General Discussion

General DiscussionHelp me get out of 2k mmr

Help me get out of 2k mmr in General Discussion
silverback action

    Can you guys check my dotabuff and tell me what i need to improve in my mid game. Dont look at my unranked games mostly just intentional feeding but look at ranked games ty guys. Just tell me what i need to improve in


      find somebody who is better than u ,and let him teach u.

      Синячий патруль

        Be greedy and dont lose ur time feeding and etc.

        Dont join the fights which are already suicidable. (For instance, 5v5 against magnus enigma)

        Dont die because of somebody's stupidness. Do never rely on the team . This game on ES u died 10 times. Its very bad actually

        Play the fixed pool of heroes u like (3-4 on each position)

        Do not think u r the best 360CARRY360 on ur 2k mmr. Picking tough and very strong supports like omni, abaddon (Especially omni is
        very op on 2k cuz noone knows about diffusal blade) may win the game

        Every lost game means that u were not good enough. Blaming team wont help u

        I repeat : Dont die

        If u r tryhard u can try watching ur replays and seeking for mistakes

        Splitpush is very effective on 2k. For example i have played a game on 2k where i destroyed melee and ranged rax on 17th minute. Not everybody carries a tp

        Force urself to farm as much as possible when nothing is going on

        P.S. My english must have harmed ur eyes so , im sorry

        Този коментар е бил редактиран

          your attitude problem sir....


            Maybe do more than 900 td as a 22-7 bs


              kill teh fokin thron