General Discussion

General DiscussionEurope East or Europe West?

Europe East or Europe West? in General Discussion

    I basically got the same ping on both regions but what server is better? Does it even matter? I queue on both regions but i always get placed on west......

    < blank >

      Never play on EU East, it's like the Asian SEA server


        ^ Dont listen to him :D:D:D

        But i agree with toxicity lvl

        Only EU East, and thats where i play. Even Russians dont want to play on EU West. Play there only if u speak russian fluently what i doubt. :P

        Този коментар е бил редактиран
        Totentanz to The King: M ...

          EU East, if you want to play with Turks that is. Otherwise, EU West.

          Óðinn H

            I just queue east west and russia cuz why the ruck not


              i just queue auto. its good to know what server you are on though because the play style is very different. as it the language of flame.


                i think most ppl in higher tiers queue for all the 3 servers hosted on the territory of eu, cz it saves time and there isnt much difference among them. there a bit more russians on russia, though.


                  Not much difference? Are you fuccking brain dead?? Completely different dota styles. You can just chill, afk play good and 5 man ez win with whatever lineup in east/russia. You lose forst 5 min in west with that attitude!

                  Dune, the Desert Planet

                    West. Unless I'm in a party then I search for both West and East.

                    Ping on West is around 40, on East around 25.

                    Pale Mannie

                      i hate EU East
                      turks/balkans everywhere in my team even on english preference

                      Dune, the Desert Planet

                        ^ normal skill


                          europe middle kappa

                          Pale Mannie

                            excuse me that i annoyed you with my lack of fucks about mmr

                            Dune, the Desert Planet

                              You annoyed me with your shitty racism. But I guess any excuse works when you are normal skill sub human.

                              Pale Mannie