General Discussion

General DiscussionKunkka Support, how viable is that ?

Kunkka Support, how viable is that ? in General Discussion

    Tried playing him like that yesterday. Although his combo is quite hard to land at first (x-mark > torrent > boat), i think it was quite okay-ish. Feels like Disruptor with stun instead of silence.

    Anyway, thought on it ?


      Terrible. The hero is terrible even when run as a core hero. Just never pick him and you will be fine.


        When you play Kunkka support, you don't really need to land any combo of your own.

        As far as I know, you are there to set up ganks and allied spells, provide counter initiation + boat buff as well as some crowd control/chain stunning with your torrent.


          Is it good idea to buy Aether Lens first?

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            Any reason why ? I think i have read about him countering high armor heroes because of his passive cleave.
            X-mark is also kinda neat for slippery heroes like AM, QoP, Morph.


              It's actually pretty cool. I've seen some players playing support kunkka and having decent success, boat is fucking op :d I had 1 in my team last game. Against all that burst damage boat was really nice.

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                You not taking tidebringer as a support (not at first 9 levels at least).


                  Cuz kunkka is not a carry


                    definitely viable


                      How about building Aghs on him instead going for damage item so it will be pure initiator kunkka ? This is assuming we already had mana boots and aether lens for basic needs.


                        viable but not good when your team is not organized when I see it on my team I just sigh and have ptsd from past kunkka supports


                          Look at Attacker!'s games,that guy is famous for his kunkka gameplays

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                            Livin' Real Good

                              Yup, viable for sure.

                              I remember fighting one, I swear, it felt like the moment I got X'd from a mile away, I was fucked. It pretty much meant, my team HAD to fight in some situations just to save my ass after being boated.


                                Tried a few times with a void. I like it, but makes your lanes a bit weaker


                                  good but your team needs to have strong lanes and strong frontlines during the mid game i think


                                    you guys gotta remember what 'support' in normal skill means: Buy one ward at the start then play as a core


                                      Lollll so true mate. U forgot buying chick at the start and never upgrading after

                                      ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                        What can Kunkka do that Sniper can't?



                                            support with kunkka is very viable.
                                            at the start of the game, buy courier, wards, tango, healing salve, clarity. on 2mins+ upgrade the courier, buy 2 more wards. dont forget to place the wards on the proper spots. buy sentry wards to deward. buy wards again for map vision of your team. ez win


                                              It's better than Kunkka carry. He can't carry, he's like a ganker/nuker. Level 4 torrent + boat around level 7 kills almost everyone.