General Discussion

General DiscussionAether lens and dragon lance

Aether lens and dragon lance in General Discussion

    Aren't these items kind of noob patchers? I am the only one who finds them not fitting to what DoTa should be?
    You caster? Ok, 2.5 k lens give you mana pool, hp reg, and enhanced range with amp dmg, for most of the heroes there's still always other items that better fill the slot, but on others, like pudge, I dont think it's any balanced. If I'm not wrong I'd say the stupid lens also increases range on blink dagger (an item pudge was not allowed to use <<historically>>).
    As for the dragon lance I just gotta say it's fucken imba on ench :/ (funny as well, aghs+lance sniperench)

    Dune, the Desert Planet

      No they aren't. As someone who has been playing for 50 major patches, I cannot believe people still whine about changes. Changes are healthy, both in DotA and in life. I recall when Orchid was added some people were "hurr durr item that can Silence, that's not DotA" or when Diffusial was removed from Manta recepie so Manta illusions didn't burn mana no more or in 6.64 when first batch of weird Aghs came (Jugg, Void...).

      This game is in constant evolution. Every element of the game is evolving. Look at old Sven, a single target stun, armor aura that couldn't be toggled and purgable ulty. Old HoT gave 11 HP/sec. Those concepts are a joke. Or something relatively new: two runes. This was kinda controversial because there was one rune for as long as people remember. But if you think about it, that was kinda bad because luck had a bigger impact.

      But the core of the game is the same since day one - find a way to enemy Ancient. And in every patch there are countless routes to take in order to reach that goal, some are better and safer, some are more risky.

      Този коментар е бил редактиран

        wrong. these items are a really nice addition, cuz they help many heroes transition into mid game. Carry who buys dragon lance can disassemble and make bkb and butterfly from it for example, which is really nice on weaver for example. But more importantly aether lens changed the meta so that more supports can be useful again and not just be cast away and the whole game is only about the carry. So many supports who last patch were fuckin useless, are now good. The problem is that in pubs everyone wants to play carry or mid and be the star in the game.
        What many people dont understand though, is that the carry is worth shit without support and you could say support essentially is the "early game carry" and the 1 position is the mid-late game carry.
        With the addition of aether lens, supports can now control the early-to-mid game way more efficient than before. Low cost item, huge impact on many skills, e.g. rhasta ( every fkin spell in his repertoire benefits from that item, and he gets some regen and and some decent mana).
        Since I play a lot of support and I like playing them, I can say its awesome item.

        Pale Mannie

          Those whiners always compare the changes with league for some reason even though they have not such a thing as aether lens/dragon lance or the items from 6.84

          Von Darkmoor

            Nothing wrong with those items the hero changes they constantly make however is incredibly annoying Harb properly needed a slight biff Ursa and Riki however didnt they were fine just the way they was fuck they change Riki twice and pris still dont play stop making patches and retarded changes just because of what the pros pick and dont pick.
            Ursa right now is changes from a unique perfectly balance hero to an overpowerd monster i especially like how attackspeed slow dont even work on him.


              It's sad. This game slowly transforms into World of Warcraft, where every patch completely changes game balance.


                Trust me, they're good improvements, so quit whining.
                Items like Aether and Dragon Lance are incredibly useful for squishy heroes, serves the purpose of balancing, as well. Patches are decent as well, there's is no cause to say they suck.
                Remember, change is inevitable.

                SHINIGAMI HLA WAI

                  My sniper can now hit medusa during gazy-stony-phase. Ty, osfrog. Your dragon lance looks nice on my Barrett50cal.

                  Този коментар е бил редактиран

                    Guys guys, chill, I was not whining at all, or at least that was not the purpose of it. I didn't cry for volvo to remobe come on, and also, I like the fact that noob players can benefit from items like this and fuck their teams slightly less. I am just pointing that imo, they need to maybe, be nerfed for some heroes.

                    Also, nobody mentioned if I was wrong or right by saying aether lens increases blink dagger range, tried this in demo mode and I totally had the impression that blink dagger really was increased by lens. I am really interested to know if this is certain or just my wrong impression


                      Aether Lens simply increases cast range, so it won't change your max blink distance but if you exceed the max distance, you'll blink 1160 (i.e. 960 + 200) instead of the usual 800.

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                      Dire Wolf

                        I like unique items that don't just give +stats or +dmg. A spell dmg item was long overdue, octarine core is an amazing item allowing for different cool builds.



                          Check that image. Just where the box is at, there is a small stone square shaped. From that stone, w/o lens, you can blink max to roughly redstar. With lens you'll be able to reach green star. It's a good place for testing as spot A would be marked with the square stone, and the places to blink to are bushes, one closer, the other further.
                          Do your own test and you'll see there's no way to blink into the bush marked with green star w/o a lens.

                          Този коментар е бил редактиран

                            Agreed, it increases max blink distance as well.

                            Miku Plays

                              it increases everything, including your e-peeeen