General Discussion

General DiscussionIn the current meta, would you rather have..

In the current meta, would you rather have.. in General Discussion
Bad Intentions

    The better support


    The better carry

    Based on whats going on right now, the most balanced patch as of late, who would you rather have in your ranked game? And why pls

    Totentanz to The King: M ...

      The better support, so I can be the better carry. Or vica verca actually I can play both well I think.


        The better support because the support has to pull,zone,stack,rune control,ward more that just the rune spot the whole game, tp if other lane is getting tower dived,ect

        Този коментар е бил редактиран

          I would rather have pushers this patch. Good Chen who knows what he's doing, DP who knows how to use 3rd skill, Lone or Lycan who can micro, Medusa who knows how to Medusa. Something like th[A]t.

          SO LOYAL I DESERVE 2 GIRL...

            Win with 5 cores

            waku waku

              i'd rather have a good carry as i'm well capable of filling in the role of support most of the time and it just hurts me to see my carry be awful despite all my efforts

                Този коментар е премахнат от модератор
                cherry wine

                  a better carry who know how to carry


                    3 support - 2 core > 2 support - 3 core > 4 support - 1 core > 1 support - 4 core

                    Pale Mannie

                      Pushers matters now
                      Thats how i won most of last matches even with a 5 carry team

                      Dire Wolf

                        I want mid to win don't care if they are carry or support or pusher or what.