General Discussion

General DiscussionAnyone made meepo work? (only 5k+ pls)

Anyone made meepo work? (only 5k+ pls) in General Discussion
acc buyers in my team

    So i was wondering, did anyone here make meepo work in this meta? I struggle with meepo atm, i can't seem to make him work atm.


      ... ?

      What did it change from 6.85 anyway, the double damage rune? He's still fixed to go aghs dagger or be useless; How has that changed in any way? Granted I'm talking out of ignorance but void who used to be one of the biggest threat for him is rendered useless nowaday, and depending how farmed a spectre is meepo CAN go toe to toe with her

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      acc buyers in my team

        What changed?

        Spec vanguard, invoker, sylla, broken devourer. 8min = 5man doto roflstomp.

        and void was NEVER a threat.

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        Riguma Borusu

          ^are you high, void is nowhere useless, in fact, now he does not even need a chrono to deal with him, time dilation doesn't allow you use spells off cooldown, it can totally wreck a meepo if caught at the right moment.


            Too many ifs and buts and hypotetical situations. Void is nowhere the threat it was before with those 700 jumps into initiations

            And all of those were just as present if not more threatening patches ago, I still don't know what's "new" on this meta that meepo should have extreme care of

            acc buyers in my team

              Void was always extremely meh against meepo. Void needs way to much farm to even remotely do anything to meepo. The time void has 3 items meepo is 6 slotted and farms shitty ass void. Especially the new void is pathethic and shit.

              Real threats to meepo are tide, sven, spec, timber, invoker.


                No mention for lina? AoE stun, and burst damage means you can cancel all the poofs and pop one meepo dead with ulti.

                acc buyers in my team

                  lina lacks the flashfarm as well. She dies rather fast once meepo got sheep, she can be annoying tho. Once meepo got aghs lina can only kill meepo when he has low HP or bad micro skills.

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                    Well once meepo has sheep he can kill almost anyone solo. Best way to beat him is co ordinated team, especially with stuns + focus

                    acc buyers in my team

                      almost. That's why ember, ES etc. are no real counter to meepo. You will always outfarmthem and kill them fast. But timber, spec,tide and timber are not killable with only sheep. They can easy turn on ur ass and kill you with less farm.


                        Yes I guess best heroes have high magic resist or tanky, plus can deal high burst damage and disable one or more meepos. Antimage can be good late game, problem is he cant outfarm meepo, but once he has bkb manta etc he can kill easy. In fact bkb is best item against meepo, except maybe pipe because he cant right click you if you just walk away, no net or poof dmg, hex etc. I still think ember is good, if he is fully farmed (blink, daed, rapier, battlefury) then he can blink on meepo and instakill, problem is its so hard to outfarm a good meepo

                        acc buyers in my team

                          nah bkb isn't that good against meepo, since meepo is all about rightclick and slow goes through bkb.


                            Idk I think meepo right click needs the net or at least good positioning to get off the slow I guess blink makes it easy to get in position but if the enmy team is smart they will stay so that they can defend each other, maybe right click is stronger late game but midgame the poof combo is more dps than right click imo


                              nop. ded hero

                              acc buyers in my team

                                i acually saw u spam meepo on ur smurf. I spectated 2 games and u lost both :D


                                  Its fine.

                                  Miku Plays

                                    Aether lens good item


                                      Problem with meepo is he steals his team's XP and he becomes basically 1v5. If you die you lost. The comeback mechanic amplifies this, thats why he is a dead hero.

                                      Teams like OG/Secret only work because they all work around it very well and push to end and keep meepo alive.


                                        "Yes I guess best heroes have high magic resist or tanky, plus can deal high burst damage and disable one or more meepos."

                                        elder titan

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                                            Meepo is unplayable since the patch that nerfs his death time.


                                              u guys are actually os retarded saying Void isn't a treat to meepo , kill urself

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                                                acc buyers in my team

                                                  You clearly never played against a good meepo player. Ember is as much a counter to meepo as medusa is. The only way ember is impossible to deal with is when meepo gets shutdown hard and ember has farm. Ember is not tanky enough to do much against meepo, even with linkens ember cannot deal with a farmed meepo, since diff + sheep is insta disabled, even with linkens. If we talk about lategame, meepo is as much as a counter to ember as ember is a counter to meepo, the one who jumps first wins.

                                                  If we go for item timings:
                                                  A good meepo has BoT, aghs, blink, sheep at around 21 - 24minutes.
                                                  A good ember has Aquila, BoT, Bfury, ulrimate orb or critstick at 21 - 24minutes.

                                                  Which means at that time ember is already food to meepo.


                                                    hero is fine, dno what everybody is smoking. it was always a situational last pick, nothing changed.


                                                      medusa is very hard to deal with once she gets items
                                                      while you can just hex and kill ember

                                                      and however the 6.86 nerf to meepo was to stacking, now a big stack has 50%+ magic resistance
                                                      void now can just timewalk and you will never burst him

                                                      meepo is so trash


                                                        DaFaq Is GoIN On

                                                        You're around 2k? while kitrak is like 6k+

                                                        What were you thinking when you were writing this xd.

                                                        acc buyers in my team


                                                          saving private RTZ


                                                            He is blunt

                                                            acc buyers in my team

                                                              i am 2k Kappa

                                                              saving private RTZ

                                                                your secret is out

                                                                acc buyers in my team


                                                                  pls teach me how to get out of 2k bracket plsplsplspls

                                                                  saving private RTZ

                                                                    I don't coach normal skill smurfs.