General Discussion

General Discussion6.86e Is it a joke ?

6.86e Is it a joke ? in General Discussion

    *Earth Spirit's Scepter Enchant Remnant cast range reduced from 600 to 125

    Patch after patch this icefrog guy keep fucking the game, creating heroes way too strong so the ladder is unfun to play if you don't pick the meta heroes; and he still manage to completly nerf some heroes who are somehow fun to play with but not strong. I don't even play earth spirit but I like the diversity in this game so I enjoy playing against it.

    Meanwhile we still have heroes with broken stats (necro, wk...) .

    Every fucking patch the game is more and more unbalanced.


      What are you smoking mate. ES had to be nerfed.


        necro wk? wtf
        ES is insane most powerful hero in the game, valve making balance changes for 2k players? never

        < blank >

          Your post is a joke


            Good guy OSfrog nerf that shit :D

            Този коментар е бил редактиран

              lmfao es is and always will be no matter what the most broken hero in the game if his abilities dont change


                If earth spirit had an ags it was really difficult to siege T3 towers since he could just turn your carry to stone from 600 range, pull them in and then kick them to the fountain. He could do it from 800 range with aether lense. And since the stone remnant is untargetable there was nothing you could do to save your carry. Technically he can still stone you and kick you to the fountain but now he has to be standing right next to you so its easier to see it coming and avoid it. It definitely needed to be nerfed.


                  ^^^ This guy talks sense. It was NEAR IMPOSSIBLE to break the T3 down and push onto high ground if he didnt push you into fountain he could single ANYONE out and just drag them and wait, that way the team who was pushing was gone and then the team always had to back off. It was a long time coming and i am surprised it took this long TBH

                  Livin' Real Good

                    Dang, that's crazy.


                      He could do it from 800 range with aether lense. <-- most fucked up change in dota


                        We get it youre a 5k player whos gonna drop down to 2k now because you pick es every game. Stop whining.

                        Woof Woof

                          good good, icefrog should huskar earth


                            It is near impossible to break t3 vs a good techies, do people complain ??


                              "6.86: STARLADDER & MDL META INDICATIONS"

                              Frontpage of DOTABUFF, ES on top with win with 85%.

                              Why nerf?? Idk bro...

                              RTZ STYLE

                                wk is op LMAO


                                  u cant change the opness of ember whatever u do lmao. just rework it

                                  btw : most op hero is azgalor. most op sup which is io -> can relocate a carry. azgalor relocate entire teamfight lmao.

                                  Pale Mannie

                                    or save all team into enemy fountain and get a rain of commends from both teams

                                    Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                      still broken


                                        - Chronosphere radius changed from 425 to 100.
                                        - Aghanim's Scepter on Chen no longer allows conversion of Ancients, but allows unlimited number of jungle creeps.
                                        - Morphling may only use 1 ability every 3 seconds - including items.

                                        I have predicted it, and so shall it be.


                                          All i wanna say is Icefrog should Nerf Viper T^T

                                          GET R3KT

                                            u know who needs a nerf? Spectre. first pick in 3k pubs these days