General Discussion

General DiscussionLow priority

Low priority in General Discussion
✪ H o p e - ! !  ✪

    Hi guys! I hope ur doing well. Let's get straight to the topic. Does anyone know about the time it takes for low priority to reset? I have been stuck in lp for about 4 days now and games like these: I get idiot teammates who dunno how to def or push. I would like some tips for getting out of lp as well as the time it takes for lp to reset. Thanking you in advance.

    -SlayeR out


      doesnt reset ever, you need to complete it.
      tip to get out of lp: get a friend to play on a smurf together with you, lp is based on mmr too.



        You complain about retards yet you have 37.50% win rate in ranked and have 49.50% total win rate

        XD buddy very good joke.

        puni puni butt UWU

          i cna play some with u if ur down for playing on us east

          also i wouldnt mind some sets or items ',:^)

          ✪ H o p e - ! !  ✪

            @I Hanter I
            My winrate is exactly 50% according to ingame dota stats. That has decreased significantly due to the retards i get in single draft. As for ranked, i played party ranked with my friends initially and wasn't tht good at Dota,hence losing most of the games.


              how do you get in lp


                When u abandon 2 times in a specific amout of time which is unknown to me , u have to play 5 lp All Random games.

                When u receive 4 reports or more in 1 game you are put in Single Draft LP game.

                U are out of LP on following conditions:

                - You have to win 1 Single Draft Game
                - If someone leaves from your team, all 5 enemies must be present and u have to win 4v5 in order to get out of LP
                - If any enemy leaves after First Blood, all your teammates must be present in order for the game to be valid. It doesnt matter if all enemies leave the game, all your teammates must be present for the game to count as a win.
                - Ideal situation is when all players are present and u win, then u should get out of LP instantly
                - I have no knowlegde about a situation where u are in LP due to reports not for the first time. Maybe u have to win more games then, i dunno.


                Този коментар е бил редактиран

                  ^^ L0L.

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                      I am finally out of lp after 4 days and 18 games! U guys must be wondering how i got into lp in the first place. Well, tht's cuz of unscheduled power cuts. It happened to me TWICE in one day and therefore i got low priority.

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                        ✪ H o p e - ! !  ✪

                          Planet Earth,Milkyway Galaxy. I come in peace :D

                          lm ao

                            play ranked buddy

                            lm ao

                              normal isnt fun in the long run

                              play for fan

                                find someone to play your low pri games my little brother always do that for me
                                before he knows i hate to play low pri he would play my low pri games for free but after he found out i let him play because i hate low pri not because im a kind brother i have to pay him some money for that

                                Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                  low prio is easy as fuck, i went 5/6 if u dont count 1 game where someone abandoned