General Discussion

General Discussionfaceless void

faceless void in General Discussion

    60 sec cd ult SeemsGood
    unkillable unless you have 50 disables because of timewalk SeemsGood
    bash SeemsGood
    the most bullshit annoying spell ever aka cd freeze that will make you useless for whole teamfight if you used some of your spells before SeemsGood

    the realm's delight

      cvalled this hero out months ago

      bum farto

        AA is really good vs him and I know there are way better supports to pick but if you come up against a Void spammer you will be glad to have an AA.

        Dire Wolf

          idk dude no one plays void my bracket or they suck with him and still try to carry ie don't spec right and go afk farm Can't really say. It's like people who bitch about meepo, who the fuck picks meepo?


            ive been spamming this hero and i must say, it has been glorious, pls buff lol, he is good offlane atm and people will start to realise his potentials

            Този коментар е бил редактиран

              he has timelapse on like 1 sec cooldown


                nice hero. #BALANCED

                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                  Le silence makes him useless since he isn't a carry anymore SeemsGood
                  Can't farm for shit SeemsGood


                    you lost a game to a void didn't you



                      that game was a pain in the ass


                        Sam if you worried about silence buy diffusal , issue solved

                        Този коментар е бил редактиран

                          void is awful in farmi, and u need vlads/blink/aghs in any case, so diffusals are a luxury u can only get ~40 min into the game


                            you are not meant to farm with the hero
                            you are meant to get kills for your team with the hero thats how you get your networth and you can do the occasional jungling if you have the opportunity . me personally i dont go vvlads on him i go mm, ive found out it helps to dish the d but you have to be carefull at the same time..
                            My point here is that you are not playing position 1 void so you have to sit back and play with your team


                              not elitism/flame/anything personal, just a question. whats your mmr, appoximately?


                                4.2k , nothing special , still a scrub but i know that faceless is not a scrub offlaner and it is good at the moment from what i can see.


                                  Yeah, good lane survivability as offlaner, good counter against spell spammers, a bash that probably won't show up when you really need it, but still, good mobility and a goodamn great AOE spell which can setup good combos. It was a nice rework on the hero.

                                  A Manta would work well at improving mobility, dispelling silences and stuff, and also works on chronosphere, increasing your DPS. Ofc, you should do manta after PT, vlads and blink. Sometimes even before aghanim.

                                  Riguma Borusu

                                    If you're not playing the carry role you should not delay the aghs too much, having such a low cooldown on a spell like that makes you way more threatening because now you can use it on 1 or 2 people without worrying too much.


                                      idk why wouldn't u get midas on him.


                                        well if you are raping the offlane that well then go for midas,

                                        Miku Plays

                                          I think he can still carryy kkkkkkk

                                          Putins Price Hike

                                            void isnt that big of a deal. No nerf needed