General Discussion

General DiscussionPresence of the Dark Lord

Presence of the Dark Lord in General Discussion
Dire Wolf

    How come people seem to wait until 10 to level this? Isn't -3 armor early a pretty big deal? It's gotta be close to or more hero dps than 14 more from one additional level of souls right? Points 3,4,5 don't scale so nicely but seems worth a value point early.

    And then how come AC is like never built on him? Deso seems like shit but -11 armor with his aura and AC seems pretty legit.


      ac is legit item in certain situations though


        i agree with you, but i dont play sf.
        ac is definitely a good item

        Livin' Real Good

          1. Raze is too good not to get, especially now that it cost more mana, so using level one raze might do more harm than good in terms of efficiency.

          2. Even level 1 Presense of the dark lord is enough to push each wave away from your tower, and onto the enemy mid laners side. SF is EXTREMELY easy to gank, so, he'd pretty much be in danger all the time, even if he's a creep equilibrium master. The enemy mid laner will always be nice and safe in front of his tower, even if you're not auto attacking creeps.

          3. Necromastery is also too good not to get, it increases your last hit power, and right click potential, and by time you get it to level 4, you'll get your ult after (cause NO DECENT SF player levels his ult at 6) it will be a full power, and by then laning stage is usually over.

          But true, it does make you hit hard, and make it impossible to miss a last hit in laning stage, but it just pushes the wave too much to ever be a good skill for early laning.

          AC is legit on him for sure.

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          Totentanz to The King: M ...

            Because souls are needed for ulti as well, not just damage.

            Livin' Real Good

              You should try it, get level 1 POTDL, and just stand there in a private game (with no enemy bots) and just look how much it pushes the wave, -3 armor is ALOT for those creeps. By the second wave, it's already at the enemy tower.

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              Dire Wolf

                oh ok I did not consider pushing the wave, that's good reason


                  how is pushing the wave relevant at all ure going to add it at 4 or 6 and by then ure already supposed to be pushing out the wave with razes anyway

                  Riguma Borusu

                    ^uncontrolled vs controlled wave pushing


                      You can definitly play a sf razeless in safe lane. But you cann't skip raze on middle lane.


                        no it really does not matter one bit

                        Dire Wolf

                          I wouldn't say you skip raze, but maybe go 1/1/1, at 3, 2/2/1 at 5. Just a value point.


                            Max raze, lvl 3 souls, then take presence and ultimate and max souls.
                            So on lvl 8 presence, lvl 9 ult

                            Този коментар е бил редактиран

                              Simple. Raze gives more damage in early game and your souls are important for Requiem. Also, -3 armor will push your lane very easily. Not to say it's useless tho. If you have a coordinated heavy armor reduction team it can work, i suppose.

                              Von Darkmoor

                                Aura could be Nice in say a duo lane perhaps a trippel lane but the push i can understand is a issue in midlane.
                                Perhaps a tanky midder say Viper a naturen in The jungle and SF safe lane with a supp and a surgery tanky offlane.


                                  though i wonder if anyone tried no raze sf on safe lane and how did it end up (5k+)


                                    ^why would u go for no raze sf if the only outcome u get out of having early points in your passive is that you push your lane like no tomorrow


                                      i'd probably hold the points and put them only to souls, max presence later
                                      i think that some kind of race car build might work, maybe something like travels midas sny bkb


                                        Presence of the dank lord


                                          if u get aura at 9, ult at 10 and 11 instead of ult at 9, aura 10, ult 11 it seems like going 4-3-1 is better than 4-4-0. by lv 8 u double raze waves anyway like triple star said, and -3 armour does more than 7 souls which is 14 extra attack damage.

                                          the souls at that point don't help your ult cos u dont have it and by the time you do get ult, you'll have it maxed, it's just that at lv 8 you and your team will hit slightly harder. seems like a decent value point. -3 for 1 skill point, -1 for subsequent ones.

                                          since it takes extra xp compared to usual to get to lv 9 it might make a difference going 4-3-1 into 4-4-1 instead of 4-4-0 into 4-4-1.


                                            You get levels so fast it mostly doesn't even matter


                                              what matrice said
                                              you can go razeless on safelane, especially nowadays when you can't take stacks efficiently due to magic resist. And in pubs that build is super efficient as you can 3shot all of their heroes as early as minute 5. There was a guy who spammed sf 4 years ago or so and he was constantly going razeless and raped page1 game1 games.


                                                i totally missed matrice's post, oh well.
                                                don't mind me