General Discussion

General DiscussionInitiator's mindset

Initiator's mindset in General Discussion

    hello guys, I am just a normal-high skill guy with a tendency of picking hardlane/offlane initiator (like slardar, tide, earthshaker, etc). What i want to ask you as a initiator which one do you prefer?
    a) When in a fight, after getting a kill, commit even until you die so your team can get another 1/2 kill, worst case the fight gone wrong we lost more heroes than the enemy
    b) When in a fight, after getting a kill, retreat and play safely, or getting another kill when the enemy made a mistake to chase you and your team

    Constructing comments is appreciated, Thanks!


      Dont ever die for monkeys, except if you win game or major objective afterwards. Just heal up and go for more blood.

      Dire Wolf

        You have to weigh the costs vs benefits. For example it is super worthwhile to blow your ultimate for a single kill if it's like enemy mid or hard carry farmed up. For a support, probably not worth it.

        If you spent all your gold in a fight, it's not nearly as bad dying as if you have 800 unreliable gold for example.

        If getting kills leads to towers that's a lot more worthwhile than chasing right outside your base, wiping them and getting nothing out of it for risking your heroes.

        ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

          You have to weigh the costs vs benefits. For example it is super worthwhile to blow your ultimate for a single kill if it's like enemy mid or hard carry farmed up. For a support, probably not worth it.
          Its always worth for me.

          Jamie Lorman

            I play this role a lot. No, always back after going in, sit on the outskirts, and repeat. Easy gaming.

            Your job isn't to sit in the front right clicking someone. If your shits on cd, and the fight isn't already over, you shouldn't be in the middle.