General Discussion

General Discussionsearch updates

search updates in General Discussion

    we recently made some updates to the search engine:

    - players with really low relevance should be filtered out of search. A good example of this would be that previously if you searched "bulldog", the verified players list would include DC.BuLba, but now it doesn't. The problem of "every time I search anything at all I get at least three verified players with totally different names" should occur less frequently.

    - players who have played more recently should appear higher in the search order than players that have played less recently.

    player search should turn up better results than it did before.


      Ok, but when i search Badman i still get like 50 randoms and wannabe players.


        Thanks for that scraps. When I search for Murranji I'm the top result again.


          Defianc3 - u should search with diferent keywords like "nobody"

          < blank >

            Now we only need some stickies or a big FAQ and always when somebody creates a thread it should say "Read FAQ first before you create this topic" so we can stop those smurfer who asks over and over again how to get Very High Skill


              it also might be reasonable to sort the results by the likelihood of being placed in the same match with the owner of the profile (basing on mmr estimate, skill bracket or w/e) who's using the search, or meven basing on how many games he played with/against players in the search output, if there are any.

              like, most of the times i search for:
              1) people i meet in solo queue/leagues
              2) my friends' accs
              and im definetely not looking for some let's say KNIGHTs I never met from normal skill bracket; the KNIGHT i need is the guy i played half a thousand games with.


                wow i wrote antoha and it shows me first, nice

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                      every other person named arin is a normal skill scrub


                        when i type xan in search bar 6 people show before me. still needs fixing.


                          ggwp <3