General Discussion

General Discussionhow to get free mmr ???

how to get free mmr ??? in General Discussion

    well how do I do that like do I just spam a hero and make a winstreak of what cuz I spammed storm spirit like 6 times and I got 5 of them wins :P and also look at my ss item builds are those good well my first items are just 4 tangos and 1 talisman and then I get bottle then I get orchied and then just a bloodstone linkens sphere and yeah so my finished build for ss is 2 bloodstones 1 boots of travel orchid linkens sphere and just immortality of bottle now is that good of bad ???

    Riguma Borusu

      First I would like to introduce you to the concept of Full Stop (, try it out sometime.

      Also, if you want to spam brain dead heroes, go omni if you're supporting, dp if you're mid, spectre if you're carrying, and go offlane with aba/necro.

      King of Low Prio

        TA is pretty good to snowball in pubs and she doesn't completely fall over to invoker in lane (95% of matches)


          the most succesfull one-hero like-no-tomorrow spammers ive seen this patch, were playing either enchantress or LD.


            hmmm yeah thx


              And none of you sees that he said he buys 2 bloodstones, and he actually did that to :D! Don't buy 2 bloodstones it's bullshit


                DP = ez MMR

                Ditya Ra

                  EZ MMR - GOOD LUCK!


                    Step 1: Pick a hero you like, enjoy playing, has decent presence all game, and you would want to play for a long time.
                    Step 2: Start practicing him/her everygame - Learn the hero first, learn your role second, learn other mechanics third.
                    Step 3: Start watching videos or professional players who play those heroes, watch what they do, watch how they use their time wisely when nothing is happening on the map, watch their positioning, watch their perspective (where on the map they're looking all the time)
                    Step 4: More practice, more games
                    Step 5: Slowly but surely, you will raise in MMR if you're actually trying to get better


                      OD.Pick it and win.


                        ench offlane od/dp mid, spectre safelane, venge sup/carry


                          jugg's also pretty good shit i think


                            get havoc to boost you again


                              jugger is good yeah i forgot, morph is good only if you can play it also


                                Usually if u buy boosting in bulk they will usually give u an additional free 100mmr

                                Nikosh Adhar

                                  DP , Omni, Necro, Aba, CM

                                  WINNING MENTALITY

                                    thx for helping me guys <3 ill try death prophet and il see how it goes I think hes overpowered or smthing


                                      Invoker or TA if you mid. Sylla or Furion if you offlane. Spectre or Morph if you carry. Earth Spirit, Chen or Bane if you support. Easy mmr!


                                        I just played a DP game you could use as an example. Just keep taking fights when your ult is up and near towers. Kill the towers early gg.

                                        6.6k tower dmg in 36 minutes. Win before the enemy carries get farmed.

                                        Този коментар е бил редактиран
                                        WINNING MENTALITY

                                          thank you man
                                          u are the best

                                          saving private RTZ

                                            wow Relentless builds are actually so fucking trash

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                                                Well I tend to play Meepo or Windranger for easy MMR.

                                                Riguma Borusu

                                                  @Kitrak: why does DP have negative winrate in literally all brackets?

                                                  Espresso yoself.

                                                    I think people usually forget a really important part of this is, learn your counters, if the hero you spam keeps getting countered, learn more heroes. I mean...what if you get to your "very high skill magic land" and suddenly realize everyone knows how to counter the only hero you know how to play? A good draft can beat a good hero in an even game every time.


                                                      can anyone tell wtf im i supposed to do to get high skill. lookt my acc.

                                                      shitstain justice warrior

                                                        Nothing is for free, especially not mmr


                                                          Be like me and collect your free mmr with ld ;^)


                                                            Pick spectre seriously I cant farm for shit cant fight for shit and still win games that are like 100% lost with her.

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                                                              Bad Intentions

                                                                Yo OP, If youre a luck person u can win free mmr using any heroes :]

                                                                Or go the old school way of just playing your high impact heroes, especially at mid.


                                                                  If you are lucky play ogre magi seriously that hero is broken especially now with mangos and aether


                                                                    I played omni whenever nobody else was supporting and i went from 2.4k to 3.3k. Keep your idiot teammates alive longer than the other team's idiots. Remember: everyone is an idiot except you. If you truly think your mmr should be higher then compared to you they should be idiots. Dont try to save people that are being ganked 5v1, let them die. Find someone that speaks to your language and tell them t safelane carry and you support with omni, haven't met anyone who has said no. Slark is especially good because pounce and purification is a kill against any squishy offlaner. Just communicate, thats the most imporant thing. Dont walk around just to walk around. And also: you're going to lose games here and there, it happens, just forget about them and move on. Good Luck

                                                                    acc buyers in my team

                                                                      LD = free mmr

                                                                      Óðinn H

                                                                        nothing is free you lil dipshit. Everything takes effort, so assuming that's all you consider costly then paying people to boost you is a free way of getting mmr

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                                                                          Miku Plays

                                                                            Pick the legion
                                                                            Buy mom as first item
                                                                            Blademail next and win game


                                                                              The video game is usually won or lost before the game starts... Picking, picking and picking. If you start to spam a hero, you will quickly find out when you should not pick him/her... There are no auto-win heroes in the game, it would be the first pick in every game. That is the beauty of Dota right there... And that's why we keep coming back.


                                                                                SPAMM OMNI !


                                                                                  spam Techies man, ez mmr. Trust me.


                                                                                    You pick Visage. You don't feed earlygame because visage has high STR. You buy regen, regen, wards and courier. You learn to micro. You win games because enemy doesn't know what Visage is. Your carry feeds 0-8 like the cyka he is. You don't give a fuck and proceed to go 20-1 and carry the team because pubs are stupid. You buy more wards. You do this because you don't want to die but you want the enemy to. You are the gargoyle of death. You decide who dies and who lives. You buy tp and wand because you do not want to die. You buy medallion and tranquils to go rape some bitches. You buy agha and solar crest and kill the enemy carry over and over again because he is a lucky cyka feeder who somehow went 5-3. You take towers. You take rax. If your team decides to throw game because they are idi nahui blyat feeders, you go full carry and forget about supporting their butts. You go AC. You go Necrobook and Deso for Rat. You go MKB. You go BKB. You sell your shitty green boots for shiny red ones. You buy scythe to kill the enemy carry again and again. Good game.


                                                                                      You pick Dark Seer. You don't feed early game because you have great escape, and the enemies are too afraid of your Ion Shell to harass you. You buy early support items, and get 14 minute GG Boots. You learn to flash farm using his abilities. You win games because every low MMR has glass cannons up the @ss, and none of them even know what Dark Seer's ult does. Your carry feeds, but you don't give a damn and proceed to go 20-1 and carry the team because their glass cannons fall to their own illusions. You buy wards, and more wards because your other support is some shit. You buy TP because your team will always engage without you even though they shouldn't. You buy Agh's and Refreshor so that the idiot opponents fight their own illusions twice, and you laugh as you watch them die. Your team tries to throw game and feed their LC and sniper, but every time they get a kill, they just make your ult stronger.
                                                                                      Better Game.^

                                                                                      Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                                                        zues man. SUPER ez hero, start with just a couple clarities and get bottle asap, get 2nd point in Q at lvl 3 and you have garuanteed last hits and harass.

                                                                                        build = mana boots -> lens -> mana boots again -> (force/blink) -> viel -> turn mana boots into octarine ->BoTs -> (eblade/ags/euls/etc.)

                                                                                        trust me you will do tons of dmg early through late, true sight W is super nice when support wont buy sents.

                                                                                        full veil+eblade+q+w+r combo will do like 2400 dmg to someone with 25% resist. if they dont have BKB, they die.


                                                                                          git gud.