General Discussion

General Discussionr/dota2 vs dotabuff vs 4chan

r/dota2 vs dotabuff vs 4chan in General Discussion

    Which has better shitposts?
    Which has better mods?


      Hi guys i'm playing csgo now, i look good in my profile pic....
      4chan nvr heard

      lm ao

        dotabuff cause me


          dont think anything beats r/dota2 for shitposts. dotabuffs more cancer than 4chan somehow tho

          не говори по РУ

            It's a bait guys, if we say something bad about the mods this forum will change.

            I love the mods <3 :)


              i like dotabuff the most because u can actually talk about the fucking game here with normal people. you can strategize stuff, flame normal bracket people, just good stuff. on reddit everyone and their mother is karmawhoring with goddamn overused memes
              never went to 4chan vg section so i cant say anything bout it
              that being said i still browse /r/ dota daily cos its really the easiest way for news gathering

              Този коментар е бил редактиран
              lm ao

                dude 4chan is awesome u should browse sometime


                  /r/dota = /d2g/

                  dotabuff wins


                    I still use both (db forums and /r/dota2). I like the tree-style comments on reddit. The upvote system ... is good and bad. The idea is great but people game the upvote system for karma, which creates a sort of boring monoculture.

                    but I like inline images and ayy lmao shit here. I like that it's specific to one topic.

                    4chan ... 4chan is like playing one of those crane games, where you pay like a dollar for a 3% shot at a ten dollar stuffed animal. You know you'll almost never find what you're looking for, but you play anyway. The only difference is ... with 4chan, instead of getting nothing when you miss, you get a steaming pile of dogshit, and you must clean it out before you play again. Every now and then you find something absolutely amazing on 4chan, but there's way too much noise to make it worth it. They recycle the same jokes over and over again so that eventually nothing there is shocking, it's just boring, recycled, unimaginative hateful crap that you have to sift through before you find anything worthwhile. Wow, the same recycled racist and homophobic tropes, that's sooooo edgy. Yawn. In the 12 years its existed, the meat of the content on 4chan remains virtually unchanged. For me, filtering through all the crap is just too much work; it's too time consuming to find what you want to find. It's really shallow, and eventually it just gets boring.

                    Also you can't look at 4chan if there are literally any other humans around. At work, at home, doesn't matter.

                    Този коментар е бил редактиран
                    lm ao


                      4chan is good i win cz i have better mmr than mod XD


                        I'll pass you in mmr soon enough. I was at 1722 January 7th, I'm at 2139 now. Plus I'm sure I'm way better at programming than you are, which is good, since I'm here to program the site, not to play dota ;)

                        lm ao

                          if u want to grind mmr dont play chen in like 20 games straight
                          u might just get a mexicano 'gg chen' and proceeds headward to the enemy fountaino

                          Този коментар е бил редактиран
                          lm ao

                            u know the question was about whos got the shitposts right

                            Този коментар е бил редактиран

                              ^teach me scraps senpai


                                u might just get a mexicano 'gg chen' and proceeds headward to the enemy fountaino

                                that happens. usually I just port them back to my own fountain. anyone that's noob enough to say 'gg chen' is usually too noob to know how to disable ally help.

                                u know the question was about whos got the better shitposts right

                                fuck i dunno, they're just different. most of our shitposts are either recycled or made on a meme generator, we don't have as much OC. they link to shit that's off-site and we usually don't. like if slacks or nigma make a video or fwosh makes one of those dumb songs they'll talk about it on reddit but we won't. we could step up our shitposting game.

                                lm ao

                                  how do u do that teach me scraps senpai so kawaii

                                  Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                    there is a command for quotation, u can find it in lawliepop's comment to eggs' post "Forum guidelines", afair.


                                      the quote thing? wrap some text in a [quote] tag. I should probably write an updated bbcode guide. You have to close it with a [/ quote] tag. It's existed forever but for a while there were no quote styles in the css so it would just do nothing.

                                      Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                        [quote] test [/quote]

                                        [quote=Spiderman] wrap some text in a quote tag [/quote]

                                        Този коментар е бил редактиран


                                            hahaha. shit, that's definitely a bug. the [quote=Spiderman] thing breaks bbcode. anything that breaks bbcode disables the bbcode generation for the whole comment, but it's totally unclear, so you'd never know it. it should tell you that there's a bbcode error in it, otherwise it's confusing as hell.


                                              19:11 - Mokujin: anything else I need to know?
                                              19:13 - Jason: uhh, yes sir!
                                              19:13 - Jason: Scraps is doing alright, I've been patiently waiting until he fixes the BBcodes completely
                                              19:14 - Mokujin: and that is?
                                              19:14 - Jason: The (quote=Name) text (quote) function, not sure what is taking him so long. I'll get back to you as soon as it's done.
                                              19:20 - Mokujin: Good.

                                              Този коментар е бил редактиран


                                                Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                  19:21 - Mokujin: I've noticed you can't use bbcodes within quotes either, when you are fixing that?
                                                  19:21 - Jason: Uhm...
                                                  19:23 - Jason: Sir, he sais he is on it. It will be done by friday.
                                                  19:26 - Mokujin: Alright. Tell him he is doing fine.

                                                  Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                    ayy lmao

                                                    the realm's delight


                                                      Този коментар е бил редактиран
                                                      Totentanz to The King: M ...


                                                        Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                          Hitler:"Stop spamming Dotabuff forums with quotes" - 15.13.2069


                                                            Yoshi is the most handomse on the dbforums


                                                              wow, it actually works

                                                              lm ao


                                                                lm ao

                                                                  shit im loving this


                                                                    >Mod Programs for dota website
                                                                    >Mod is 2k mmr
                                                                    >How does one do good programming for dota while being shit at it?
                                                                    >MODS PLEASE CHEESE PIZZA DETECTED


                                                                      pls teach me to make text green at dotabuff

                                                                      We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!