General Discussion

General DiscussionServer Wars....

Server Wars.... in General Discussion

    SEA vs Dubai vs India...
    Which is the best way to grind MMR and get easy wins (relatively) at <3k MMR...
    Should I afk farm and go solo or jump into teamfights whenever my teammates go fighting...
    Present your Opinions....

    Тази тема била редактирана



        Dubai and India are easier.

        Before anyone starts saying I'm an ignorant racist or whatever, it comes down to the culture of these places. Gaming culture started relatively late in those two regions as did the servers.

        The difference in skill won't be significant though. Yeah, 2k games there are easier than 2k games here but that doesn't mean you'll get to 4k. Just focus on improving?

        Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

          I'm a SEA player.

          Players in SEA server are usually,

          80% want to carry
          15% support
          5% "adaptive" type of player. They're always last pick and usually select the best hero option (can play supp or carry).

          Attitude: (can have more than one)
          20% trash talker. Putangina, bobo, gg, ez
          20% leader. The one that plan your attack/defense
          20% Complainer. If they die or loss, they'll blame to their teammates.
          15% Pure jungler. Doesn't care to defend unless they have items
          15% Alien. Can't speak english
          5% Friendly. The one always 'hahahaha' all the time.
          5% Mute.

          Top 10 most hero (imo)
          1. LC
          2. Juggernaut
          3. Antimage
          4. Invoker
          5. Pudge
          6. OD
          7. WR
          8. Zeus
          9. Alchemist
          10. ES



            higher you go, the more they prioritize winning over toxicity


              @Kyou ヽ(*≧ω≦)ノ
              maybe u should g back to school to learn math
              i think its should be like this :
              Attitude: (can have more than one)
              80% trash talker
              20% leader
              80% Complainer
              30% Pure jungler
              50% Alien
              5% Friendly
              5% Mute
              u should write at least like this if u know how the math works, 4head

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                but thats 270%


                  fucking stupid hahahha


                    Yeah lol


                      Some have 2 different aspects at the same time
                      I talk random shit and lead my team often
                      And that's the reason I sometimes get muted xD

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                        its that me who u call stupid? sorry let me explain, he said it can have more than 1. so if 100% means all sample of dota players it can have 80% trashtalk 20% dont, 20% leader 80% dont, and so on. its different aspect than role, wich can be seperated like 80% want carry, 15% sup, and 5% adaptive. go back to school if u dun understand, sry for being stupid