General Discussion

General DiscussionSmurf - Good idea for higher mmr/skill bracket?

Smurf - Good idea for higher mmr/skill bracket? in General Discussion
Chewie ಠ_ಠ

    I started playing dota in 2014. I had no idea how to play. First games were losses with 20 Last hits and shit kda. No courier, bought slippers of agility becoz I thought they were boots, stuff like that. So after the 10 ranked calibration games I got 1.7k mmr. Since then I improved up to 2.3k, but the process is incredibly slow, lots of retards in that bracket. Also I've never played in high/very high skill bracket, just normal. And I really think I got a lot better at the game, at least better than 2k. I also think that I would learn and gain skill faster if I play in a higher mmr/skill bracket. So, I thought of creating a new account and try my best to get good kda/gpm/xpm/dmg on the first games, thus get a new higher mmr and skill bracket. I heard each mmr stays hidden from the beginning of an account and most difference make the first games. By this logic I think this is a good idea of improving your skill and also your mmr. What do you guys think? Continue playing on your first account from when you first played dota (like a noob) or after a while (1000-2000 hours) make a a smurf to boost your paper numbers and your actual skill?

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      No it's not but good that you are asking before you create a smurf

      Chewie ಠ_ಠ

        From my logic it's a good idea, if you don't explain your statement I'll continue with mine.


          am i missing something? cuz isnt the thing with reborn is that you (the new players atleast) need to be lvl 50 to play ranked matches?

          Chewie ಠ_ಠ

            That's correct. However that does not interfere with what I said. And I'm still willing to give it a try even if it will take a while to play ranked.

            Swap Commends

              Smurfing is not good.Climb ur main.
              Smurf FAQ

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              Mors tua vita mea

                It is good if u have 600+ avg xpm and gpm on ur ranked games, if u dont have it then u are playing 300 mmr + - around ur rank max

                pepito dotero

                  Ofc its good for u create an smurf, u gonna get ur realmmr instead ur old updated mmr


                    First of all, I wanna say that what I'm about to say, many people say it. But dont take it lightly because it is 100% true.

                    1. If you were truly better than your mmr reflects, you would win almost every match, ( you would lose some because of things out of ur control. ) but you would win like 4/5 matches.

                    If I play in 2k I will win 80% of the matches, in the past I could only win 50% of the time .

                    Also, if u calibrate into higher mmr, you will just get raped.

                    If you have trouble winning against 2k players, what makes you think you can beat higher mmr players?

                    You can't. You will just get raped.

                    Focus on getting better and getting to the point where you can win practically every match in your bracket. In 2k this is very very easy.

                    Pick heroes with lots of impact, who can kill enemy heroes. Good heroes for this are OD, Morphling, Ursa, Spectre, and other heroes ur good with, keep in mind skill has more to do with this then the hero you pick.

                    Hopefully u take what I said serious cuz it'll help you alot.

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                    pepito dotero

                      U cant win 4/5 in 2k even if u are5k, 2k is ultra cancer and from a wave of 40, 50 games u can get 60% o 70% winrate max with some luck. Create ur smurf, make ur best and take ur real actual mmr like most of the players does.


                        you need to understand that everyone hates smurfs, like you will never be considered a legit 4k player if you calibrate a smurf while having the main at 2k

                        >"U cant win 4/5 in 2k even if u are5k, 2k is ultra cancer and from a wave of 40, 50 games u can get 60% o 70%"

                        4k is a harder 2k. Nothing changes. Stop thinking your bracket is the worst


                          im pretty sure most boosters tend to have 90-95% winrate in 2k (and i remember the case when y0nd had 71 winstreak there). winning 4/5 is possible even for a 4k player, i suppose.


                            Any 5K player could win 95% of their games in 2K. People have done it before so it not even a debate.

                            @OP, I made a smurf and got into VHS pretty easily. The games are not any better and I would bet a lot of my games are not truly VHS because of how many other smurfs there are. Just make a smurf and if you cant reach VHS in your first 20 games then you are better off just playing at your bracket.


                              if you have 65%+ winrate on your main, it might be actually reasonable to create a smurf. otherwise, climbing on your main will be less time-consuming.
                              also, if u feel like blaming teammates or other external circumstances for preventing you from climbing, just dont. that's nowhere near true - if you are actually good, you climb no matter what; and the pool from which ur teammates and opponents are chosen is the same <=> on average they are equally skilled, and only your performance defines your winrate.


                                yeah i used to have 65+ winrate when i was 2k mmr, took me couple of months to get 4k so i think making smurf is easier.
                                but if u have 50.01% winrate then play on buddy))