The best region for me on ranked is US west. Simply because I run in to less non English players than on US East and the east coast are dota plebs.
duh, sea is cancer
I try to play on other servers that I have decent connection to (100~ ping) but I still run into pinoys. their style is somewhat inclined to trashtalk and cursing, which I can sometimes tolerate but other times I just lose my shit against them.
EU East is the real cancer everyone playing on a stolen computer and somewhere in the middle of the game they pause and type "i need go, POLICIA"
Mahigit sa kalahati pinoys ay clinically retarded. Mabulunan sa iyong adobo at mamatay.
The best region for me on ranked is US west.
I'm sorry but I'm going to respectfully disagree.
I personally play USwest when I want to be amused by the bad plays that players there make, like for example, absolutely refuse to buy wards, support whining about KS, 5 carries and no support, abandoning game after first bounty is taken.
>clinically retarded
Hahaha xddddd tell me how a state like the philippines can funxtion with such a percentage of intellectual defuncts woohooo trump for president lets kill all these retarded immigrants btw its clinically proven that 1 of 2 pinoys are retarded
In my latest necrophos match, I was thinking about throwing a game to teach pinoy a lesson but when Mirana (Enemy) start trashtalking too in tagalog then...Screw the lesson, I'll gonna help my team win
Err why would you incest emotions in a game of 9 randompeople what you wanted to do is called spiting ones nose off. Really low return of investment at the end, youll only lose your consecutive games cause you put yourself into a tilt. Try muting peiple iñstead.
I really want to play in SEA server but sadly it doesn't appear on my list(
Most of my friends play on SEA server and I can't play with them(
Emotions are pretty involuntary when you realize it's impossible to have any impact in a game. Mostly anger.
sometimes i feel like surender just at laning phase in SEA gaming , terrible pick ... sometimes no carry at all or else whole team carries and we havent go into the gameplay yet .. omg
No carry?
OMG introduce me to that team please.
Please, I want to meet that team so bad!!! I am dreaming of getting supports, because I never do!!! Please introduce me to that team! I'm sick of 5 carry teams.
There are lots of times when you know from minute 1 that you have barely a chance to win. But I play anyway, cz I still hope smhow we can still win.
Emotions sure are involuntary but it sure depends on each persons upbringing/genes on the consecutive string of actions he will perform and that usually tells something about the person as well.
For most pinoys its having to grow on shitty socioeconomic conditions even if they have a right not to. How about yours OP?
I'm not interested in the clusterfuck of personalities in the dota 2 community. I just want most of my games to be competitive and enjoyable.
I play Dota 2 instead of League for the personalities.
League is so homogenous everyone is the same.
Dota 2 is diverse in its type of personalities and it's awesome.
Do I have to repeat what ive already said?
This is the Dota community, you get people of different nstionalities, u get boys sometimes you get grils with cutevoices. Theres cool gguys and stuff and there are those teenage boys whose moms forgot good manners also have to apply ti complete strangers u meet in the interweb. Well, i do not condone such lack of etiquette but you just have to accept, there are these certain countries that cannot catch up economically to your standards. This is the reason why racism is still fucking alive in this world, wite people see negroes live in huts, u automatically desuce that they are good only as slaves simply because they are so damn beyond their standards of cinammon and fine wine, when the reason eueopeans advanced faster because there was a need to from the extreme competition between states that have developed their own national identities
How about if i shove up your ass the fact that most servers have the same proportion of toxic players vs the ok ones but what makes sea a tad worse is that most pinoys can talk ok english so the message is taken clear and well but usually sensationalized, compared with those russians and peruvians which require u to learn their tongues but anyway before that uunderstand notone single wordso u just ignore it
compared with those russians and peruvians which require u to learn their tongues but anyway before that uunderstand notone single wordso u just ignore it
Even if I say nice things in Russian they think I'm cursing at them, so I disagree with this statement.
I don't mind trash talk as long as you play well. Russians are probably better than pinoys. Like far better on average with many many pro players right up there with the best in the world. Pinoys just play among themselves, create oddball metas ,inflate mmr and ruin everything. It's possible that certain countries are unfortunate when it comes to education and the manners that come with it,but that's besides the point since I don't care.
You're acting like EU servers aren't already filled to the brim with people who think they are hot shit.
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So, people say if you belong to a higher mmr you will climb eventually. The problem is that if you play in the SEA server, the contribution that each and every player from your team makes to the entropy makes it hard to have an impact. So you will probably take 10 times longer to climb mmr compared to other regions. I don't even feel confident with ebola spirit anymore. This game is so SHIEEEET.