General Discussion

General DiscussionQuestions about Arc Warden item builds

Questions about Arc Warden item builds in General Discussion

    What do you guys think of Diffusal blade, if you don't use it much on your main hero then your illusion can constantly purge, with manta and maybe necrobook he can probably kill a support that doesn't have a reliable way of disabling and escaping.

    So he has the real hero + 2 manta illusions, illusion + 2 manta hitting people, that's like 6 sources of mana burn. With necrobook, 7 sources of manaburn if you go the extra distance and get refresher that's 11 sources of mana burn. Don't forget the mana burn also does damage.

    Is skadi legit on this hero? Tankier illusions the tempest can slow.

    Is necrobook a must get for this hero? It seems really nice for the splitpush and fighting.

    This is just out of curiousity :D


      Is there any other way to make this hero efficient rather than early necrobook push?


        rapier is funny but not really efficient imo

        Riguma Borusu

          You do not even have to go for necros on this hero, it's just good cause you get double the value. On the other hand, you can build him pretty much identical to the terrorblade splitpush/farm game if you want to (except ofc you get a midas because its broken on this hero), double manta with things like skadi butterfly etc is very strong all by itself.

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            so far im going for aquila midas arc/BoT blink necrobook sheep octacore AC/manta to no success :/

            arc to disassemble to energy booster for octacore and for BoT but i never rly did it i just went straight BoT

            but thats probably bcoz i suck at this hero


              Don't forget to keep a clarity and a salve, so everytime you clone yourself, you'll get free reg.


                mango too
                why wud u go aquila


                  Bottle isn't too bad if you have 3 charges, especially early you can use clone to give charges to main hero to make up for hp + mana loss from ulti.

                  I'm gonna try: Midas>Travels>Necrobook 3>Manta>Diffusal


                    Octarine is pretty good as well. Diffusal is definitely good because you have infinite charges, deals quite some damage and gives you the ability to purge annoying debuffs of you.

                    As for necrobook, not mandatory but a good item.

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