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RIP Top 1 Most Match Played in General Discussion
7Mad About You

    gone out for 1 month,

    can someone beat his record?

    Win Yo Fagot

      i know him hes getting married hes girl friend said leave dota or me ... :|

      just kiddin hes playing dota all day all night just turned expose public match data off :|||

      Този коментар е бил редактиран
      Riguma Borusu

        He died of brain damage after playing so much dota.

        Този коментар е бил редактиран

          how can u play 13,5k games and still be in high skill?

          Riguma Borusu

            ^brain damage, probably

            Този коментар е бил редактиран

              he played 15 games a day for the last 3 years, no ranked matches, this is probably some serious mental disorder

              7Mad About You

                15 games a day like spending 60% of your everyday in dota


                  seriously, I can't physically play more than 8 games (maybe) a day without feeling like shit and I exercise regularly. i don't know how this guy does this

                  Riguma Borusu

                    A week ago I played 19 games in one day, but I slept two times in between all that shit.

                    7Mad About You

                      it's okay if we play 15 games in one day or two,

                      but 15 games in everyday? 365days nonstop game?




                        This guy though, what a monster.


                          If he calibrated, he would give up long ago :D


                            It must be a shared account. Maybe 5 Russian brothers in a 2 bedroom house all use this account


                              and playing wd straight? :D


                                how can u play nearly 14k matches and still suck balls? lel

                                lm ao

                                  How can you play 5K wd matches and still be dogshit 4Head


                                    This guy played his first Very High game in 2012. He has 1,941 games in Very High with 47% winrate.

                                    If you recognize that only the top 5% of players can win over 50% of games in Very High then this is not surprising despite the fact that he has played almost 14,000 games of dota 2 on this account. People have limits. This guy just is not good enough to wn against the top 5% of players....

                                    Most people can't be among the best at something. Only a few can. Some people like to tell you that simply wanting something, working hard, or having the right attitude will let you achieve whatever you set out to achieve. That's just not true. There are lots of things you can't do and never will be able to do no matter what.

                                    In this case, this guy really likes playing dota but will never be truly excellent at it.

                                    926 games of Pudge with 43.2% winrate.... how much practice does it take to be good at hooking? Some people just can't do it, no matter how much they try.

                                    Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                      ^ like Some people are born to be good at dota
                                      and some people are born to be good at something else


                                        relentless u make me feel good about myself even tho I dont share ur thought fucking 4Head


                                          Saying that you dont have the talent to be good at something is just a bad excuse for not working hard enough


                                            Most people don't get anywhere near their limits... But they still have limits.

                                            Can you achieve a 24" vertical leap? Most people can if they work really hard.

                                            Can you achieve a 36" vertical leap? Most people can't no matter what.

                                            Can you achieve a 72" vertical leap? No, no one can do that - not on earth anyway.

                                            Този коментар е бил редактиран
                                            the realm's delight

                                              pretty sure i can do 100" leaps while reading ur posts


                                                Comparing physical limitations to dota 2?


                                                  So this guy has 4136 ranked matches with 65% winrate so he's 2687-1449 in ranked MM which means that's 1238 games in a plus and if we multiply that by 25 MMR that would mean 31000 MMR gained.

                                                  Just to demonstrate how many +5/-40 games he probably plays and even with that ridiculous score he could still have lower MMR than his starting MMR was.

                                                  Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                    No, its because of party rating u only get +5/-40 every game in party


                                                      And that's exactly what I wanted to say, to demonstrate the huge difference and how inaccurate it can be to tell someone's MMR gained if he mainly plays in party.

                                                      If it's +/- 25 MMR in every game then he gained 31000 MMR , if it's +5/-45 MMR in every game then he lost over 50000 MMR so trying to determine his actual MMR is pretty much impossible.


                                                        It never ceases to amuse me that people who are very good at dota do not automatically recognize that the game is dominated by mechanical skill.

                                                        You all know from your own experience you have played against players that you easily out-played. You know also you have played against players who have out-played you easily. How many times did you really lose a game to an item build you did not know, a ward placement you had not imagined, or a tatic you did not understand? That almost never happens after people have played over a thousand games.

                                                        No, you win and lose games on mechanical skills. Almost every game is won and lost completly on tactical execution, with a slight edge given based on picks.

                                                        When you escape using a invisibility skill or item do you really believe the enemy "did not know" how to use true sight? LMAO. They know. Even at sub 1k MMR they eventually get a gem. Do they forget the next game, when facing another invis hero that true sight exists? No, they merely failed to execute the timely acquisition and use of the true sight. They fail lasthits to have the gold, they fail to buy it and bring it out when the courier is available, they fail to leave an item slot for it, they fail to place the ward or click the dust, they panic... its all tactical. Everyone but people who have played less than 5 games knows about true sight; they just don't use it well enough.

                                                        When you juke into fog or get juked do you really think it's about "knowledge" of juke paths? Well... on the new map that's possible again. But on a stable map these tactics work or do not work entirely based on how well you execute them and how well the counter moves are made.

                                                        Because the game is almost entirely tactical success is heavily dependant on physical abilities. They are not the same as the physical abilities that would make you a great swimmer, or a great track runner - but they are very similar to the abilities that would make you a great ping-pong player, piano player, or violinist.

                                                        It is possible with practice to make someone with slow fingers and poor visual processing much better. But it is not possible for them to reach the level of skill of those with much more talent.

                                                        Once that basic truth is accepted one can move on to debate exactly how far the average person might go. But since MMR is a relative measure the average person is likely to end up being at an average level.... which is 2250 MMR. Half of the scores are above, and half below that point.

                                                        With hard work, a person of average talents might rise even to the top 10% (3200 MMR). But most cannot reach the top 1% (4.1k) regardless of how much they practice and what they might learn. This really should not be contraversial. But perhaps the nearly universal success of Valves matching algorithim confuses people. Since they never see players in their games much better or worse than they are many seem to even doubt their existence. People get most of their friends from the same MMR groups close to them because those are the players in their games. This provides them with an additional bias to believing they are close to average.

                                                        But no, at 4k MMR you are very very far from average. You are so far from average that if you played at average MMR every game, on any hero, you would rack up Godlike streaks of kills if you simply wished to do so. In fact if you played at average MMR you might find it difficult not to win the game accidentally even if you tried to lose it. A short lapse in focus on missing skills during a teamfight, a few seconds of your true level of execution and you might secure victory despite throwing for 30 min straight.

                                                        Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                          i used to have 35" vertical, does that make me cool


                                                            mechanical skills are important, but even pro's get mind-fucked every once in a while. I would argue mechanics are secondary to mind-games.


                                                              yo vlad i got a 3.6" vertical. suck it.


                                                                I do love to see pros play mind games, but I don't see it much.

                                                                I remmeber a great example when Loda was playing Void in a defensive tri-lane against an aggresive tri-lane with several stuns. His supports left to smoke gank mid, and as they were approaching mid Loda time-walked to solo attack the tri-lane. They ran from him and the gank mid succeeded. Instead of killing Void top in response they hid.

                                                                But what I usually see in pro games is play after play after play all decided based on slightly out executing the opponent. Most smoke ganks are even really obvious. You just don't know exactly when and where the attack will come.

                                                                Rosh steals - everyone knows when its possible. It's just unknown whether someone will have the balls to try it, and whether they can out play the enemy to pull it off.

                                                                How far can you push before you are ganked? Most pros rely on execution to get the kill or escape. The Chinese used to play safe and try to win strategically. Now no one does, becaues execution trumps strategy. Risky tactics, correctly executed, always win. There is no careful plan that survives a real fight.

                                                                Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                                  wall of text.

                                                                  But basically no, if you really work hard and belive in yourself, you'll improve.

                                                                  43% winrate on pudge for that guy shows just how much Cyka effect got into him, basicaly.

                                                                  Some people never change, but it doesn't mean they are not capable of archiving something.


                                                                    A few people can climb Mt. Everest without using oxygen. Most people will never be able to do that. They could train their whole lives, but they would not make it.

                                                                    Here are a few examples of pros doing something the other team really did not know about until it was proven to work.
                                                                    Fountain hooks were legit.

                                                                    TI2 The Play
                                                                    Naga set up for Song into Ravange is fatally flawed and hard countered by bkb. This tactic dominated TI2 before this moment.

                                                                    Die to rosh for fake rosh bait

                                                                    But these are special moments because usually pros do not win games on out-thinking. They usually win on execution.

                                                                    Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                                      OUT TA GET ME says

                                                                      "if you really work hard and belive in yourself, you'll improve."

                                                                      I think there is another psycological dynamic involved in this delusion as well. It is "hope" as the Architect says to Neo.


                                                                      It is not that "hope" is inherently a weakness, it is that hope in one's own abilities is misplaced. If you are not a pro talent... then you won't make it as a pro dota player. And all the practice and postive thinking, all the coaching in the world won't make you a pro talent.
                                                                      Or similarly... won't make you a 5k, 4k, 3k player. But really average players can get to 3k if they work hard. However... there are still millions of dota players who can't make it to 3k - who really can't do it.

                                                                      I believe almost anyone could be a 2k MMR player. All you have to do to reach that mark is learn to not feed. If you play very cautiously, even if you are extremely clumsy... Valve will win half the games for you. But there are millions below 2k having a great time feeding away. Probably most of them enjoy the game more than Very High players.

                                                                      Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                                        i plugged my cat into a USB port and he's got 2.1k mmr. I'm working hard to motivate him (usually with food) to become a 4k shitstain like myself. mechanically hes adept and has a sick 40" vertical, so im sure Liquid.Cat will be a household name soon.


                                                                          You're so incredibly wrong. Dota is not even about fast fingers or fast visual processing. The only way i'd see these being a hindrance is if you were a legit retard, an actual brain damaged individual who's much much slower than others.

                                                                          Dota is about much more than mechanical skill, and its not even really about mechanical skill, atleast not raw mechanical skill. Whats much more important is understanding the game, what items to build, what to do in a game, where to be on the map at all times etc. You don't need superreflexes to understand that when you see x hero moving to y position, you need to go here and do this. That is only game knowledge. Sure there are a bunch of basic mechanical skills that people need to be good, but i truly believe that anyone who isn't completely retarded can manage to learn how to use the spells of most heroes properly(maybe excluding invo/meepo/earthspirit/chen etc.) and anyone can manage to learn how to last hit, how to lane, stack etc. since even that is also mostly based on game knowledge.
                                                                          The more you play this game, the more you get comfortable with different situations, the more habits you form on what to do in the game and the more muscle memory you build for different heroes and builds. You'd have to be a complete fucking retard for this not to be true, but go ahead and try to convince me that people are infact this stupid.

                                                                          Also referring to the top 10% as 3,2k is extremely fucking stupid. 3k is around average for sure, because most people below 3k are either extremely casual players who never try to improve or complete beginners with maybe only up to 1 year of dota, still figuring out basic mechanics like lasthitting etc. Anyone who tried to get better and kept playing wouldn't be stuck in 1-2-3k for years. Its just a problem of giving up, not trying to improve, this weak mindset that you present so well in your post.


                                                                            "It never ceases to amuse me that people who are very good at dota do not automatically recognize that the game is dominated by mechanical skill."

                                                                            This is another problem, if all good players do not "recognize" this. Maybe you should measure your words because you're probably the ones whos in the wrong.

                                                                            Almost every game is won and lost completly on picks, with a slight edge given based on tactical execution. I rephrased your quote to match the reality that is high level dota. In low level its the other way around.

                                                                            7Mad About You

                                                                              Which one do you prefer? Pick one.

                                                                              Cautiously, dull and tryhard match
                                                                              Troll, enjoyable and stress-free match

                                                                                Този коментар е премахнат от модератор

                                                                                  Since I don't want to have alter-ego, Relentless, "OUT TA GET ME" is my smurf, so just to clear things up, it's me, Shred.

                                                                                  I really have nothing against you, and since I don't know you, I can't judge you, but this statements really makes me think you're narrow minded.

                                                                                  We all have certain limitations, no wonders about that - but archiving 5k or 6k is not our limits at all.

                                                                                  Also, calling 3k "top notch" Dota is just bullshit, basically.

                                                                                  It's just a bit above average, which is for me something like 2.8-2.9k.

                                                                                  Also, keep in mind comparing casual Dota players and non-casual ones are just another thing you need to keep in mind.

                                                                                  While both kinds get to play together, casuals barely care about improvment.

                                                                                  With over 3k games, you can hardly call yourself or myself(included) a casual.

                                                                                  SO with that beign sad, truth is that compared to try-harders and people that coinsider themselfs competitive, 3k IS very close to average.

                                                                                  Actually, 3.5-4k is where you're supposed to get ready and keep improving for upcoming 4k bracket, and compete against better players in near future hopefully.

                                                                                  There's a 1000 reasons why I never got above 4.1k, but trust me - no of them is because I'm not able.

                                                                                  It's just because I'm a bit too old to dedicate myself to Dota fully. Esp. knowing nothing will come out of it at the end.

                                                                                  Also, tbh, most of us(well, at least me) - are mix of casuals and try harders. Which actually doesn't help at all.

                                                                                  While I have high desire to get better, it just fades away with few upsets or bad day. Outside world affects my Dota performance way too much, actually.

                                                                                  Anyways, gonna smurf a bit now, shred out!

                                                                                  Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                                                    you have 911 games with shadow fiend.
                                                                                    coincidence? i think not


                                                                                      What my 911 games with SF has to do with this topic?


                                                                                        its nearly 2016, but people still keep arguing with relentless


                                                                                          shred reported


                                                                                            Inb4 Relentless theorycrafting

                                                                                            7Mad About You

                                                                                              Relentless being relentless

                                                                                              fifi nono

                                                                                                I used to think mechanical skill was nothing, then I realized how shit my mechanical skill was. Arguably its both mechanical and tactical skill in equal measures, but the latter is much easier to adopt. However, i did actually improve my mechanical skill substantially with some determination, and that was what got me to 4k, not anything else. Now i'm stuck because i can only play ember and meepo even remotely well, and ranked isn't even fun when i cant get those heroes. A player naturally gifted with mechanical skill would be able to carry that skill over to other heroes, whereas in a 4k game i do not get any reliably good results without those heroes, which has held me back dramatically, especially due to meepo's weakness last patch and the popularity of ember spirit. Now here, if i were naturally gifted i could be at a way higher skill level, but it is possible to improve in every area. I started at 1.6k, and however deluded i was at the time i was deserving of it, and i had been playing for years before ranked came out. Arguably this could mean i have horrible natural skill, but yet i still have unbelievable room to improve, there are hundreds of different mistakes i make and note and work on. To me it seems natural skill has little to do with it, but evidence shows otherwise. In conclusion, i talked myself in a circle, help.


                                                                                                  He is not Russian at all.
                                                                                                  Russians wud never set Putin on avatar. Only Russia haters wud do this.
                                                                                                  Besides his previous nicknames in the steam which are wrotten by Russian language have too many text errors and text makes no sence.

                                                                                                  Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                                                                    It is easy to misunderstand my point if you want to be obtuse. It is also not hard to miss the point by focusing on reactions and distortions instead of what I say directly.

                                                                                                    But what I have said is not really hard to understand and I'm sure nearly everyone already agrees with me, though some might quibble over the precise wording.

                                                                                                    I am simply presenting a balanced, rational view of what is required to be good at dota. On the one hand a lot of experience and practice will improve a given player greatly beyond where they started. On the other hand each one is ultimately limited by their mechanical skill. Mechanical skill IS the limit of what can be done in the game - if incredible pro's existed beyond the capabilities of real humans more could be done with the heroes than is done by real players. The game has many heroes (and all heroes if you include the active items) which could theoretically do things no real human can execute. Because of this fact the limits are, and always will be mechanical skill.

                                                                                                    While strategy is important when skill levels are similar, it only become a deciding factor between players of nearly equal mechanical skills. You cannot think your way to higher MMR. You cannot out itemize, or out pick your way past the weaker players who feed on your team. The only way is to tactically outplay the enemy on a consistent basis. It doesn't matter if you do this by supporting, ganking, or farming --- doesn't matter if you use pick-offs, jukes, rat dota, or perfect 5 man AOE ultimates --- all have to be executed with superior skill to those in the game to win consistently and advance to higher levels.

                                                                                                    I watched a few sub 1k MMR games the other day. They often used voice chat. They had smoke ganks, they had blink initiations, they had people contesting the runes, tping to towers, pulling creeps, ganking mid, using plenty of true sight, trying to chain stuns... all executed very badly. But all were attempted nonetheless. I saw many players with over 1,000 games in 1k MMR games....playing captains mode.

                                                                                                    Do 5k players know the game better than 1k players? Of course they do. But the knowledge gap is so much less than some 5k players like to pretend. The gap in mechanical skills however is tremendous, it is perhaps unimaginable. It is so large that a 5k player observing a 1k MMR game tends to conclude that the players must be intentionally failing because they are incomprehensibly bad. It is so large that many 4k players on this forum accept the peer pressure to believe they are nearly average... when in fact they are the top 1%.
                                                                                                    This delusion is an example of group-think and Dunning Kruger Syndrome.

                                                                                                    People far beyond average skill in simple mechanical tasks delude themselves into believing they are nearly average because they believe the tasks are easy for everyone.... simply because for those few exceptional individuals those tasks ARE easy.

                                                                                                    But the fact is this. IF you personally believe last hitting creeps is easy, then you are unusually talented at doing it. You are able to maintain the delusion of your nearly average status merely because Valve has determined it is critical to their business model to conceal, to obscure the relative status of players.

                                                                                                    Valve has been very slowly easing off their secrecy which was in place because of the historic, extreme rudeness of gamers to newcomers, and the immature nature of the gaming community. Even now, though it has improved greatly over the last few years, many dotabuff posters persist in mocking people based on their MMR scores.

                                                                                                    Now I will reiterate what I have stated dozens of times before over the past few years.

                                                                                                    3.2k MMR is High Skill... its not "low skill" it's not pro, it's not the best... but it is the top 10% of players. You may personally not feel like 3.2k MMR is good enough for you. That's fine. But it does not change the reality that its still better than 9 out of 10 players.

                                                                                                    4.1k is top 1%.... it's nowhere near pro-level... 5k is not even close to pro level. But 4.1k is still solidly in "VERY HIGH" skill dota, because it is truly only the top 1%. Realize the fact that tens of millions of people play this game. Being in the top 1% only means the top few hundred thousand players.

                                                                                                    You are among the top few hundred-thousands of dota players. Is that amazing? Maybe being the 400,000th best dota player is not special to you. But it is the top 1%. That's a fact. I am just stating facts. I don't care how upset it makes you feel for me to say them. I don't care how many times, deluded Dunning Kruger posters deny the facts.... they remain facts.

                                                                                                    3k is NOT close to average. Average is 2.25k. And a 3000 MMR player can completely crush a truly "average" dota game. TENS OF MILLIONS OF PLAYERS.... yes most of them are casual, yes most of them don't even know dotabuff exists or ever turn their stats on... but they are still real people. You cannot change average to mean whatever you feel like it should mean. It has a precise, mathematical definition.

                                                                                                    Any time you want to understand "WHY DOES VALVE DO THIS?" sort of questions you must understand that YOU, the elite 4k+ player are not the customer. The 2k MMR player is the customer. That's who almost all the dota players are 90% below 3.2k MMR.... ordinary people who don't tryhard and are slow and clumsy compared to you.

                                                                                                    I merely try to give a balanced understanding. I do not deny that the highest MMR players are better at dota. I do know however, that their understanding of how they play the game does not mean they understand how the game is played and can be played by ordinary players.

                                                                                                    Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                                                                    We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!