General Discussion

General DiscussionJUMPING to Very High Skill bracket

JUMPING to Very High Skill bracket in General Discussion
Fat Kitty

    I would like to ask some questions about

    my smurf account.I have an account with 80 matches which hasn't go to the TBD stage

    yet.But I haven't go to very high skill bracket yet.Now I have 50 games left if I

    own the game with winning streaks(for a example a 3 win streak with good kda and gmp

    and xmp) and good stats can I go to vhs bracket or the system has locked me to the

    high skill?I think that my problem in the start of the account was I spam phantom

    assasin for a 15 games this makes me believe that the system doesnt like the

    spamming heros mode and wants versatility so I'm not sure.THough i have an 60 % win

    rate which at the first 40 games I have 70 winrate which still doesnt give me very

    high skill bracket to play.

    Riguma Borusu

      play like vhs, get placed in vhs


        Let's not make a vhs smurf alright lets just rot away in your low skill bracket.

        Fat Kitty

          I dont like your attitude, I just ask some ideas or how u achieve that

          Riguma Borusu

            Where do people even get the idea you're supposed to 'achieve' to be placed @ some bracket? Just play your best and that's literally it, if you overcalibrate you'll drop, if you undercalibrate, you'll rise, it's literally that simple.

            Fat Kitty

              ok thanks for a real answer


                Who cares if you like or don't like my attitude L0L atleast I'm not a normal skill player not accepting that I'm bad and asking people help on forums on how to make a smurf and reach the ''godlike'' ''4k''.

                Riguma Borusu

                  be like me, I'm terrible and proud of it

                  Fat Kitty

                    Man u are just trashtalking.I'm playing at high skill,i have an average understanding about the game.I have 60 winrate%,for sure i'm not noob, I even play very high with friends and carry them at this bracket too or play as good as I can.The thing i want to ask is for example
                    u have to achieve 550-600 and above gmp and xmp every game with carries or have big numbers on damage dealt to enemy heros.


                      what is the goal here anyway?

                      If your other account has 2k mmr and you want to calibrate at 4k, but you are going to feed like mad in a 4k game, why bother?

                      If you just want to post "4126 SOLO MMR" on your profile i can assure you no one will be impressed. thats barely the top 1/5 of player base.


                      5300 is top 1%, thats something to shoot for, but you gotta earn it, otherwise just buy an account lol.

                      Riguma Borusu

                        Nobody knows exactly how the formula works but what we do know for certain is that stats are now measured against average stats for that hero throughout brackets. This means that going for 1000 GPM on alchemist is not as impressive as having that much on AA.

                        I actually told you all you actually need to know, and that's "Just play your best and that's literally it, if you overcalibrate you'll drop, if you undercalibrate, you'll rise, it's literally that simple."


                          ''I'm playing at high skill''

                          It's just hilarious how you think just because dotabuff forums says that 3.3k+ is high skill means you're good at this game? Trust me, you're a noob because you're ~3.5k. When you make a smurf and you're not in very high skill bracket the next game then what does that say? You're in normal skill bracket for the first 3 games lol that should probably say enough.

                          Wanna know when you can say you're ''high skilled''? When you're around ~5k.

                          Wanna know when you're very high skilled? When you're ~6k.

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                          Fat Kitty

                            Defianc3 It's not about the showof i'm trying to be a better player and i try to achieve that simply but to be better you have to set higher goals it's not about the mmr, I just think that I can play at 4k and win many games


                              shut up hantard either post something helpful or get out idiot

                              Fat Kitty

                                Ok thnxs guys I'll try my best I get the idea :P

                                Riguma Borusu

                                  "Defianc3 It's not about the showof i'm trying to be a better player and i try to achieve that simply but to be better you have to set higher goals it's not about the mmr, I just think that I can play at 4k and win many games"

                                  Then go play on your main, win even more games, and then get to 4k.


                                    If you can win 4k games then you can also win those normal skill games.
                                    What your teammates are bad? Do you really think it's getting better? No. It's getting much worse

                                    Fat Kitty

                                      Extra info is welcome as well

                                      Fat Kitty

                                        Shady it's not winning man I have 6/10 wins.That's not bad I know that.Either lose or win what is important is your own performance .I just want to improve and set higher goals

                                        Puck you

                                          So this is one of my smurfs. It took 10 games to get into HS, 54 games to VHS.

                                          But then again, I'm not very good and ive been playing quite a lot of support. I also havent tried to abuse the system in any ways.

                                          It happens that i drop down to HS depending on what time it is, but since i currently have a 66% winrate in that bracket and generally ok KDA (on cores especially) I typically get back into VHS again the next game.

                                          Ergo, git gud and you will reach VHS.

                                          Fat Kitty

                                            that's an answer i was looking for thnxs jugnle lc = report I Like your name man

                                            Bad Intentions

                                              Yo OP, listen man, you just have to find ways to consistently win games. The way games are won are having overall team impact. Have impact in your games, basically get kills, dont die and get assists.

                                              Also, you have the right to report hanter, just go to his profile and find the report button, since his comments are mostly harassing other people and not really helping them.

                                              Just keep on grinding man, have impact and get those wins! :D


                                                @Defiance, We don't know if those graphs represent the true distribution of MMR, since that data is not complete.


                                                  Did you try playing better? lol... don't expect to get 5k mmr while being bad


                                                    Just play good bro and be better, check on what you did wrong and try to improve the nxt games, though there are really times that we experience unwinnable games. Aim VHS when you are done calibrating. I guess VHS on normal games doesnt count when u go MMR especially calibrating (Check my account), unless those ranked games i had with some 2k LANmates affected it. but nevertheless, its way much better grinding it up. current MMR 3191(SOLO) after calibration.


                                                      @wrath after you calib your mmr solo is 3191 but you got vhs men what is your pt mmr?


                                                        i am not done calibrating my pt mmr yet, but i have 4 games already with it. those were the games i had with those 2k LANmates. now they dropped to 1.6 (LOL).


                                                          spam healers ez


                                                            Oracle bug was fixed by Valve sir. and i dont intend cheating my own ability. if valve puts me here and i dont feel like i belong, im pretty sure i could climb up easily


                                                              @wrath sir i have normal skill and high skill this affect my solo mmr or not ones i got tbd but i got nc kda


                                                                honestly i got no answer to that, im also new in dota 2, so have no idea how they do MMR's. I also tried asking why i got this MMR even i have VHS on normal games. but i have to live with it. ill just grind my way up :)


                                                                  @wrath in 10 games tbd what is your record in solo lose and win ? And what county are you sir


                                                                    9 W -1 L. Ph

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                                                                        @wrath me too ph can i add you ? Add mo ko d ako na kakapag add e

                                                                        Fox McCloud

                                                                          I'm not sure if this would help, but the account I'm writing this comment on is a recent smurf with about 20 games on it.

                                                                          As you can see, I'm not one for much versatility either, but I've managed to be put in VHS during my 3rd game, and it has stayed that way, even after a bad loss and/or a losing streak.

                                                                          IMO your first 5 games or so are the ones that really, really matter when it comes to skill bracketing.

                                                                          I used to be stuck in High on my original account, if anyone is interested. Smurfing has been great for me, as opposed to what everyone else says.

                                                                          Fox McCloud

                                                                            My advice to OP would be to re-smurf entirely.

                                                                            Fat Kitty

                                                                              I really apprieciate your answer BetterThanU :)