General Discussion

General DiscussionJungle LC

Jungle LC in General Discussion
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    Miku Plays

      Omfg Lc is best hero.Jungle or lane she dominates. U can even lvl1 ancients with her.


        Jungle is a waste, maybe not shit, but close to it. If u need a LC vs some enemy draft, lane it, don't jungle it !


          "Omfg Lc is best hero.Jungle or lane she dominates. U can even lvl1 ancients with her."
          Shit man LC best hero in dota 2 nerf plz valve last game i played the enemy jungle LC came to my jungle at 10 mins 6-slotted with +480 duel damage, volvo plz fix her shes the best lane dominator early game hero and lategame hard carry too and is tankier than centaur with 3 HoTs and 2 shivas, in that game after she zoned the shit out of me she sold all her items and built a split push heavy rat build and we couldnt leave base anymore the push was so intense my 7k friend went to shop to finish his vanguard as invoker and got instakilled by the +1256 duel damage LC killer aura she gets after +1000 duel dmg

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            LC can snowball only depending on his team. If the rest are trash, its obvious the enemy will win most of his properly timed duels.


              stop bumping useless 5-days-old threads plz


                But its the only interesting things I see, most of the recent stuff are so crap subjects.


                  In 2k shit tier people junglr ALL game but lc jungle is good if you actually gank train when you get blink

                  Player 124137522

                    Yeah to OP, learn to play m8.
                    LC is the best jungler and comeback hero, when your whole team is feeding 5 deaths per hero. Thing about LC is she is the best hero to do easy ass pickoffs. It's also about map awareness of where the enemy team is whether you can duel someone that's alone and out of position. That's how you snowball off legion and ultimately can 1v3 1v5 the whole team because you now have a shit tonne of duel damage and your passive just fucked each person on the enemy team in 3 shots.


                      ok. to all the jungle LC Supporters, i have question. how should an antimage play against an LC to win?'

                      let's assume that we're talking about normal skill tier, where junglers dont get interrupted, get their quick blink or sb, and enemy team has no map awareness so ez duelz/ez dmg in early to mid game.

                      how does an antimage that has a decent start play to win?



                        1)Get Battlefury
                        5)DONT FIGHT FARM
                        6)Farm some more
                        7)When you are lvl 20 and everyone else is 5 levels lower ,at least, kill everything

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                        Big Daddy Pudge

                          i agree with u because people don't know how to play jungle lc and they just afk all day in the jungle


                            But AM can also use map awareness, always get tp's and try to play as safe as possible until he manages to get manta and basher. Then its not gonna be so easy for LC