General Discussion

General DiscussionTFW you end up as position 2 AA

TFW you end up as position 2 AA in General Discussion

    Why didn't Lina go mid?

    Dire Wolf

      How are you position 2? Every other hero ought to be higher priority than you.


        U dont understand lina did go mid and she wasent exactly the best mid, reason why i was "position 2" is cause no one on team knew how to farm correctly and i got my money from sniping bitches wth AA


          Essentially i started off the game as pos 5 and ended up looking like pos 2. Thought it was kinda funny an AA could do more damage than rest of team. I sniped the invoker off the mini map while he was invis, so ye, we still lost sadly enough, Lina could have like, done the exact opposite she was doing we might have won.


            lmfao how in the world has sven less farm than you
            high skill seemsgood

            Riguma Borusu

              lina getting stomped?

              better get bloodstone!

              Seriously, report retards like that.