advantage. Whenever you rotate to new lane don't just walk in - look for a kill. If you can't get one then don't be there. If you are too low hp or mp to get a kill go back to base and heal. Don't stand around waiting to heal slowly and taking xp. Either bring salves/claries bottle so you can heal up quickly and fight again, or leave.

              (10) keep checking items, check mana pools. Know who can fight and who cannot. Attack a lane when the creep wave is occupied or ideally pushing your way. Don't make allies walk past 4 creeps hitting them to try to help your stupid gank. The right timing, the window to attack is usually only a few seconds long. Be ready. Don't go to early or to late.

              (11) if you don't know how to find and kill their obs wards (this is best) then you can fall back on smokes instead.

              (12) time your movements so that as you walk past a camp, you stack it.

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              Dire Wolf

                the thing is in pub play a solo support can't kill the enemy mid so you have to coordinate your gank with your mid. Which is often times fail cus the mid won't know how to push the lane to proper position, will be sitting back farming etc. Controlling runes though is quite easy, just camp it arriving ~5-10 seconds before it spawns, tell your mid to go to the other one. Even if you can't 1v1 their mid, if you have a disable you can steal rune and even if they somehow manage to still get it, you can harass them while they do so and make them burn bottle charges.

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                    Този коментар е премахнат от модератор

                      pls follow my guide im 5k

                      Dire Wolf

                        That's why I said don't bother just focus on winning your lane. Cus every time you go to gank mid your carry is vulnerable

                        miky sikky

                          @fc you said
                          2)Smoke gank during day time
                          3)Gank during night time
                          pls explain the difference


                            Pretty much impossible to get a successful gank off in the day time unless the enemy has horrible positioning and are on your highground @ mid. Night time is manageable as long as you don't get caught from wards.

                            My best advice for ganking mid would to play some mid yourself and see what you can see and what you cannot see. Even tho I mainly play support, it is very important to know how to play carry/mid/offlane so you know what you need to do and how to do it. This applies to all of dota, not just ganking mid.

                            average kebab enjoyer

                              Stand on the enemy high ground and beat your chest, and all chat" OO OO AHH AHH". ======>

                              Instant pick Ogre and spam in team chat.
                              " i am ogre. i am 11 armour. i am roam".