General Discussion

General DiscussionMorphling

Morphling in General Discussion

    Ideally with Morphling you'd like to go Treads Linkens Eblade Manta Skadi Satanic MKB / Daedelus type of route, or you can go pure right clicker.

    What are your thoughts on when to go which build?

    Ever skip linkens?

    Ever get Eblade first?

    How do you like your right clicker builds?

    Do you think hero is even viable vs like 5k+ players


      You get Eblade if you're confident your team is balling like crazy.

      Otherwise don't, or you end up a useless piece of shit that can't do anything when enemy cores turn on bkb.

      Totentanz to The King: M ...

        EB is overrated, Linken's is also overrated. You should either go Yasha into Skadi or Yasha, maybe S&Y into BKb into Skadi. It's the most efficient build for both farming and fighting. Also, since you are skipping Linken's, you should get a bottle, even as a safelaner.


          Sam Fuckin Peckinpah, makes a lot of sense, thank you. Do you think helm of dominator is good early?

          Totentanz to The King: M ...

            Only if you want to really farm a lot. Morph can't clear stacks so dominate won't be as useful, but the lifesteal is still good.

            Meat Spinner

              what should be general time criteria for boots , helm skadi / E blade ? I kno every game is not same though


                EB is overrated, Linken's is also overrated
                ah nice so i'm not a retard for thinking this, good to know

                though i think that it's still good for blowing up squishies and accelerating your farm when you're playing 1v5, i dunno why this linken rush works but it works :horse:


                  Aquila, Soulring into BoT for farming split-pushing oriented build.


                    why the fuck would you buy soulring over bottle


                      Bottle is way more better than soul ring imo bottle is cheaper


                        i donno what build to go ... i farm fast but just new in morph ... , solo carry is hard ... enemy wipe my team in sec n im surounded ... my team pick is too op ... linken + EB doing great job killing sup n ganker ... it also deal huge dmg to enemy carry while no bkb on ... huge dmg in sec ... but i guess i build the wrong item as im the solo carry ... anyway its hard when a team only having a carry but not rekt enemy early game...


                          Use commas dude


                            @rick_zai i dont know what to do..but its happen to me alot while playing morphling..


                              mid , EB , travels, manta, skadi/btfly/?

                              Venus, MBA

                                Call me noob, but in my few Morphling games I go helm of dominator to farm jungle and just build manta skadi linkens for stat overload.


                                  Linkens is not overrated.

                                  It's a good item a majority of the time because it serves as a farm accelerator and lets you do more dangerous pushes because you have a larger window to ultimate out. Unless your enemy has no single target disables or rupture/laguna/doom type skills, then you skip it.

                                  Yeah, you skip it if you need to fight early but that's not the item being overrated, it's like saying Radiance on Spec is overrated when you skip it during hard games.


                                    radiance spectre is a lot scarier than linkens morphling lol

                                    I am interested in giving this a try in my mmr (4.7k) but idk how a pure right click morph would do vs like an equally farmed sven or spectre or even ursa..

                                    I like the right click build but i feel like helm of dominator is so necesarry otherwise you cant even jungle without losing all ur hp in 1-2 hard camps..... then u have no mana.. but with ring of aquila and bottle u can conserve it for fights i guess.

                                    i like the Treads Helm of Dominator S&Y SKadi >> daedelus / mkb / luxury build

                                    cause good players will just get bkb and ur eblade will be useless.

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                                      Are looking at my games list and assuming I'm some 3k know it all ._.?

                                      I said the same thing as Sam and got brushed off. I'm still technically higher MMR than you, ya know? Dom into sny is good but if fights don't occur, you have much more crippled farm than if you went aquila linkens, and you can't farm as aggressively as with the latter. Theres also the additional benefit of linkens in <5k games in which teams aren't coordinated enough to pop it for each other and you tend to get flat out ignored in fights.

                                      A strong point of Morph is that he has the flexibility to build various items like linken/sny/manta/eos/eb/midas and etc. Btw, the higher you go up, the more likely heroes are going to build orchid or counterpick silence heroes into you which makes the dom/sny/eos build flawed if you attempt to do it every game.

                                      Linkens ain't overrated bruh.

                                      You don't manfight much as Morph anyway, you splitpush then relocate back with your ultimate.


                                      Morph was a high 5k (or 6k? cnt rmb) leaderboard player. He still went linkens. Linkens aint something only 4k players build.

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