General Discussion

General DiscussionJakrio is OP.

Jakrio is OP. in General Discussion

    only 85th in popularity? jesus the hero is strong af.


        The carries of the team have way higher stats than the supports and are carrying the team??? who would have guessed ?..
        seriously, watch the replay before you judge a support - kda doesn't mean anything.
        also, how do you think they started snowballing?

        Dire Wolf

          He's good but not op. His stun has a formation time giving plenty of time to react to it, his orb is amazing early but drops off late, his ult is strong but easy to avoid as well and he's slow as a dog. He comes off as op cus early in lane his orb is amazing at harass.

          Swap Commends

            He is OP indeed with veil and lenz but only up to mid game.
            Creates a great space to win fights.


              @ muranji shit stain I'm sure it's because the makeup jakiro was zoning out the lame to provide this farm for carry. Once again shit stain muranji


                yeah exactly, you basically autowin ur lane for ur carry, and if theres another good zoner ( like silencer in my last game) i just sit mid and win the lane for my mid hero..
                his ult is also very good for zoning, i rarely use it for damage.
                maybe i shouldn't have said "OP" but he is very strong and i didn't expect him to be so unpopular at the moment..
                not to mention his push.. its crazy.

                Този коментар е бил редактиран
                lm ao

                  Oh man I wish hed have a stronger stun so id take value point in ice path instead

                  Waku Waku

                    @muranji low 3k pool is retarded in early games, everyone fails to see how big of a snowballing from early game can do for a weaker lineup team up(having supports zoning offlanes, safe lanes enermies against a late stronger team( getting zoned from lanes).. and from ur stats where u lost almost every high skilled games do makes us question about ur in depth knowledge and skill of this game l0l


                      KDA means you killed a certain number of heroes, you were involved in killing a number of heroes, or you died to a number of heroes.

                      In the SF game you were involved in 14 hero kills. The mid SF was involved in 25 while the carry (Sven or PA) you supported were involved in only 9/12, meaning the SF snowballed so hard and put so much pressure on the enemy that they were unable to come up. Your contribution was not so much (plus you built a mek when the ES went Guardian Greaves).

                      In the Slark games you were involved in 20 kills, the slark did 27 kills. I guess you helped out in this game.

                      In the Spectre/Pudge game they had 34 kills and 28 kills respectively to your 21 meaning they put a huge amount of pressure on the enemy and you didn't.

                      For the OD game he went 25 kills to your 20. You also had greaves while the Omni had a Mek.

                      @Greetings peasant, do you I know you dogshit?

                      @It is a good game to die - I was doing challenges. Normally I would never touch shitty heroes like Lina and Clinkz witha 10 foot pole. As for my winrate in 'high skill' matches it's currently sitting at 55.49% -


                      Този коментар е бил редактиран
                      Dire Wolf

                        eh it's kinda like saying lich is op, yeah lich is incredibly strong early and just wins lanes, but he falls off late. They're very different heroes but similar in role except that jakiro has good early tower dmg too.


                          @Muranji the SF game is the only game where i agree with u that i didn't pressure enough. also, about the greaves and mek, its not my fault that omni doesn't understand that they dont stack.
                          also, there is so much more to the game than kill involvment. like - warding,dewarding, tower damage etc,positioning. u cant just look at one stat and decide somthing.

                          @Dire Wolf yeah i understand your point, guess i shouldn't have used the term "op".

                          Този коментар е бил редактиран

                            Lich is crap, so is WD. In NS games, you'll never find anyone who understands the value of positioning.
                            Also, you set up a Chain Trap at the ancients and your teammate will go farm exactly there, bunch of asshats.
                            Jakiro and Pheonix are my favourite supports along with Doom and VS.