General Discussion

General Discussioncan i get to 3k?

can i get to 3k? in General Discussion
! Wehsing !

    So, yeah. Like what you see in my title, am i legit to get into 3k mmr if i continue to "play well"? If you take a look into my account, youll see some feed games, and i hatethem by the look of my games, will i get to atleast 2.7-3k mmr? (Life is hard for me as a 14yr old player that has 1year experience of dota 2 playing in sea server)


      u cant. max 2.5k for u


        my younger brother is 12. and his mmr is 3.4k. 1 year dota 2 experience too.

        Venus, MBA

          As long as you try to learn and improve from each match, you'll eventually get good enough to rise to 3k.


            yup doesnt care if u calibrate at 2k or 1k. if u belong to 3k, u can ez-ly rise it by urself by winning the games

            ! Wehsing !

              @('_') i play in the most toxic server in the world, SEA. So no wonder im tryinghard.
              So the reason why i want a max of 3k is this, i want to get 4k ASAP to boast about it(seems legit) also it feels like my goal doing this

              M1YONG PAPLO

                read bible

                ! Wehsing !

                  @('_') i pretty much think i can even get 4k if i play on other servers like eu or north/south america because of the fact that even 4k mmr above players in sea get to actually experience even the worst manner of a flamer they can get


                    mute em all.


                      pick hard carry and farm like theres no tomorrow.


                        life is hard for you? you havent even started to embrace all the shit you will come across in life yet, son


                          dont blame sea server. just accept that u r weak. and u will improve

                          ! Wehsing !

                            Ofcourse i am weak thats why im compaining in the first place tbh, so back to the topic ive been really comfortable with pa recently, should i try spamming pa to atleast get high skill games MAYBE? Ive played with a lc picker with 22games of lc in less 40 games, should i copy this strategy?(he was vhs and still vhs btw)


                              get vhs all the time on unranked, doesnt mean u will guaranteed 3.7k on ranked during calibration


                                You claim to have 1 year experience and yet have played only 39 games.. So I'm assuming this is a smurf id.. If you can't smurf and reach at least high skill I don't think you belong there..

                                ! Wehsing !

                                  I had another smurf on vhs and it went to normal skill idk why but i think its the lack of gpm xpm, 1 year doesnt mean i know what ive been doing and i knew about hidden mmr not so long ago (my main soesnt even have 500+ games because i just play on internet cafe and have school)


                                    3k easy if you go riki with dagon and rapier. You can kill everyone in 3 hits.

                                    yak T -i-

                                      I know SEA server is a toxic, but you cant change it ...
                                      So dont complain, change your mindset Learn how to handle it
                                      Or you just can be part of it
                                      Be a TOXIC

                                      If you complain no sup, no ward, no cour
                                      Why you still pick a carry ?
                                      Dota have a lot Of support hero

                                      Този коментар е бил редактиран
                                      ! Wehsing !

                                        @goethe pls no


                                          if ur feeling pro, yes it was easy to get 3k. if ur a normal person like me who play rarely, JUZ PLAY MORE AND GIT GUD. im climbing for 400 mmr from 2.3 to 2.7 feels so hard as fck, same SEA btw. my 600 games feels wasted when im tried to make smurf with spamming and got 3.8, now easily climb to 4.1 with less game. but playing at low bracket in sea still worth much exp, how u can adapt with shitty draft, shitty teamates, and ur noobself kappa.