General Discussion

General DiscussionWarning to SEA players.

Warning to SEA players. in General Discussion

    Schools are currently giving their students break, some in Indonesia have already been on break since Tuesday. However, starting today to presumably tuesday/wednesday next week, there will be no school for children.

    Expect toxicity in games to go up. I'll just be here shitposting rather than losing 7 more games.


      there are no classes on monday too here in PH


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          Do u go mid with Visage and get flamed after that?

          If u're good enough u can carry any toxic ass.

          Този коментар е бил редактиран
          SO LOYAL I DESERVE 2 GIRL...

            You guys need to chill


              Do u go refresher every game as wraith king?


                then dont play ranked lmao Xd


                  Even in unranked.
                  But ranked moreso.
                  Inb4 OP is a f****t


                    why, do u get serious in unranked? rofl. Xd unranked is the best place to relax and enjoy the game rofl.


                      Play at night. NO child in the night.


                        Nyan is obvious troll.

                        Този коментар е бил редактиран
                        lm ao



                            U liek picking sexy grills m9?


                              hahahahah Xd

                              Sexo Meister
                                Този коментар е премахнат от модератор
                                Sexo Meister

                                  Also thx for the news op, appreciate the warnings!


                                    @Kylextazy yeah chill with normal skill plebs :D

                                    lm ao

                                      @Knifepony I still have 4 ugly theranthropes in my 10 most played heroes will have to play more


                                        SEA is actually alright. they just dont communicate. if u r matched with toxic ppl its because u are toxic

                                        play for fan

                                          is doto still fun without toxic players in the game ?
                                          just read my name most toxic mid player eu

                                          play for fan

                                            if i dont get at least 1 toxic player in my team to trash talk with i just afk playing heartstone or clash of dicks

                                            play for fan

                                              by being toxic u give people cancer and cancer will fix human overpopulation

                                              play for fan

                                                i feel like world needs me :) at least im useful for the world but you are ... just wasting Oxygen (O2)

                                                Този коментар е бил редактиран
                                                lm ao

                                                  so far so good..


                                                    Well, still on college break in some city with shitty connection so can't really confirm it.
                                                    However, i can confirm beefballs post about our communication. It's not rare for you to be the only one with mic (and communicating with it), which is quite sad.

                                                    lm ao

                                                      FUCKING BULLSHIT GAME

                                                      TWICE IN A ROW

                                                      lm ao

                                                        i get a void and a slark who literally does nothing


                                                          i got a slark who built radiance after sblade

                                                          he used his mic and he had the voice of a 11-12 yr old kid

                                                          we won tho

                                                          lm ao

                                                            I CANT BELIEVE I JUST LOST TO A NON PHYSICAL TEAM

                                                            AS IN ENEMIES WITH ZERO CAPACITY TO CARRY Xd


                                                              ^because you got the best team in the world that even secret can't beat so that's why


                                                              Lockon Stratos

                                                                At least you guys get a break. Me and my mates have exams in the coming week. What's the point of a damn three day "break" if you're only gonna use it to study??


                                                                  u know how to solve this break?

                                                                  we play with each other!

                                                                  cmon it'll be fun fun fun


                                                                    0 reports past 25 games via conduct report.. It's Sea. Go back to r/dota2, beefballs you circlejerking maniac.

                                                                    SO LOYAL I DESERVE 2 GIRL...

                                                                      5am game b0iz lets go?

                                                                      just ary

                                                                        Bought myself battle pass so im busy doing quests, but good luck tho, tnx for the info


                                                                          careful with ID buyer too, 3k mmr are cheap, so alot 3k mmr player play like 1k shit

                                                                          Falcon 鹰

                                                                            Putangina mo. me mid bobo. 555555555555555.anjing

                                                                            SO LOYAL I DESERVE 2 GIRL...

                                                                              LF> Another SEA shitstain party 4funz


                                                                                we do another scrub SEA dota kek