General Discussion

General DiscussionArc Warden rush Rapier

Arc Warden rush Rapier in General Discussion

    beware rat doto coming, what do you think guys arc warden with BoT then rush manta and rapier just spam ulti then go rat with magnetic shiled when hit tower became miss from damage by tower. the rest of doto

    can u guys imagine that

    Тази тема била редактирана
    plz do

      imagine all the people..


        Then in 6.86b he will be nerfed to ground till he have 20% winrate

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        waku waku

          there will be sick plays where people dive into enemy fountain to kill him and get the rapier just like the gem

          MID OR ALL MID

            25s time for ulti not bad if he have 2 rapier and manta just 10s he can hit down tower


              Played him a few times in the test client, he's actually really annoying to play with since the control groups don't save for his clone. And I doubt alot of people are going to play the hero since it's more micro intensive than a WK.


                There will be much more rapiers anyway cuz dragon lance thing
                Mainly on ta gyro sniper dusa i guess


                  you rat faster with necros and manta than with rapier


                    That sounds cute.


                    Bot: 2450
                    Manta: 4950
                    Rapier: 6200

                    Cost total: 13600

                    Sounds reasonable.

                    Legit stuff.


                      is double midas going to be a thing? double dagon?


                        double midas is what makes hero op. double dagon is a gimmick, can work but why play hero as a caster when you can build him into right click dmg. even more so with recent necro buff.


                          How does Arc Warden profit if his replicate midas a creep? Does he get exp too? I thought they are separate.

                          Този коментар е бил редактиран
                          Dire Wolf

                            He still gets it it's like double midas lone druid.


                              you dont get exp from clone. "only" gold


                                Oh, nice. Still good enough :)


                                  too good. hero ultimate is broken. you essentially have double the networth at lvl 6. imagine a game where you are 20 minutes in and lets say their sf has 10k networth, but you are at 20k because you have everything doubled. not sure how they can tweak the hero because the concept has been the same for years and years now.


                                    Nerf the ultimate, ez as that :)

                                    Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                      You really can't balance this hero with such an ultimate. I shit you not, if he didn't have Spark Wraith and had just three spells, he would still be very fucking good.


                                        he will get the oracle treatment


                                          But you cant nerf the ultimate, thats the point. its good idea but in reality its bad design. you shouldnt be able to double your networth with a single spell.

                                          if you make it that ulti cant use items then you have another morphling and its pointless. hero had nerfs with his aoe field and with his ulti so you could tell a difference between real one and illusion but its hard to tweak him properly.

                                          anyhow patch is live, lets see how it goes.


                                            but isnt he a shit hero without the items? and he has no flash farming ability either. making midas aint that easy. He has his pros and cons, he aint op


                                              and what carry is good without items? what kind of logic is that. as long as you can kill waves every 30 seconds youre fine, you dont have to raze them 2 times. even more so with this new shitty rune that helps spam stuff.

                                              once you get items, your farming speed starts snowballing.


                                                I wouldn't really call the dagon a gimmick...I mean ffs it's an 800 damage nuke when combined with ult for 2720 gold, feel free to find anything right clicky that can compete with that. I mean if you call Dagon Tinker a gimmick too, then yea sure.

                                                I haven't really tested much with the hero yet but can the duplicate be insta gibbed with like a diffusal? And what happens if he gets a refresher? is that like Dagon, ult, DagonB, Refresh, RefreshB, Dagon, DagonB, Ult, DagonC, RefreshC, DagonC?

                                                Pom Pom 🍕

                                                  The duplicate is basically like a perfect meepo clone that doesn't share death with you. It doesn't get affected by the same things as illusions such as purge bonus damage, and longer duration stuns from certain skills. Refresher is disabled on the tempest double.

                                                  Този коментар е бил редактиран
                                                  Riguma Borusu

                                                    "I wouldn't really call the dagon a gimmick...I mean ffs it's an 800 damage nuke when combined with ult for 2720 gold, feel free to find anything right clicky that can compete with that. I mean if you call Dagon Tinker a gimmick too, then yea sure."

                                                    The only reason it's a gimmick is because you can do much better than having 800+800 magical nuke damage on a cooldown. You can goo full rat build with stuff like AC, Necros, Deso, etc, and actually be good against towers. Dagon does jack shit against towers, and this hero can take towers much faster than lycan, so why would you even go for a ganking build when you can just, you know, take the ancient.


                                                      you can work with dagon just fine, like travel blink dagon and run heroes around. but with that build one bkb simply makes your hero useless. tempest ulti doesnt last long, so you wont just be able to use that dagon the way you would want to. and with classic build you dont even need to put your hero in harms way, which with the dagon build you would have to because you need to have both heroes exposed.

                                                      lets for a second pretend lone druid could get double dagon as fast as zet could. would you want to have dagons on that hero instead of rat items?

                                                      and hero is very intensive to play. and i mean properly play, not just click everything as fast as you can and hope it will work.

                                                      MID OR ALL MID

                                                        dagon or rapier ?


                                                          this hero, i have an experience with this hero ( not me playing but one team with him. ) in DOTA1 before.

                                                          i still noob, don't know items, don't know skills farm and etc. and this arc warden takes mid still get rekt in the end.

                                                          they pushing and have a winning rapier when it eventually drop and those arc warden take the rapier. we still can defend. and those arc warden buy manta and BOTs and necro and rat the game to win. it's serious condition where we can lose anytime but in the end we win.

                                                          his potential is unlimited.

                                                          milk that tastes like rea...

                                                            had nightmares against zet in dota 1 (before some of the nerfs). haven't seen a decent one so far in dota 2

                                                            waku waku

                                                              HE'S GONNA BE THE BEST SUPPORT EVER IF HE CAN PUT THE WARDS FROM HIS CLONE
                                                              of cours he doesn't have to buy them heheh


                                                                doesnt work.


                                                                  you can buy a ward with main hero -> ult -> share a ward with CTRL
                                                                  the tempest double can go place the ward now but if he doesn't, the ward will disapper at the end of the duration

                                                                  waku waku

                                                                    oh he can't copy wards lame bad hero