General Discussion

General DiscussionIs slark unblind from radiance during darkpact?

Is slark unblind from radiance during darkpact? in General Discussion
Why join, if abandon?

    Also, is he immune to untouchable during darkpact.


      no, use your brain and read the skills before asking

        Този коментар е изтрит

          there is no duration of dark pact, dark pact happens in one instance and in that instance it removes any debuff that was on you previously.


            ...... OP has played 3000 games lmfao


              yeah, youve played 200 on this smurf + tons more on your main and still dont know how dark pact works

              Why join, if abandon?

                I did read it, nothing about it says anything about radiance. What I do know is that dark pact can un-hex slark, and the description says that it's a strong dispel. If you can unhex yourself with darkpact, may as well wonder if you can be unblind during radiance, too.

                Този коментар е бил редактиран
                Why join, if abandon?

                  if you want to have a quiz about the names of spells items abilities and interactions, i'd be glad to also have one.

                  And if you can give me the quiz, I'll take it, then see out of your curiosity how little or much someone knows about dota mechanics.

                  I watch pros stream and they often ask things like about mechanics and are surprised about other interactions.

                  It's just a question, settle down beavis. Your boyfriend isn't here to impress.

                  Also since you're interested in my smurf, this isn't my smurf. My smurf is in 6-8k unranked.

                  This account I'm typing with is the one I simply play whatever on.

                  Not sure where you were going with that statement.

                  2000 ranked matches doesn't qualify as a smurf, does it? lol.

                  I also know that slark is unstunned during the whole duration of dark pact, regardless of when darkpact started.

                  Meaning if you stun slark while the dark pact is still processing, he doesn't get stunned.

                  Този коментар е бил редактиран
                  EZ MID 9k mmr

                    fun fact

                    treants ultimate doesnt work on slarks ultimate, sneaky fish.

                    Why join, if abandon?

                      @nathan prescott that's because the target has to be visible to be affected.

                      Nature's ult won't work on targets that are in fog of war or undetectable.

                      And zeus' ult doesn't work on invis units that are not revealed.

                      Този коментар е бил редактиран
                      EZ MID 9k mmr

                        not exactly true

                        overgrowth still hits units in the fog of war


                          as long as they are not invis ?



                            how does radiance work?
                            how does dark pact work?

                            what do they actually do?

                            Venus, MBA

                              Radiance blinds people as long as they're near the radiance holder. Dark pact just takes off single instance debuffs.



                                now answer the poor guys question pls 1+1=2

                                Livin' Real Good


                                  I know your train of thought when asking the question (Slark being able to remove multiple spells as long as they're within the Dark Pact active frames duration right?) but no, he is still affected by radiance like they said above, the active frames do nothing to remove it, get a BKB or MKB obviously.

                                  Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                    Yes for both

                                    Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                      Yes for untouchable

                                      Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                        "dark pact happens in one instance and in that instance it"

                                        stopped reading, are you stupid?

                                        and no I'm not referring about the damage

                                        Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                          It happens in 10 pulses but when i said that one instance i was referring to the 10 pulses, what i was trying to explain was that dart pact isnt a constant effect that you are under for a certain period of time, its more of a Shot of debuff than an immunity to debuffs, it happens so fast that it is PRACTICALLY 1 instance, rarely do any debuffs get placed on slark during dark pact because it last for a second or less

                                          Този коментар е бил редактиран
                                          Livin' Real Good

                                            Ah, so I was wrong, I didn't know, but I understand how it works, wasn't sure. (had a feeling it did) should of went with my gut feeling from the start. lol Dark Pact OP


                                              He's not wrong, but it's not practically one long instance!!

                                              And you were not wrong @york

                                              Dire Wolf

                                                I don't think you can dispel auras... wtf? It'd be like dispelling AC's - armor.

                                                Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                  radiance is an aura lel how can you dispel it?


                                                    @Anto but its not 1 instance. this is important. it happened a lot to me that i got stunned between these pulses so it also get purged after the start of the animation.

                                                    you cant purge an aura because they get imidiatly applied again if u are still in range of the enemy. the same counts for untouchable if u atttack ench it gets imidiatly applied again when u are autoattacking her and using q.


                                                      i am 100% sure that it does disspel untouchable, didn't notice the radiance thing do


                                                        i mean you get a fast hit while you are in dark pact (mb more , depends on as) and then you will get debuffed again


                                                          after the full duration of dark pact


                                                            so i think basically u cant miss because of radiance while dark pact is exploding


                                                              YOU DEFINITELY MISS, WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU GUYS EVEN READING!


                                                                Well it could be possible that you can dispel the .5 seconds lingering debuff after you leave the area, though I don't think even that works.

                                                                Dire Wolf

                                                                  No, you can't dispel auras, they aren't dispellable effects. So all this assumption of how instantly does it reapply etc, my guess is in the code auras aren't dispellable. Cus why? It would make zero sense to allow that.

                                                                  The multiple instance thing on pact is important though as someone said for timing dispelling a stun.


                                                                    1) Dark Pact's purge is not 1 instance. It applies it throughout the duration.
                                                                    2) You cannot dispel an aura.



                                                                      1) Dark pact is 10 instance each separated by 0.1 sec
                                                                      2) you can dispell the effect of an aura, but it doesn't matter since it's instantaneously reapplied (unless for the lingering part ofc)

                                                                      Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                                        ^ You cannot dispel an aura. Not sure about the lingering effect, not sure how to test that, but somehow I don't think it can be dispelled.

                                                                        Notice how he never loses the debuff? (Until the end where I moved the AI away)

                                                                        "Aura buffs and debuffs are generally not dispellable. " -