General Discussion

General DiscussionDaily Life in 1.8k MMR #2

Daily Life in 1.8k MMR #2 in General Discussion

    3 straight wins, 2 in ranked.....later on today 3 ranked games loss in a row. FML.


      did you delete your last thread DansGame


        I dont wanna argue about the wards. Nyway I bought some.


          That pissed me off.

          Zorthax Dorn

            I don't really get it. You're picking meta heros but you're in a bracket were a "meta" doesn't exist. Why not you and try to get your team to just pick all durable heros?

            Viper, spirit breaker, pudge etc are all heros who run rampant in that bracket. Hell I've won games as an Abaddon mid because I know the opponents mid is too bad to understand how to win the lane.

            Abaddon is probably the bane of low mmr. Everyone will focus him first, blow everything on his ult while you keep murdering them. Phase to Vlad to S & Y to desolator then prob basher. Go offlane and just win.

            Zorthax Dorn

     I was mid vs TA before she rage quit. My party mmr is 4k so normal skill for me usually hovers around 3k


                I climbed out of 1k last week. Hoping to get to 2.5k by monday.