General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat does your bf, gf, wife, husband, partner think bout u playing doto?

What does your bf, gf, wife, husband, partner think bout u playing doto? in General Discussion
Bad Intentions

    Do they approve? no? why? lucky ones that they play dotes too? or they just let u alone play dem dotes with no issues, thoughts n exp pls.

    < blank >

      Does my mum also count? Kappa

      Livin' Real Good

        She supports it, actually likes when I draw some of the female heroes for her. But honestly she doesn't care, she's too busy with her gifted college program out in Australia (she's finally coming back soon after months) to her, it's just a video game, and i'm a guy playing the video game, cause that's what guys do.


          Don't have any..


            She games with me, muahaha! Blessed life!

            SO LOYAL I DESERVE 2 GIRL...

              So long as you only play games and not her heart its all fucking gewd ;D

              King of Low Prio

                She's a dota addict so I just play with her


                  She finds it really hot when I play. So she actually encourages it sometimes. Lol

                  Bad Intentions

                    ^damnn u playin man :D dats a keeper right there :]

                    A. Snatcher

                      I have a wife and two kids under five. I am lucky to get three games a month.
                      Even when I do play the kids interfere non-stop.

                      Life Lesson: Don't have kids if you still enjoy gaming.

                      Този коментар е бил редактиран
                      Bad Intentions


                        oh boy, yea man u averaging 18 deaths per game in your last 6 games :O

                        probly take dem to vacation first or sumthin for gud vibes :D

                        Dune, the Desert Planet

                          My ex always thought I was cheating on her while I was actually playing. Because when I play my phone is in silent mode and I don't check Facebook as well. Took me ages to explain to her that I need to demolish kids in lanining stage or to Blink out of fucking Chrono that could be coming any second and that shit is impossible to do if I'm talking or texting.


                            Living out the single life

                            oke lol

                              she works 14hour days so i get 14hours a day to play doto i dont play much when shes home butt she doesnt mind me playing a few games a day even if shes off never really complains apart from when i said ill clean somin but end up having an 80minute doto match instead

                              King of Low Prio

                                Girls are the devil tho


                                  Gf? AhahahhahhahHhhahaha

                                  *runs away in tears*


                                    having a relationship isn't a quality
                                    having 6k is


                                      FUCK 3D

                                      Howard Donald

                                        She doesn't play, more of a console gamer, but appreciates the doto for what it is. She'll happily watch high profile tournaments with me.


                                          my left hand doesnt find it that disturbing

                                          Dire Wolf

                                            she hates it, but not cus dota, just video games in general. thinks they are juvenile and a waste of time. Which they are. But they are also fun.


                                              she thinks doto is lame af, but she accepts that im gonna play it regardless.

                                              we play mortal kombat and tekken n shit together on ps3 and she doesnt mind games.. but she has no idea what dota really is and she just sees it as a whole lot of dragons and wizards running around shooting fireballs at each other. if i put doto before her she gonna get upset (obviously). but i usually play at night when she's going to bed or staying at her parents house occasionally, so no problemos..


                                                Gf playing Doto with you and actually enjoying it - that's heaven boys. If you find a girl like that she's definitely a keeper so DON'T FUCK UP.

                                                Sadly there are only 3 girls older than 18 in my country that play Dota. One of them is my sister and other two are taken, so fuck me and my life 4Head Elegiggle

                                                Luckily i feel no need to have a serious relationship so who cares :)

                                                Livin' Real Good

                                                  Sucks, that's so cool, my girl doesn't like Dota 2, but she appreciates the heroes designs seeing as we both draw well. She plays CS though, she's a LE noob.

                                                  Pale Mannie

                                                    Meanwhile in Germany: everyone plays league cuz its mainstream and im sitting here alone buying Blink Dagger all day everyday


                                                      "Luckily i feel no need to have a serious relationship so who cares :)"
                                                      mah nigga

                                                      play for fan

                                                        ill tell'em let me mid or i feed you with my dick

                                                        dota 2 teached me to always show everyone who's the boss i feed to show im the boss in doto and babyrage outside doto ... just kidding i will kill them like a boss

                                                        Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                          I feel like crying when there's so many with gfs/wives/whatever you called them right here TT. *Hides in closet*