General Discussion

General DiscussionDota 2 Compendium research

Dota 2 Compendium research in General Discussion
El Flashbango

    Hello, my name is Jacob, I'm a marketing student from Saint-Petersburg, Russia. For my year paper I'm doing a research on marketing in the gaming industry, specifically in eSports. I chose the Dota 2 competitive scene because I like this game, I play it myself and I know it well. The questionnaire linked below is going to help me understand, what does an average Dota 2 player value the most in a Compendium, how much is he willing to spend and what does he want to improve*. The questionnaire is mostly targeted to the players who are interested in the competitive scene and/or buy Compendiums in the game.

    I really hope you do answer this questionnaire, your help is very appreciated. If you forward this to your friends who might be interested, I will love you until the release of HL3 :3

    Here is the link:

    *You are asked to write an answer to this question yourself, because answers like "Compendiums should cost less" or "They should have more free stuff" are too obvious and I wanted a little bit more insight :)

    Thank you, and have a nice day :P

    PS Your feedback is appreciated, although I don't think I can change the questionnaire too much and not mess up the answers that were already submitted. I will be constantly monitoring this thread during the weekend.


      Ok done, good luck with your research :)

      El Flashbango


        Thank you! And they say Dota 2 community is bad :D

        yung griphook

          I'll fill it out. Hope my input helped! Good luck on your paper :D

          Този коментар е бил редактиран
          El Flashbango

            @can't stop

            Thanks a lot)


              ok i submitted it
              gl on your paper m8 , just making the community seem more friendly xd

              El Flashbango


                Thanks, mate :)

                lm ao

                  Gl m80 i hope u get a decent sample size also hope trolls btfo

                  Fee Too Pee

                    done. compendium 2expensive


                      First thing in a long time i didnt troll with my answers gl with paper

                      El Flashbango


                        Yeah, actually, only one troll answer so far! Not sure about the sample size tho, a bit over 60 respondents at this point.

                          Този коментар е премахнат от модератор

                            done! good luck man



                              The Joker

                                done! good luck on your paper


                                  Done! GL to you!

                                  El Flashbango

                                    Thanks so much, people!


                                    I did, but that's not the sort of stuff that quickly gets upvoted, so it drowned. Nevertheless, I'm quite happy with the results.