General Discussion

General DiscussionBrood only. Need some help.

Brood only. Need some help. in General Discussion
swift beaver

    Hi Guys,

    I know it's selfish, I know brood sucks hard on the wrong Hands.
    But it's a hero i want to master.

    I am a bit lowbie Player 2k MMR currently. I started to rise with Centaur/Juggernaut spamming.
    And dropping when I start a new hero.

    There are tons of heroes, but brood is quite fun, but fustrating too.
    I find it's easily counterpicked, for obvious reason, but I pick her anyway, because I want to git gud with her.

    Sometimes I fail hard and start feeding, sometimes a feed my babies too often (i know ist a big mistake, but well, improving)...

    Currently I am at the Point, where I think that my early game is somewhat decent, CS & Farm could be better, but I often catch a kill or two. But i have Problems pressuring enemies to that Point to get an early T1 (min 5/6). Most of the time i can take down the T1 min 9/10.

    T2 depends, if enemies defend hard (2 or more heroes with sentries and dust).

    I don't know what Items to buy when. I created a Build for myself with all items, much considered by L.Kain. But I think I cannot apply These Items to the skillbracket I am, because no Teamplay in 2k MMR Ranked possible, or only to some small extend possible.

    I stand 3 times in front of a T3 Tower/Rax (min 18) and couldn't go highground as no fights occured and they were only deffing and I ran out of Options (no Option to ask the Team for help, because they only flamed me for picking brood). The Team then stomped our whole Team and won.

    It's frustrating.

    I build most of the Time SoulRing -> Orchid -> BKB and then it's either win or loss.
    I tend to use orchid and engage and then someone jumps in and instagibbed me (min20+).

    I know it's my fault, some games i fed to much babies to sven's cleave or stack my babies beside me as an ES echoslammed me out of fog.

    I could use some advice (I know I shouldn't pick brood when heavy countered, but I want to git gud and I pick her anyways, because I think at this MMR Bracket you can still own with a hero if played right).

    I Need some advice for item transitioning, is orchid really the get to go item for brood? When should I buy it, against whom?
    L.Kain adviced not to buy Necrobook. Everytime I bought it, i still can't push, because the Team Plays defensive, even though it's 4vs3/2, cause 2-3 heroes Camping my learn, eager to get me killed.

    I thought about rushing skadi/radiance or SnY for more early game battle, instead of pushing. Or should I rush vlads/orchid faster?

    When heavily countered f.e. Sven, which items to buy? Because i tried to jungle with my babies once, and they search for them and farmed them and I guess having only some babies would be better against those heroes, but then I feel somewhat underpowered.

    I watched Mag & DKPhobos YouTube Videos, but it was most of the time a 1vs1, without heavy Counters/fast AoE clears. And he rekt them so hard. Meanwhile his Team owned, too. There wasn't much I could apply to my game, because well... no Teamplay in low ranked. Even though i learned some info about webs & execution.

    Is there a guy, which Replay I could watch to see non stacked ranking games with brood to learn?

    I appreciate every tips.

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      Contact spiderman.

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        MID OR ALL MID

          maybe u must last pick so ur enemy not counter ur brood

          swift beaver

            well I picked last, but at that MMR it's most of the time automatically countered :).


              it is kind of hard to spam Q if you don't have an orchid. most important tip i can give is buy some wards for their jungle. also, there's nothing wrong with hiding for 5mins if the other team is hunting you down - even if your retard team don't use the space, at least they will be farming when the other team is not.

              i've played a lot of heroes around the 2k mark and i think she has been the hardest to play effectively.

              swift beaver

                I will try bogi's build some games after watching some replays of his playstyle. I guess it's a good alternative against AoE spammerinos, which often occures at this MMR Bracket.

                swift beaver

                  @Rocket I know it's hard to spam Q without orchid. Wards? Dude Spiders? Can't I just place spideys to Scout? ... Never done it though, because I feel it's not necessary, because I know most of the time, they are coming for me, when they suddenly dissapear, but get my anyways, because of greedy Play. (Kinda boring hugging the tree for 2-3 mins) and try to get some last hits with babies. As i gone out they jumped me with Blinkdaggers. But at that Point I thought that games was way past lost. We were getting rekt shortly after it.

                  But i will try it ofc. Sorry, didn't wanted to Sound cocky, I know I suck. And most of the Time I think I am the reason we lost. Or better to say, the reason why we didn't have a better Chance to win. One Team has to win.

                  Този коментар е бил редактиран

                    spiderless brood, I know it sounds retarded, but holy fuck it works in 3k too god damn well, thanks random dotabuffer for that build



                      Watch zai brood, Iceiceice brood.

                      Riguma Borusu

                        Gotta try this (spiderless) shit sometime, I never wanted to play brood because I'd become a liability, but with this brood, maybe I'd be able to do something.

                        Този коментар е бил редактиран

                          if you think it is boring hugging the trees for 2-3mins then you are playing the wrong hero - go practice axe :)

                          swift beaver

                            First game with bogi build - it works, but was hard against 2 stunner (WR shackle and sven). But Sven couldn't apply any damage with the debuff. Afterwards i was kinda greedy, but anyway, hard win, not much kills, but good assisting in kills.

                            ¤ ϟ Musashi ϟ ¤

                              brood is amazing with desolator

                              i played brood for a while my build was gg branch<soul ring<vlads<rad<deso<ac<mkb and i win game

                              swift beaver

                                2nd game with bogi build, kind of rekt top lane, but the mates were afk farming. The enemies 4 ganked me all the time. Very hard to keep pressure up, till min 40... then SF finally joined the fights and we won 1 minute after he joined.... what a fuck game, but win, yay

                                Sexo Meister

                                  Idk if im decent with brood but i have played it quite alot recently and got the hang of it.

                                  Ill give u some tips

                                  1. Never pick her if u are facing heroes that can clear waves REAL easy e.g. axe sven eshaka bristle back darkseer.

                                  2. Once u get into lane, try to impregnate creeps here and there, and once u have at least 4 spiderlings and maybe 2~4 spiderites u can just send brood to safety on exp leech position and let ur kids do the work for you (harass,farm,scout)

                                  3. Always check if enemy has sentry wards, if they have or placed it already, ask a supp or buy urself a sentry and deward it with ur babies, so u dont die in the process.

                                  4. You can try to farm heroes especially supports once u get lvl 2 or 3 on Q because the amount of spiderlings u spawn can actually deal shit tons of damage, as well as ur Q damage too.

                                  5. If detected, U still move fast before getting hero damage, even if towers are hitting u, so dive in on crippled enemies and make them have ur babies!

                                  Preferable skill build would be maxing out Q and W with 1 point on E before maxing other for mobility.

                                  I usually go for either soulring > OoV > orchid > BoT > vladi > necro > quirass > any other luxury item for rat doto

                                  Този коментар е бил редактиран
                                  swift beaver

                                    krekk0v, thanks for the build, i know that build and i tried it, i use it as you stated out, but it depends on your team. If they don't want to push min 14-20 i was getting out of options, but well i try it once more, when they have no wave clear heroes. Else i guess i first stick with bogi battle build.


                                      have u tried no spiderlings brood?


                                        Yep Necro is terrible, as is Midas. Brood is strongest in the early and mid game and falls off hard come late game so you want to make the most out of it and snowball as hard as possible.

                                        For itembuild, Soulring into Orchid is generally the best as you can solo kill almost any hero with it when they wander into your webs. Then I'll either get BKB or Deso. BKB helps you survive as you do NOT want to die even once because chances are you should be the highest networth in the game. Deso if I feel like they don't have good counters to me and it lets me push faster.

                                        For playstyle, Brood should be foremost a hero killer and pusher second. Once you've taken down t1 and t2 towers, you should rotate your webs towards mid and start working with your team a bit. Always look for potential kills. Because the best form of pushing is free push when there's no enemy heroes to contest, right?

                                        If they have good AoE counters, I'll sometimes go Radiance rush after soulring and then bulk up so that I'm too big to fail. Radiance->Skadi->Heart->BoTs. See this game for an example (well for some reason the replay is corrupted on my pc, but maybe it works for you).

                                        You can kill people as soon as level 3 when you have like 6-7 spiderlings out. They do really good damage when you sick them on supports.


                                          Midas is bad on Brood

                                          when u think that the common itemchoice in competitive is definetely wrong, it means that you dont understand something rather than pros consistently make mistakes in decisions regarding their itemization.


                                            top 1 brood player, 72% winrate on over 1500 matches:
                                            gets both midas and necros

                                            Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                              nowt wrong with midas if you think you'll be ratting all game. very hard to keep up in levels otherwise.

                                              Sexo Meister

                                                Oh if the usual rat doto doesnt work try bogi's rape build

                                                Tho im not good with his build, it is 100% confirmed that this build destroys brood's usual counter, they would be useless af against it.

                                                Trying to git gud with this build too :))


                                                  that brood guy just abuses normal skill games to stay top i think. he hasn't spammed brood since the end of 6.82

                                                  Sexo Meister


                                                    How is necro not good with brood?????

                                                    swift beaver

                                                      hehe 3rd game, had to support brood, coz abaddons persists to go solo top or feed... well lost. abaddon clearly lost the lane hard. TA can't do shit. but well we got some nice kills in bot lane =) and tried to push hard... but techies was very annoying with his mines and we got 5 melees XD 2k mmr...

                                                      swift beaver

                                                        thanks @redrover i will look it up another day... last game today

                                                        swift beaver

                                                          and another glory win against jakiro and PA as enemies in lane. Bogi's build quite works against AoE spammers. Without any AoE Spammer, the other build transists better (better farm on my side with spiderlings)

                                                          swift beaver

                                                            first i can say, you can't compare pub gaming against pro's stacked/competitive play... 2 different worlds for broods i guess. without the team using the space effectivly my team suffers hard. but i guess not as hard as when i create no space at all.


                                                              i can compare them and i already did it.
                                                              and it makes sense for this particular case, too. there are just two major ways to play brood, and u cant say that push is shit and u can only build for rightclick, cz thats not true.

                                                              Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                                If you understand the fact that brood's strongest period of the game is 0-30 minutes, you'll know yourself that midas is a shit pickup. Looking at "pro's" item builds and taking them for absolute truth without understanding the reasoning behind them is what sheep do.

                                                                  Този коментар е изтрит

                                                                    actually nvm keep ur shit to urself idm


                                                                      How dare you to call yourself a support if you start game with Quelling Blade, while your team plays without courier for first 6 minutes?

                                                                      Shame on you!

                                                                      I think best starting itembuild for support Brood is Courier, 1 Obs Ward, Tango and Orb of Venom. You just go to safe lane and bite, bite, bite all enemy heroes there to secure farm for your carry.


                                                                        n4 broodmother in dotabuff here, midas works great if you have a lot of kills in early. If you have axe // legion in your lane, rush orchid and get the kill at 10 or 11 mins. good luck (you can see my demos)


                                                                          midas match:

                                                                          no midas match :

                                                                          My lastone i was 1 v 1 against magnus, pretty hard to kill it with 120 ping... he have aoe for my spiders 5 armor and shield. Pretty tanky, the best party when i got orchid. rolf

                                                                          Sexo Meister


                                                                            Rolling onto lactating fetuses?


                                                                              Raging Over Ludicrous Forums.

                                                                              swift beaver

                                                                                @TripleSteal - i know Midas could be good I guess. And I just can't afford to buy midas. Because my farm ain't that constant, that I could get it and get other Core Items fast enough. That's why it's kinda lackluster. I will buy it, when i got way ahead, or I am really struggling.

                                                                                @Le Soviet - Thanks for replays I will look them up.

                                                                                @Soultrap - Sorry that I called myself Support brood - but in that game it was kinda on the fly Change to Support. =) hence no courier and such.

                                                                                Well Bogi Build kinda works.
                                                                                I need to work on my farming and Last Hitting + getting much more farm. On my decision making. On my map awareness. On my scouting. And still on my item Progression. Currently I just buy what I think it's best. But I am 2k MMR. I can't comprehend whats currently best/good. Then I go for Manta or BKB.

                                                                                Bogi's Build gives me a good Battle Build against those Baby hunting Enemies. It's nice when you always pick brood and have to Play against some shit aoe.

                                                                                I want to try the L. Kain build once more, but most of the time I got an ES/Axe/Sven/Jakiro/Legion in my Game.

                                                                                Could someone gave me some hints about Core's and Situational Items please? What to buy, when, against whom? What do you think while going for Items? How to decide if it's a Midas Game? How to decide, hey I Need more push and go for necro?


                                                                                  Honestly you should go Dagon at your mmr. But really you shouldn't even be playing brood until you reach at least the high skill bracket. You don't get to practice decision making, map awareness, scouting, last hitting, or any of the stuff you'll need in higher MMR games because you're sitting in your webs all the time with your spiders doing all the last hitting and occupying only a small portion of the map.

                                                                                  swift beaver

                                                                                    Hmm. Honestly, I am a very aggressive Player. And Charge! too much. Brood trains me to wait and think before going in.
                                                                                    You train very hard the map awareness and scouting, because if you don't do this. You got hunted down at this mmr. You also train juggling, because the bug hunt breaks out ~min 14.

                                                                                    It's right that I sit in my lane and stuff. But you always got time to Last Hit some creeps in lane. And in the Early Stage lasthitting matters the most, it's where you still have to LH correctly and control spideys meanwhile. Thats a bit hard. But it trains me very good i guess.

                                                                                    And I don't want to train Brood when I got higher. I want to get higher MMR with brood. To see the fruit of my improvement (increasing MMR).

                                                                                    Decision making with brood is very strict and as I learned it the hard way, you don't have much room for failures, because as I feel These last 30 games with her, you have to Snowball or you crumble hard.

                                                                                    Still having to die less and sometimes "sit it out" and wait till they leave my lane again. Which I have to train... to be more Patient in dota. I am in RL a very defensive Person, but when it Comes to doto I just want to rekt faces. Have to adjust.

                                                                                    waku waku

                                                                                      don't do it bogi can't do it so you can't either


                                                                                        playing spiderless brood is a bit pointless in my opinion unless it is because you are countered too hard for your skills. its a bit like not skilling enchant when playing enchantress.

                                                                                        get your babies and take over their jungle. no-spider brood makes brood a sad mama.

                                                                                        swift beaver

                                                                                          well I understand the don't do it part. But ain't it better to have no spideys and contribute in teamfights and killing heroes without spideys, then to feed spideys to aoe clearers?

                                                                                          Needless to say, I can say, that I will play spiderless brood only, when they have to much aoe clears as my skilllevel ain't high enough to micro the spiderlings out of the aoe's and jungle with them meanwhile. But I am Training and I am looking Forward to the Point, that i can farm jungle while getting LH on lane instead of duck and cover, while jungling with spideys.

                                                                                          Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                                                            When i see brood i pick alchem safe lane and max greed + acid spray. 8 min radiance.

                                                                                            swift beaver

                                                                                              Could someone gave me some hints about Core's and Situational Items please? What to buy, when, against whom? What do you think while going for Items? How to decide if it's a Midas Game? How to decide, hey I Need more push and go for necro?

                                                                                              Sexo Meister

                                                                                                Rat if enemy team isn't mobile enough to switch around lanes and can clear up creepwaves with ease, and when your team can already be a bigger threat to the enemy without you.

                                                                                                Fight with team if they need an additional damage dealer or need some spiders to make some skills useless (rocket barrage, tomb, mirana's arrow, pudge's hook)

                                                                                                go midas when ur having a hard time with farming due to the constant bug hunt from the enemy team.

                                                                                                go vlads if you either need to push faster or attend fights with more than 2 hitters in team.

                                                                                                go dagon eblade if ur feeling you can snipe squishy but deadly supports that can turn the fight to their favour

                                                                                                go BoT for split pushing, with 4 webs on top and bot.

                                                                                                go necro for when you need more pushing power, a boost for mana,hp and can help u spot invs fuckers and sentries!

                                                                                                go mkb against evasions skills, butterfly when figthting people who arent making mkbs, bash for damage,hp and that sweet sweet stun.

                                                                                                go deso for melting towers and low armor str heroes, skadi for that wtf 100 ms slow, bkb for protection and go taras if u wanna play hide and seek with an enemy.

                                                                                                idk if any brood player ever tried to make SnY but Manta is a good item for brood if ur getting silenced or slowed.

                                                                                                also IMO Quirass is a MUST on late game brood, idk why but once brood has quirass u can just rip through towers like its made of marshmallows, make her quite tanky in teamfight as well as damage output increase!


                                                                                                  can anyone tell me what the L.Kain brood strat is?

                                                                                                  swift beaver

                                                                                                    thanks krekk0v, maybe I just Need to improve the farming first, to get Items faster and more items. and should concentrate on making Gold in mid game instead of fighting or ganking.

                                                                                                    and i really appreciate that you write down what to buy and when.

                                                                                                    Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                                                                      this whole thread makes me wanna play the hero lol

                                                                                                      and i just did, of course i did bad with her, but since i played this hero before i kinda did good on my 2nd game despite them picking an es