General Discussion

General DiscussionSpectre has this week achieved a 42% pickrate in >5k pubs

Spectre has this week achieved a 42% pickrate in >5k pubs in General Discussion

    Which means that Spectre, dear spectre, will finally get a sniper level of nerfing which will make her so shit that she drops 20% winrate and 10% pickrate overnight. Badman will immediately drop 1000mmr.

    For comparison of the pickrates achieved by previous cancer of the month heroes and their well deserved falls from grace (figures are from when they were at their most cancer, and are also rounded for simplicity):

    6.82 Faceless Void - As of March 2015 where he had already had post TI4 nerfs 16% - fell 8% though he is on the way back coz of skill changes (Dotabuff why do your stats only go back 12 months???)

    6.83 Sniper - 42% - fell 24%
    6.83 Troll - 26% - fell 20%
    6.83 Axe - 27% - fell 18%

    6.84 Bloodseeker - 26% - fell 17% (Good night sweet prince, you did not deserve this)
    6.84 Leshark - 12.5% - fell 10%
    6.84 Techies - 14% - fell 10%
    6.84 QoP - 14% - fell 10%

    6.84-5 Storm Spirit - 23% - fell 18%
    6.85 Shadow Fiend - 24% - fell 13%.
    6.85 Huskar - 13% - fell 4% (this barely counts, he was neutered before he could even become cancer)
    6.85 Lina - 23% - fell 8%

    Also 6.85 riki apparently...idk he was never really considered "cancer of the month" even though he was pretty popular and won a lot and very annoying to deal with because of the economy drain for detetction it was mainly among low skilled scrubs who didn't bother to shut him down early by investing in detection which allowed him to snowball in the early game. Might become cancer of the month next patch if he is buffed back up again, his ultimate makes him much more powerful as a lategamer at the expense of a weaker laning stage and not snowballing so easily so if that stuff is improved the price of sentires better be dropped to 150 and allow you to buy one at a time like obs wards.


      I actually dislike seeing Spectre on my team nowadays when I solo queue, it's just too easy to shut down that hero.

      Swap Commends

        Not so many ppl can grow early with her.
        Some stupids are still trying to make boots into radi.

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          I think it's more the meta that is making spectre a good hero kind of like AM in the lesh storm days. She still suffers from all the same problems she has in the past shit early game easy to shut down no flash farm till you get a radi


            its very situational dude, even this spec can rekt rtz invoke spam

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