General Discussion

General DiscussionSad update for invoker !

Sad update for invoker ! in General Discussion
Meat Spinner

    Any invo lover felt it too ? Eul combo is just waste ... and combo of trndo+emp+meteor+D.blast makes no effective damage ! What u think ppl ? Valve will cancel this unnecessary update ? I used to love watching enemies losing their hp with meteor and D.blast combo ! But its not happening anymore ! Plz guys share ur thoughts and post any link to videos of w33 ..miralce by this 6.86 update if u find any :-(


      Lmao fuck invo and fuck invo pickers too


        ya i feel you man they should atleast give like a 1 sec hard disable or at the very least give qwe a silence


          ayyy fuck you

          Meat Spinner

            Yeah man ! Lost my all interrst in dota now :-(