General Discussion

General DiscussionMid Game and Tp Decisions

Mid Game and Tp Decisions in General Discussion

    Hi guys. I have a trouble with mid game. I sometimes feel lost in mid game. If i pick sup, i just walking around map. Trying some ganks but if enemy has ward or know i'm coming to gank they stay under tower. And i'm really wasting my time and find my self to hope get a bounty rune for exp-gold.

    When i pick a carry i'll usually trying farm in jungle and pushing my lane. Meanwhile team goes 4v5 fight and we end up 3-1 trade. And ppl start to blame me or even if they dont i feel like i'm not in correct place and correct time. If i go fight i dont think we can win and its waste tiime for me.

    If i go offlane and zoned hardly i go low hp or dead to fountain and usually go my lane again. Sometimes try to gank other lanes but again sometimes fail attempts similiar to picking a sup. Or sometimes going jungle to get some exp-gold.

    I think it depends on situation when go fight or when farm but i need some general tips with this 3 roles in mid game. I'm also bad at tp decisions. If my teammates close to their t1 and having a fight should i tp for that fight? Or keep farming my lane? What if i'm carry or a sup? Does this change my tp decision?

    I'm also confusing to use a tp when enemy team all miss or seeing only 1-2 in map. Sometimes i tp bot, 5 secs later our mid or off dies. It might be hard to choose tp since you dont have vision but idk. We just lose some heroes or towers and i feel if i tp top instead of bot i could save our off and deny the tower. I sometimes waited to tp to prevent this and someone paused game and said "he is afk".

    I really apriciate your help guys. Thanks for help and using izi inglish :D

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      You should always play 1v9 if you pick carry or mid, if you know what's best considering you are in normal/high skill that's where most retards are (not saying that you are a retard) but you get the point, you can't communicate with the 4 other donkeys on your team, even I can't communicate with my donkeys even though I'm at 4.7k mmr and people play like 3k.

      Pick a carry/mid go farm whole game and command your donkeys, if they listen to you and you're farmed you'll win.


        Try playing mid game oriented heroes and be active with smokes. Tp react to enemies or creeps pushing towers and walk to lane otherwise. You can get enough practice and game sense from doing thag

        Livin' Real Good

          I'm guessing you're in 2K, but let's just say you're in low 3K to be safe. Most people don't use smoke so early in that MMR, they'll just use it late game when they're trying to get a pick off or rosh(even then some noobs still don't use it, and if they do, they take FOREVER to gather for smoke) (and because these shitty players take forever when you tell them to gather for smoke, you all go missing for too long, and it becomes obvious once you have smoked, then when nothing happens, they blame you and say "smoke was a bad idea noob!" NO SHIT, you took forever to gather and made it obvious we smoked, or that were in rosh. Makes sense? Sorry, ranting. LOL

          Try smoking earlier, like the pre 10 minute mark, most people at that MMR are almost NEVER ready to be ganked with a stun out of smoke, they're too into they're shit MMR comfort zone. Most people in 2K just spend the first 15 mins farming the whole time, then THEY FINALLY leave they're lane. (this goes for all lanes) No idea why they farm so much, also, most people in 2K blame mid for not ganking, but have yet to realize it's the supports job to gank.

          Whatever, in conclusion, try abusing smoke more, it's even cheaper now too, so there's no excuse. (ONLY 50 gold)

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            noone uses smoke at 4k mmr


              ^ Hey I do when I gank with Pudge xd

              Livin' Real Good

                They do use smoke, even in 3K... Oh, trolling, okay , gotcha....

                in 4K, they don't use Earth Spirit.

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                  @Hanter There are plenty of mid and carry players and i gave up mid role like 1 year ago. And there are usually 2 ppl arguing on carry yet 2 on mid in low 3ks. So its like impossible to go 1v9 for me but anyways thanks for comment :)

                  @Yorkey I'm at low 3k's but i realized this when i play some matches with my friends 4.8k acc. They were always busy with something and i was just moving around map till get 5 man def or push. I'll play with that acc for a while so i'm looking for something that 4-5k players do and i think if i improve myself i can regain mmr that i lost in my friends acc :D

                  Using smoke and mid game heroes. i'll note that. Thanks guys :)

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                  Riguma Borusu

                    I just pick legion and try to carry out of jungle/offlane. Be prepared to 1v9, die for duels if you must, build to be able to take rax down quickly, let your team die, destroy structures when you've got enough damage, and win, pretty much. At 2-3k nobody cares about structures, they'll go so far out to get a kill even if you're taking a whole set of T3 tower + rax.

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                    plz do

                      sounds like u have issues w 1) communication (e.g. just tell ur team that u need to farm one more item before u will join team fights)
                      and 2) decision making (e.g. u dont know where to gankm, what to do when - farm or fight)

                      pls stop playing at 4,8k. u ruin urself and others. go back to 3k - thats the right game speed for u right now.

                      Riguma Borusu

                        Another word of advice would be - don't pick bad laners. If you're a core position you can't depend on supports anyway so picking a bad laner is shooting yourself in the foot since there'll be little to compensate for that.


                          if ur team goes in and fights 4v5 while not winning fights they are bunch of retards and u should mute all 4 of them and just play on ur own no matter how game goes

                          retards be retards and if u try to help retards u lost more than u win

                          Riguma Borusu

                            I really like it when I play Sven (for example) and I need 200 more gold to complete crystalis, then the team goes and dies (often 1 by 1) and then ping me in the jungle. Then I receive crystalis and what do I do with it? Well, obviously, farm/push more, because now I can't fight because retards threw their bodies for a T1 mid tower and of course, didn't even end up defending it.

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                              ye no reason to play at 4800 what do you learn from that you coudnt learn from watching someone good play?. just start with the basic stuff. watch how a good player takes control of a lane when he has a favorable matchup. and try to apply some of that during your own laning phase. i play cores myself most and when it gets to midgame. i rarely tp for farm if theres any chance a fight might break out at any lane. unless a tower is getting pushed real hard, or the lane is simply to juicy. mostly ill just farm my way to a lane taking every neutral camp on the way. the first like 12-15 min you never fucking tp to save anyone unless youre 100 sure it will net you a kill.


                                Ok instead of talking about the smoke use and stuff, let's talk about map awareness.
                                Let's say you're a support and the laning stage is over. U see the enemy pos2 farming mid and no one else appears on the map. Your carry is farming with no corruption. Other mates are doing something in the map. What do u do?
                                So there are options. The best thimg to do is to buy wards and use cour to get em. Meanwhile u can roam around in your jungle but on the high ground so you can scout if anyone is there waiting/farming ... If yes ping them and tell your mates to be careful especially the cat that is nearby. Then u get back and play defensive.
                                If nobody's there, u go and place a ward in a good place in jungle so ur carry doesnt get ganked there while farming. U have to have tp scrolls always. U position urself in the fight well (if you're a tanky sup like ogre, u tank the damage while disabling the most important threats to ur carry. If you're squishy sup like disruptor, u stay back and use ur skills properly.

                                If you're playing carry, u never want to stop farming as much as possible. U dont roam, u dont go anywhere if it's not necessary. U farm ur lane. This is where map awareness comes into play. If uu can't look at mini map every 10 sec (lower mmr) and analyze who is missing and where they could be you're not gonna be a good carry. Especially when playing mid hero and wanting to gank ppl in other lanes this is far more important. U dont go to other lanes with any role just bc u feel like it or u have a rune and ur bottle is filled and u wanna gank. U stay mid and get as much lh/deny as possible, u harrass opponent while looking at mini map, checking enemies' hp/mana/items in other lanes and ask yourself is it worth going all the way there? Would i 100% get kills there? If yes you go if not u dont. As offlaner ur getting zomed hard. U stay back, try staying in xp range and get as much as you can. Ask for help. Sometimes this will turn the tables. A sup and mid hero come helping you and suddenly you're in the better position.

                                About tping and some other stuff, again MAP AWARENESS. this issue is so huge and if you dont pay attention to it as a carry, you're not doing your role. Just imagine how many times u might die if enemy team has spirit breaker and u dont have map awareness. U wanna know where enemy team is, u will if u pay attention to mini map every 10 sec. Wards are so important. If you're sup, buy them cooldown by cooldown and use them. Dont carry them use them as much as possible. Dont place them in dumb spots. Tell urself ok my carry wants to farm so i gotta place them defensively. How? By placing them in the jungle entrances and maybe in the middle of lane.
                                We wanna go rosh, where do i put the wards. Does enemy seem to have wards here? Do i buy sentries to deward?
                                Im the carry and i already died three times to ganks and my supports are fucktard scrubs. I have to buy wards for myself 75 gold better than dying as a carry again and again and calling gg noob team sups no ward.

                                Now the decision to be in a fight or not. You should ask urself in a matter of second "am i gonna make a difference?" If yes tp right in and dont do it by tp clicking on mini map look at the place u wanna tp u dont wanna tp in tier3 when enemy lina/pudge is standing there u go in tier 2 and run to fight. Now how u understand if u make a difference in the fight is ur job. If youre an AM for example, you have ur ulti ready and enemy invo is casting a lot of spells. U tp fast, u focus him with some attacks and then instantly ulti on him or u just go for straight ult.
                                Now agaim you're AM. Enemy invo has 10% mana but u have 2 teammates there against all enemy team and your allies are running away. U dont say ok invo 10% hp u just continue farming. Actually fights that u can't win are a way to push fast. U see there's a fight that's gonna be a lost one, u push as fast as possible and take as many towers ad u can, u have to check if enemies have tp scrolls or not, u push and if u see them coming back and they had tp, u juke into trees and tp to another lane. If they're coming without tp from another lane with a long distance, u push as hard as ucan and when u sense they're getting close, u juke>tp

                                lel i wrote an article right here hopr u can get something out of it


                                  Also watch pro games with player perspective. I play 1 or 2 games each day while watching 3 or 4 games of players like miracle/w33/rtc (Kappa)/puppey/...

                                  Този коментар е бил редактиран
                                  Player 215168758

                                    Nice one


                                      @hushhush Yes i know i have issues but how can i improve my decision-making? Thats what i'm actually asking.

                                      @Son thanks for that long one tho. I'm really surprised and happy right now that someone take this that seriously lol

                                      So watching pros, as much farm as possible as carry, communication and 1v9. Thanks you guys. I really apriciate your comments :)

                                      plz do

                                        ^ thats such a hard question to answer. dbuff community could probably write a book about it (albeit toxic and flaming).
                                        mb u start w using ur mini map more often and frequently checking opponents/teammates inventory. then u have more information, which will help u making good decisions.


                                          ^ son already wrote a page :D Thanks mate, i'll check minimap and inventories more often


                                            "if ur team goes in and fights 4v5 while not winning fights they are bunch of retards and u should mute all 4 of them and just play on ur own no matter how game goes

                                            retards be retards and if u try to help retards u lost more than u win "

                                            it's pretty rough to go with this advice though
                                            often i think that if i coordinated my monkeys somehow, maybe i'd have bigger chance to win
                                            though it's so incredibly exhausting and nervewrecking when you have to babysit your team regardless of your position


                                              lel w8 4 rentless to see this topic. His article will make mine look small kek


                                                " If yes ping them and tell your mates to be careful especially the cat that is nearby"

                                                Beware of that cat 4Head


                                                  Carry -> watch mini map for ganks on you while maximizing farm
                                                  Mid Game you should be pressuring towers whenever the enemy group to push the opposite lane. When you notice that they stay to take the tower, you stay to take the tower. When they tp to defend, you tp away to farm elsewhere. Force them to lose a tower to take a tower. TP into fights your team will win and clean up. Win winning fights decisively. Don't let ppl escape on low hp.

                                                  Offensive Support -> go to attack with vision. Attack enemies you know will be there instead of wandering around. If you can't see any of them, then put up wards so you can see them. Take paths that will let you see them first. Know where fog of war is and is not. Walk down hills, not up. Carry sentries, if they retreat from you - deward right then. Removing the vision stops their farm almost as well as killing them. If you don't have the power to kill, do not attack. Ult on cd? Low magic points? Wait for the time you will win. Don't fight when you will lose. Does the enemy have invis? Then don't attack without truesight.

                                                  Smoke -> do not call ppl together to smoke. Have smoke in inventory, use it when ppl have just killed a tower, just won a fight, just cleared a wave, are already hiding behind your tower to defend. Then make an unanticipated, invisible attack - walk right past creeps that's what smoke is for. Do not wait for 5. Smoke 2 or 3 heroes. Smoke immediately after entering fog of war. Smoke behind your carry that is pushing a lane and attack whoever comes to gank him.

                                                  Defensive Support -> learn to anticipate enemy moves. Know how their heroes are played. Know when they will move and where they will go even if you can't see them. Defend towers and heroes that can be saved. Do not fight 2 v 5 under that T1 tower in deny range. Do not save a stupid player from their feeds. Notice if your carry or mid is good and keep them alive. Make sure the fight ends with them succeeding. Protect the guy who makes smart choices and he will win the game. Do you want to take a fight? Do you want to tp to a tower? You must know if your team has tp scrolls, has cd up, has mp to cast, is paying attention. Check on your team regularly. Check their items. Did your carry finish bkb yet? If not, don't fight. Is your carry struggling? Stack camps for them and ward so they can get the item they need.

                                                  Pushing Highground -> Does your team have a mech? If not don't push highground until you get one... unless the enemies are all dead. It doesn't matter if your heroes can tank and are near max health. The creeps must live a long time also or you face backdown protection. Keep creeps alive. Mech them; tank a few tower hits for them. Use a pipe too if the enemy has a lot of aoe magic dmg. Creeps are the key to breaking the base, not heroes.

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                                                      relentless is right in this thing, 5 man smokes on 4k and lower are incredibly retarded


                                                        OP is a fahgit

                                                        < blank >

                                                          op is dogshit


                                                            If i go solo, i almost always smoke just for myself to gank nothing else bc the team dont even know what to do with the smoke. They just go back to their farm or feel op and do stupid things like diving into 5 heroes
                                                            As a roaming sup like mirana/lion, buy a smoke when game starts and gank as soon as lvl1/2 by leaving lane. If ur carry needs you which in real dota he shouldnt bc he has another sup which in our dota he doesnt, the smoke is just a waste of money and inventory slot.