General Discussion

General DiscussionLooking for 4k up from sea

Looking for 4k up from sea in General Discussion
: )

    I just want to team up with higher mmr players which i think can help me improve my game, and learn from them


      I'll play with you


        fking high skill trash

        Този коментар е бил редактиран

          please info for Very HIght SKill bro


            Sadly, my party MMR is in HS territory.

            : )

              So you mean we all trash, if we want to get better?

              Този коментар е бил редактиран

                i estimate myself at 2k, do u want 2 try me

                  Този коментар е премахнат от модератор
                  : )

                    What's your steam id @symetricaL^?


                      you can find one's steam ID in their dota profile


                        hey OP, i have 2 friends that are low 4kers that i regularly play with, so if u want i can add u so u could play with us

                        i myself am only 2.7k solo-3k flat pt w/c is low

                        however we are pinoys so if ur not pinoy we might not be able to communicate to u at times, but dw, our english aint bad and we're not one of those "peenoise" stuff

                        : )

                          Thanks sir @TripleSteal- figure it out hahah tnx

                          : )

                            @moon moon sure :D

                            acc buyers in my team

                              that's not how it works.

                              if only it was like that, then sheever wouldn't be so bad at this game after playing with much better players.



                                Sometimes I'm short of players for a full pt.

                                Party ranked 3.9k with a bunch of other 4k flat friends or lower 3k. My solo is 4.9k but take note I won't tryhard that much. You'll at least get proper lineups.

                                : )

                                  Kathy we all see the game at different perspective, well I guess to each his own then

                                  @nami so you mean we're okay to pt?

                                  Waku Waku

                                    I'm actually looking for a few guys to support us to up party mmr but well, from ur stats, u are a carry player so.............. :S


                                      Anyone here from sea feel free to Add my party smurf @3.3, main 5k

                                      : )

                                        Hey good day, are you talking bout me if so i can play support better than carry. I suddenly forgot how to play carry recently

                                        Waku Waku

                                          ya can add me up then :D we'll see how well it goes

                                          LOW PRIO BOY MUNGGO


                                            : )

                                              ^yes sure


                                                Add me, playing right now.