General Discussion

General DiscussionWeakest major ever by volvo

Weakest major ever by volvo in General Discussion
Swap Commends

    Insane random packet loss
    Broken casters mic
    Fire ur self volvo


      The casters room is laughable. Who the fuck set that up? Where is the god damn DESK? Where are the monitors with graphics and information?

      I don't really give a shit, but if Valve wanted to look professional how do they hire a production crew that is so dogshit LMFAO.


        mb they want to entertain people and dc about looking professional

        just sayin'


          Then why did they fire 2gd for saying unprofessional shit?


            when will casters learn that instead of trying to guess player item choices you can look at player perspectives? or are you unable to do that when u are in the caster slot?


              and to think that perfect world are involved too.... f*ck shanghai frankfurt all the way

              Swap Commends

                Just compare it to last major


                  I honestly think they should never hold another major in China again. The internet is just so terrible there, constant lag, mics dropping.


                    2GD was the only shitr that kept it entertaining, so im sure that's not the case. @Triplesteal


                      Този коментар е бил редактиран

                        who is ddsama?




                            lol who is kamina




                                China or Chinese have nothing to do with it so stop you knee-jerk reactions on that.

                                The event is produced by Valve and presented by Perfect World.

                                Meaning, hiring, firing, money, salary is in hands of Valve. And, production which is PCs, studio, servers, booths, etc. is in hands of Perfect World.

                                China / Chinese providing with venue / residence / food.

                                Whatever you say about 2gd (James) he will always lack professionalism, is sexist, had a chance to revive his career which he just blew again.

                                Valve will never give any other event to Perfect World (which Gabon just pronounced) again so calm yourselves.

                                saving private RTZ

                                  Yes it is the chinese fault.

                                  The studio which produced the stream was KeyTV which is Chinese and is simply dogshit. PW is dogshit anyway. Godbless now it is produced by MarsTV.

                                  saving private RTZ

                                    I would much rather give the Major to the russians. The starladder I-League in Minsk(i know its belarus, but the same) was really good


                                      as far as i understand, they just cant keep the contract with the commentatos that directly violate the rules and flame players, due to some prestige shit/unspoken rules of the field, same as in a lot of other spheres. u r creating demand, talk shit, but do not go out of the limits = you are fine, but its true only untill a certain point.

                                      thats only my pov tho, and its mainly based on paralles from other stuff outside of pc gaming, and not the knowledge of this particular field, which i just dont have.


                                        like, basically same stuff that keeps Ayy lmao thread alive, as a close example


                                          wtf is that thread anyway

                                          lm ao

                                            >valve event

                                            top fucking kek

                                            Swap Commends

                                              ^ :))))))))))))))))))) no plz

                                              Pale Mannie

                                                ^^pls no


                                                  Omg , you people never learn. He didnt really flame the players, it was meant in joke and even themselves laughed about it. And tell me where was he unprofessional. Does everyone even realize how many TI's this guy casted and how fuckin good and entertaining they were? I guess not :)


                                                    didin't cost u a thing to watch and set up the majors, or did it?

                                                    Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                                                      2GD that manchild needs to learn some manners. Imagine being the show host on ABC/NBC etc, talking dogshit about the potential gold medalist in the Olympics? Or telling how the judoka are all high on weed and autistic or telling that all the russians are on peds etc... It might be okay if you're a ex-pro player but you're not.

                                                      Just imagine all the censors and translation have to do when 2GD speaks, he'll be like those people on the show "Cops" endless beeps every time he speaks or fake subtitles lol. He's got to realized the rest of the world is still very conservative, don't show up with skrillex hair cuts and tattoos like some white trailer trash. Have some decency to wear a tshirt and slacks at the very least. I mean if he's really truly HIP he should grow some dreads like Zyori and see how people like him.

                                                      Here's him in a nutshell. The Infamous [4] meme. Wish death upon! & moar.

                                                      Този коментар е бил редактиран
                                                      Dire Wolf

                                                        well it was only the second major so it had a 50/50 shot of being the weakest one ever from the get go