General Discussion

General DiscussionCAN VALVE NERF OD AND SPECTRE ALREADY???????????????????

CAN VALVE NERF OD AND SPECTRE ALREADY??????????????????? in General Discussion

    winning early game 16-2 complete stomp all lanes. spec and zeus on enemy team. GG LOST THE GAME.


      No super hard carry should have 50%+ winrate across all MMR ever

      Zorthax Dorn

        @kryptnyt for one, she has never kept over 50%+ ever so you are completely wrong.

        Two, you realize Medusa is also above 50% right now too right?


          I don't consider Spec a carry who just sits back and farms like an AM. Badman won games by building an early game Spec.
          Also, OD doesn't even need a whole lot of items, he just needs supports that aren't braindead and they can snowball and win 2 ezily. At least in my skill bracket thats how it goes.
          Had spec on my team and lost, cuz he didn't know how to farm, and the whole team let their Sven farm for an hour. *sigh*. Hate my bracket.

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            @FVG what are you talking about m8.

            hes saying no ultra carry should ever be above 50% at all lvls, and guess what, spec is 54-59% winrate across all skills.

            Dusa has nothing on spec, also <50% winrate in 5k


              stop playing, it's pointless to whine and rant on the internet about things like this
              dota is not a balanced game, and never will... if u feel the current patch is not your cup of tea then just stop playing

              Fee Too Pee


                another example of balancing kappa
                mmr is not about skill anymore , is all about picking meta heroes :(

                but yea i quess meta is the part of the game

                ROAD TO HERALD 0

                  ^ i dont get it.

                  That radiant team picked quite greedily and i highly doubt they were able to pressure your jungle early on.

                  So as an LC, you could have gone jungling instead of the offlane (i assume you went offlane) and then try to dictate the game tempo by ganking that mid OD or the safe lane spectre as early as possible post-lvl 6 with orge and whoever your mid was (zeus or injoker).

                  Your team's lineup was theoretically more suitable for early to mid game ganks, and if your team (and yourself) was able to play more aggressively, focusing especially on catching doctor or omni, you probably would have at least gone ahead, if not win the game.

                  I'd think your team's lineup peaks earlier, and the fact that your team couldnt access that before spectre or od came online was probably down to a teamwork or skill inferiority.

                  For myself, i find aggro tri-offlane to be an option, like this match, where i picked offlane Undying with a Kotl and Sven to face the enemy team's safe-lane spectre and wyvern. This was solo rmm, not party, and my team still overran that fking mercurial.


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                  Zorthax Dorn

                    @Defianc3 I thought he was saying no hard carry should have 50%+ win rate since the hero addition. I misunderstood what he said, granted medusa almost does, she's like 49% hovering in 5k+ and she's a much hard carry than Spectre and has no global presence to clean up like spectre so it's still pretty comparable.

                    oke lol

                      i agree comeback mech's need a nerf

                      Fee Too Pee

                        ^ IKR , U KILLED SPECTRE LIKE 9 TIMES , and suddenly Spec KS haunt 2 heroes , and BAM RADIANCE 25 MINUTE

                        FZ 1 N

                          ^ don't forget assist gold