General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat makes you hesitate to not buy the winter pass?

What makes you hesitate to not buy the winter pass? in General Discussion
Bad Intentions

    Man I like the winter terrain but valve making it temporarily is kinda disappointing. How bout you? sets not good enough? also the temporary winter terrain? too expensive? thoughts?


      why would you buy it?


        I have currently got £2.31 in my bank account.


          However it does look like the best compendium volvo have made since ti3

          Bad Intentions

            @mech, honestly? just for the winter terrain :D it's nice to combine it with the rain weather effects :]

            plz do

              i didnt hesitate. i bought it and try it out this time. i liked the questing. but it takes ages to get done w them. i luv the rubick set and the clockwerk set. sky is also kinda nice, but shit costs monies.

              i didnt like the shitty compendium for the frankfurt majors. that was just pure gay rip off shit.

              Bad Intentions

                @kappa, well, the dk set is nice.. but im more into the terrain but mann the expiration date..

                plz do

                  btw, u cannot buy levels that easily... like it used to be. which is a big plus

                  Dune, the Desert Planet

                    Lack of money that I can afford to spend on stuff that aren't necessary.


                      i never bought anything on dota and my life's pretty cool like that.


                        i liek eggs


                          This quest system makes the game more fun. Gives you somethings to really go for ingame. Whatever you guys say, we have to admit sometimes having these goals makes some pleople play better.
                          The problem in my opinion is that this system should be free. We should have quest everyday in the game and not have to pay for them. I think they found a way to get easy money and are just going for it too greedily.
                          They should improve the game and I think the winter pass is just there for money and not for the enjoyment of people.

                          ps. This "temporarily" shit is the worst thing ever and almost makes me puke and what bothers me most is that people dont complain at all about this and just buy the damn thing... But whatever, who am I to question such things..