General Discussion

General Discussion5.6k nubs refuse to use true sight.

5.6k nubs refuse to use true sight. in General Discussion
    5.6k MMR dota

    They die over and over to ion on shell on bounty hunter. Call gg and hide in the fountain demanding to push and end. BH + DS such an OP strat. 5.6k MMR players cannot think of a counter.

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        i cant tell if the guys left on dotabuff are bots or mentally retarded


          Unbelivable! Tho I see dust instead of sentry on treant :D

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              as a 5k player I can confirm I suck


                same offenbarung

                Riguma Borusu

                  I thought ds + riki/bh combo only worked in 2k. Niiiice. Seems like I'll be able to grind my MMR up to 5.5k after all!



                    Yeah tree did get some true sight, but using it is another matter. He did use one dust correctly at 8 minutes (that's his 1 assist), but by then DS and bounty had already crushed them.

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                        yeah i dont understand why they are not adding relentless on steam and ask for some good old trashmmrnormalskillbracket advice.


                          Ego > Skill level with the majority of players at any given skill level


                            next ;v;


                              i suck, and im not even 5.6k anymore

                              also i saw ppl calling gg and feeding in very weird cases, and the mmr of such games was sometimes higher, up to 6k smthng (the only 6k+ av. game i ever played, and it was a rather sad experience).

                              bum farto

                                Yeah I don't think the BH and DS were the reason the GG was called.

                                Look at the items on the WR and the WK what the DS/BH did was add to the sorry and buy space. Their picks were among the reasons as well as a solo support tree can't hold up a team that heavy with constant sentries and dusts.

                                Shit happens and most people would just prefer to go next than bother working hard for a win, such is Dota.


                                  I watched the game. GG was called because everyone refused to be the support hero. Tree didn't even want to do it. They almost started the game with no wards, but tree had to go back and get some.

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                                    ^But whats the idea? Why are you posting that? I dont understand. Like the shit you're doing makes no sense. You think dumpstergames are only at ur dfucking worthless 3k mmr games? get a fuckin brain before u try to sound smart




                                        :facepalm: stop :facepalm: bumping :facepalm: relentless :facepalm: threads :facepalm:

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