General Discussion

General Discussionhow the fuck do u play spectre

how the fuck do u play spectre in General Discussion
meow maniac

    this hero's damage output is low as fuck early game. he's squishy too. he needs good farm.

    up against an aggressive dual lane w/ heavy stuns n ranged attacks farming is risky. being the slightest bit out of place results in an immediate death which sets you back. hugging the tower while the wave's pushed and farming the jungle also sets you back.

    what do

    Dire Wolf

      You have to just ride it out, hope your team can make space and fight some mid game. You only need like two or three items to have a big team fight presence, just with like drums and yasha you can do a lot. You don't actually need a lot of farm to comeback late. Spectre does more with less farm that other carries late.


        ur passive gives u enough dmg.
        default build is: phase, urn, drums, yasha into manta, diffusals (or sometimes radiance), followed by heart, skadi, butter, daedalus, ac, or rapier.


          Best thing to do is not die, and get levels. Once you have your ult you can use it to pick off fleeing heroes or heroes who are alone with low HP. This'll help you catch up from your bad laning phase.

          You can always catch up. The important thing is to not let yourself get too behind or else your enemies can 5 man knowing you're not ready to fight yet.


            I saw your games and you farm like can't play hard carry without knowing how to farm unless you're alch....

            King of Low Prio

              Just hope your supports are not retarded


                Just watch a few of my games, 3.5k

                Livin' Real Good

                  Just hope you don't got dumb passive supports who are scared to harass, or think pulling all game is the only thing they have to do.


                    I understand where the pro games' drum-urn build is coming from, but personally in my skill brackets vanguard works out much better (creep gold > hero gold) cause face it drum-urn ain't gonna help shit in farming creeps as much as VG.

                    With dispersion at 3-4, get your teammates to stack camps or do it yourself, with VG and dispersion spectre can clear a 3-4 stack jungle rather quickly with not much damage taken -> go lane again -> repeat till radiance and then your game impact will scale very quickly from there.

                    Ofc I am not badman so I don't really see a need to follow pro-game builds
                    - PERSONAL EXPERIENCE -


                      u dont have to be 8k to make this build work, it just requires a bit different playstyle with a greater fight participation and more early agression.

                      bum farto

                        Cause you have severe retardation


                        > Doesn't skill desolate
                        > Complains about damage


                        Start > Stout, Tango, Faerie, Quelling (the FF will give a small damage increase as will quelling)
                        Into > Urn, Aquila, Phase, Drums, Yasha (you should have all of this by about 15-18 mins)
                        Into > Manta, Diffusal, and optional late radiance which is fine

                        Build > Butterfly, Skadi
                        Do Not Build > Assault, Blademail, Heart


                          lmao no desolation new meta 4Head
                          i didnt think its possible


                            A modern DVD player should run it unless you have it on Blue Ray?


                              learn to properly farm even if harassed.

                              meow maniac

                                I was following Badman's skill build to a t and we actually won. In the others I skilled desolate. The damage increase really doesn't help me sustain in lane against tanky duo laners.

                                Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                  If you find farming difficult, I recommend starting with a Quelling Blade and fairy fire. (Usually also get stout and tangos). Then build a blades of attack first. That will get you 15 bonus damage to creeps, and makes last hitting very doable even under tower.

                                  Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                    dispersion doesn't help you sustain in lane either. the first point gives 10% damage reduction which is fine but subsequent levels are only 4%. that makes you slightly harder to kill but it's by no means sustaining you in lane compared to something like tidehunter's kraken shell for example. you're still going to have to go back to base if you get ganked and almost die, whether you have 1 into dispersion or 4 points.

                                    the damage increase is for when the laning stage starts to break down so that you can get kills during this period. think ahead of time. if you max dispersion in lane it might save you from some deaths (and I say 'might' because the damage reduction difference is minor so it might not even do that) but you can't do anything useful other than hit creeps because you have no damage.

                                    if you have a max dagger and desolate build, that allows you to help your team in kills, which you're probably going to need to do if your lane got contested and your farm is stunted. even if you die, if you're getting kills because you have damage, you're slowing down the enemy's farm and getting gold yourself, which allows you to keep up in farm (or not fall behind as far).

                                    what does dispersion do? literally nothing. if you are behind, you cannot get kills because you lack damage so you cannot get comeback gold. if it prevents you dying from a gank, you still have to return to base, so it's not like it's indirectly helping you farm faster by preventing you dying. if you're ahead, you'd probably be even further ahead if you had a dagger/desolate build because you'd be able to get kills that you wouldn't be able to get had you maxed dispersion, so you'd get more gold, and have more items, resulting in a bigger lead.

                                    bum farto

                                      "Badmans build to a T"

                             vs a trilane, puts only one point into it.

                             vs a duo lane, pumps 3 points into it, has the lowest xpm, gpm, HD, TD of almost everyone in the game.

                                      OK. THEN.


                                        Spectre is perfect to learn how to recover. And to play him good you need to know how to get that radiance even if you get fucked hard early game. Find farm, any farm and help with ultimate. I started building urn since so many cool players do it and it works pretty damn good, but I still prefer vanguard if its good against the enemy lineup if I can get it at like 6-7 minutes. With it early its very easy to snowball because if you dont play like 1k carrys they will not be able to kill you unless in a teamfight.


                                          Follow my build and you'll be fine


                                            the worst spectre build you could go for really NotLikeThis^


                                              I guess you can do that in 1k bracket.. Your items are retarded xD WutFace

                                              Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                he was following badmans build to a T of trash