General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to escape from the 2k tier fastest ?

How to escape from the 2k tier fastest ? in General Discussion

    I am playing Dota 2 only 2 months. I don´t want to lose much time to stay in 2k hell, because i feel that there are too many toxic players.
    I think that the best solution is to pick last and hero what is really needed in this game (mostly support hero, because guys don´t want to support in this tier). I think that i am on a good way right now after terrible start. This game is not very friendly for new players.
    What role do you think is the best to escape from this tier ? Sometimes i am thinking about MID, but it is no chance to play mid every game due to some bad manner dudes.


      stop playing random/captains draft.

      Also if you need to last pick every game and you cant win without only countering than you should stay in the bracket


        why should not play random/captain draft ? I like random draft the most. CM is sometimes very frustrating if we get a bad captain and i am force to play a hero what i am not very familiar.


          just pick a hero and learn it. literally any hero in the game can be used to win in 2k if you are good with them.


            Only way is to just get better at the game, every bracket is as toxic anyway

            lmao those kids will foll...

              I suggest you watching some streams of boosters, usually they greatly perfmorming on mid role, just stare at them and try to do the same.


                Wanna escape 2k bracket? Lose every game and u will be 1k hahahaha! Joke


                  But seriously get better at everything like farming, pushing, laning etc.


                    Yeah i got from 2290 to 2700 hahaha

                    Mr. Pickles

                      1st thing you do in the ready/loading players screen before pickings check all of ur team recent games if they are a good carry go supp and if they dont pick carry. If ur not picking 1st, Pick hero that depends on ur team pick/need or hero that can counter on the opponents. I have learned that if u want to rise up in 2ks. Pick support, help ur team, babysit ur lane. Roam mid and that will be ez. I recommend picking mirana,wd,ud,es or necro bc they can semi carry late game. A range supp can help ur safelane carry farm well if u know how to harass :) and if u picking carry and go mid always bring tp coz there will be always a potential clash in ur other lanes. And u can secure kills with that

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                        ^can I learn how to be successful smurf like u?