General Discussion

General DiscussionGyrocopter tips and tricks

Gyrocopter tips and tricks in General Discussion
The Joker

    Just watched pro game today where Navi make a comeback against Vega in TI5 and I noticed that XBOCT have 600 LH within 50 minutes so I want to know how do pro really play Gyrocopter?

    lm ao



        Havent seen this match but if they comeback with Gyro who has 600 LH too me its a game were he got alot of stacks, which is what his flak cannon is really good at bringing down, like tripple ancients a few times can really change a game if you're behind etc. He is not at all a good farmer without stacks, because the CD of flak cannon and rocket barrage is kind of shitty at least on ancients.

        The Joker

          It's Magnus who make a comeback by skewer 3 of Vega (SF, Leshrac, Dazzle) into Disruptor static storm circle which leaving Shadow Demon and Clockwerk powerless to do anything to save their teammates and Navi then proceed to push so hard that Vega cant keep up the defence and lost to Navi comeback.


            The best case is to dominate your lane (3-0-2 against most mids; 3-1-1 against other lanes; if your team's comp is terrible and forces Gyro to 1v2+ in offlane, 1-1-3 is best). Gyro's burst damage is still impressive and as long as you snowball and remain an item ahead of your enemy carries, the standard HotD->S&Y->BKB->Satanic build will guarantee Gyro has a HP and damage advantage over the enemy team.
            The problem is that Gyro cannot extend the game too late. Compared to Ember or Medusa or AM or even Kunkka, Gyro is the least safe Rapier carrier and even with RApier, can still lose to a fully-farmed Spectre or CK without one. If Gyro is your team's hardest carry, you MUST snowball. Unlike real teamfight heroes (DS / Enigma / Tide / FV / WD) or broken mechanic heroes (Dazzle / Morph / Omni / OD / WW / Necro), Gyro cannot fall behind too hard. If the enemy has BKB and Gyro doesn't yet have physical damage or HP + mobility, Gyro will remain useless. If Gyro ever falls slightly behind, he MUST have stacks or a few good ganks and a team willing to create those chances for him....all for an increasingly slim chance of victory.

            However, Gyro has been nerfed since 6.84 and there are enough now that what used to be a 75%+ chance of dominating lane + snowball is now closer to maybe 50-60%. For 6.86, I think it's probably safer to play Gyro as the playmaking mid-game carry (#2 position; see how n0tail plays Gyro) who makes space for a harder carry on the team, but it's hard to convince teammates of that sometimes.

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            The Joker

              Say what about phase boots in case you had to solo fight someone and you can use rocket barrage at most effectiveness?