General Discussion

General DiscussionFUCK 1K MMR

FUCK 1K MMR in General Discussion

    No one can escape 1k mmr !!!!!
    Make a new account if u'r 1k
    that"s all :D




        It has been proven often enough that you can easily "escape" 1k MMR if your skill level is actually above that.


          If you don't try harder you will fail at higher mmr, feel lot of pressure and will not ever play dota freely.


            It depends on the team you play. If they 're good, you're lucky. :)


              that's it i all time play as carry and someone who keep troll my game lost it


                my last game as ta i had good score uuntil my fking team go to mid and ruin my fun


                  strange. i calibrated at 1.1k and am now 2.8k. i've played every role and lot of heroes. seems to me it is you not them.

                  yung griphook



                      I calibrated at 800 MMR six months back. Climbed to 1550 using mainly supports, mainly lich. But fell down to 1100 again. Now I have climbed to 1400 using carries, and like to continue doing that until I am 2k at least.

                      Moral: Supporting noobs is not worth it. You have to earn your own MMRs. It's possible btw. Just be good at carries.

                        Този коментар е изтрит
                        Riguma Borusu

                          "No one can escape 1k mmr !!!!!
                          Make a new account if u'r 1k
                          that"s all :D"

                          I climbed from 1.2k to 2.8k, your argument is invalid.


                            Surely if you're awesome you will escape 1k...

                              Този коментар е премахнат от модератор

                                I would like to play some games at 1k and see how easy they are to win


                                  let me play on ur account. I'm only 2.5K so if I can climb you should be able to EZ

                                  Da Cosmonaut
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                                    Da Cosmonaut
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                                        Da Cosmonaut

                                          One thing that i like at beow 2k mme games is:
                                          Even when they kill u, they always farm jungle. Thats why every game is winnable cause u can 1v 3 with a proper hero or 1 v 4


                                            Man you dont need your team at 1k mmr, just farm and hit buildings.

                                            Da Cosmonaut

                                              Indeed, idd why they have the tendency farm farm farm, jungle farm, when i play my buddy acc 700 mmr, pick storm, buy cour and everything, then ez rape


                                                pick hero who can melt tower down and do rat doto

                                                on my other account i climbed from 1,5k to 2,9k with hero like furion or lycan


                                                  giff me 1k acc, ill boost it for free


                                                    i calibrated 1k party and win every party ranked i play with mildly competent stack

                                                    doom & gloom

                                                      900 -> 3k, i'm not even good, it's definitely climbable.


                                                        ty guys now you give me a hope to play this shity 1k mmr game


                                                          Is op troll?


                                                            there's nothing op about this troll

                                                            Riguma Borusu

                                                              ever since he lost vision and +15 damage his days of lane dominance have been over


                                                                You seem to be playing only carries and your farm isnt even that good. If you want to get better, play the role the team needs and if you do carry, farm efficiently. Get your GPM up if you want to carry. I calibrated at 2.1 went down to 1.6 and now im 3k. Had a couple of months where I tilted hard possibly due to the patch changes and me not adapting to the meta. So keep in mind that patch changes can affect your gameplay and adapt appropriately.

                                                                Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                                  Give me your account, I get you to 2k in no time :)


                                                                    I just boosted a 1k mmr account from 1.7 to 2k something. It's with utmost certanity possible to "escape" 1k mmr, since 99.99% of the players there have some kind of mental or physical deficiency


                                                                      ty guys for help , i found the key to escape 1k mmr.
                                                                      I Need to learn new roles like offlane jungling + doing some last hits.


                                                                        I did it

                                                                        wow wow WUBZY!!!!

                                                                          calibrated at 1.4K mmr. got to 2k today. I discovered OD mid which is a hero that suits my game play. Im a pretty passive player.


                                                                            uh from 700 to 2k, climb is real.


                                                                              lol love how all the normal skill huys (me included) have come out in this thread :D

                                                                              Player 142518071

                                                                                have 1.8...
                                                                                it a hard.

                                                                                ℳ︎ ℴ︎ ℵ︎ ℶ︎ ℷ

                                                                                  seriously go mid if u ez mid free mmr or feed


                                                                                    from a person who just recently got out of 1k mmr
                                                                                    my piece of advice to you is to strive to get better
                                                                                    never blame your team always think about how "you couldnt carry the game"
                                                                                    i know its hard to not put blame on that LC who keeps on feeding the enemy damage
                                                                                    or that SB who charges a full hp drow under t1 tower with no creepwave or anyone near at all
                                                                                    but thats how you get better at the game
                                                                                    oh and that support slardar is fuckin bomb

                                                                                    Този коментар е бил редактиран
                                                                                    BSJ. LGD

                                                                                      yeah boosting 1k mmr is impossible, took me 1 year to get out of 1k

                                                                                      plz do

                                                                                        its offical: dbuff is a forum for 1k mmr players.

                                                                                        plz do

                                                                                          btw hope u gonna like the story of my lyfe:
                                                                                          i got reported from a 1k pudge player while playin w my 1k rl friends (in normals), who missed every single hook and then blamed me cuz he hooked me once. ahahha man, these guys are so bad/delusional and have no clue of dota2. its amusing really hahaha.
                                                                                          i havent seen so much dunning kruger since forever guys. so pls if ur 1k and think u need to teach someone who is literally several thousands of mmr points higher than u, pls just stop and seriously consider to delete the game.


                                                                                            I have many heroes that I could use to get out of 1k, mainly carries though. Lycan can work (see my recent games), Chaos knight works well, treant has worked for me because of anti rat and global heal/armour (but I haven't played him in ages). Centaur has also worked because of his aghs.


                                                                                              Im 2k and sometimes I boost my friends' 1k, 1.5k MMR accounts and I have yet to lose a single game.


                                                                                                It is possible I'm currently doing it (when I'm not playing with friends which is like never) maybe 1 ranked game every 2/3 days. but I'm climbing. I just prefer playing with friends.