General Discussion

General DiscussionInvoker tips?

Invoker tips? in General Discussion

    So, I just played my (kinda) first game as voker and the hero seems pretty easy. I have few questions about him. BTW I go for quas-wex no matter what.
    1 - Do I really need 1 level in exort early? Is it worth getting for alacrity? Because I'm not gonna cast anything from exort anyway at that time.
    2 - What items should I get? I guess orchid is core, but should I also get euls, force, hex? Or can I go straight for damage like mkb, daed afterwards.
    3 - So if I'm trying to pick-off with ghost walk + cold snap invoked, what should I invoke to help me secure the kill? (I guess EMP would be the best).
    4 - Midas? I don't really like this item.
    5 - invoke when? I guess putting point in it at lvl 6 is not really worth it. so .. 10-11? or 14-15-16?
    6 - When to get aghs?


      base lvl 1 damage : 35-41 (add +4/lvl), Bonus from alacrity lvl 1 and exort lvl 1 (not orb activ) 32.

      If you go for midas, it's after orchid, for the qw invoker. Still interesting for the xp.


        After orchid either you go spellcaster or right click
        Spellcaster means aghs, octarina, refresher and shit
        Right click mjollnir mkb skadi cuirass and similar
        You can add hex or shiva to both and 1 mobility item if you want

        lm ao

          I saw an invoker who had to lane against TA

          he went 1W 2E to alacrity sum LH

          lm ao

            or was it 2w 1e he went QW all along


              copy pasta to fix the spam on 1st page


                1. Yes. In 6.86, Exort should actually be your first pick.
                a) helps securing a kill a during rune fights with pure damage.
                b) Alacrity really helps you secure last hits see: matrice reply.
                c) You can invoke Forge and send it to rune to deny it.
                d) If your support comes mid to gang, ice-wall can be a difference in securing a kill especially if your support has disable.
                e) Quas+Wex may not have as much of an impact in 6.86 as old school Quas+Exort or full Exort. (Just a prediction)

                2 - Force Staff is such an under-rated item on Invoker. I get Staff after boots & urn. It gives you regen+mana and an active which can drag your enemy towards you while you colds nap or you can drag yourself toward your enemy, etc. + easy to land ice-wall on fleeing enemies + you can climb cliffs or land to river when it's you who is fleeing.
                If you are going with Orchid, try buying Desolator. Make the most of your attack speed with Quas+Wex build.
                Never underestimate Octarine on Invoker.

                3 - After lvl 7, Cold Snap + EMP invoked while WWQ orbs ready to either finish off with cyclone or disable any incoming surprise. I assume you will have your urn ready for your primary target.
                Best to use ghost+walk combo if you're raiding enemy's jungle or want to pick off their carry.

                4 - Midas: a) If you have died twice, get this ASAP to fill the gap of levels lost.
                b) Invoker needs levels so consider this item, please.
                c) If you are really good at last-hitting with Invoker without Alacrity, still buy this one, please.
                d) if enemy team has Spirit Breaker, please buy Midas.

                5 - 6/11/16 - Never underestimate cool down on your spells as Invoker.

                6 - Prioritise Octarine. Sceptre can be delayed unless you really need1.5 sec invoke with Octarine to control your enemy with disabling spells + nukes.

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