General Discussion

General DiscussionDo people play normal games anymore?

Do people play normal games anymore? in General Discussion

    And when I ask people, I'm refering at the people that when they pick support, they'll get wards and courier and smoke and other shit and create space for a carry to farm or even roam to mid

    I'm talking about the people that can actually play the game not the deuches that can't even cast a god damn spell proper but still pick Invoker and go mid...

    lm ao

      I do, cause I had 2000 tokens remaining from the winter battle pass and I badly wanted that waifu luna set from 4th treasure. Damn dropped a shitty naga set instead but now i see normal games as a good way to improve execution and game sense

      lm ao

        Ah lol i thought u were talking about unranked.. i guess this is another grief thread smh


          I play support but its getting pointless because of the awful carrys you get paired with most of the time. Gotta love zoning a lane and giving your carry free farm only to have him miss all last hits and then abandon the game. One of recent games the best carry/core on my team was a first time invoker(played it in the safe lane). Dude couldnt use more than the two spells he had queued, rest of the team were awful feeds. I set up a gank for him and a cold snap would have ensured the kill, after the kill got away I asked, where was the cold snap? and he responded "What is that?".

          Still won.


          lm ao

            ^Yeah thats the sad life of supporting in normal skill, if no one volunteers to do the job, you just have to take it yourself, but then you often get unreliable carries who cant do their job well. So you can just only endure this shit and hope for the best xd


              So people keep saying that it's "your fault" the game is shit and you don't get out of low ratings...

              I am 2k on this account atm, and on other account I have 3.2k and I'm stable at it...

              The real thing with that 3.2k account si that people don't tend to actually shit over the game, you have people that fucking support, that fucking carry and try to last hit and farm and gets a stable 600+ gpm at the end of the game... compared to this low shit mmr...

              The algorithm to get mmr points is totally broken...


                i'm sure if you were actually 3,2k it'd be perfectly possible for you to manage to win 2k mmr games or at least influence them greatly

                Johnny Rico

                  Smokes are a rare thing even in ranked


                    thats the problem of your mmr range, and not the lobby type


                      Smokes are rare because people dont gather for them unless your playing in a party or high MMR. Most of the time people either pretend they arnt reading chat/listening to voice or just tell you they dont need that shit.


                        Why so sure severe? I see at low rating a lot of people getting queued with higher ranking and losing the game hard time ... with imba scores...

                        Just yesterday it was a dude that got 2.7k rating and went 0-8 or something like that with OD... eh did nothing the whole game besides feeding and it was not intentional... He just sucked balls hard time...

                        3k is not really different from 2k when it comes to people knowledge...

                        While the other account initially was made to test builds and stuffs I find myself not wanting to play the main account because of the bad team mates I'm getting...

                        After watching enough guides and strategies to different characters I enjoy playing, I can safely say I am mastering the characters to a degree... of my skill level at least... and still there is another idiot that gets to feed the enemy, and we throw the game, or a cluster of retards that just don't do their job...

                        Rank mmr is totally unbalanced and is really random when it comes to the lower skilled players and I'm talking about the guys below 3.5k mmr, why? Because you really don't get those neutral games, where you don't have to OVERPERFORM to get a damn win...

                        It's either you stomp the enemy team or they stomp you... and it has nothing to do with draft at this point, rarely do you even get to lose because of a bad draft...

                        King of Low Prio

                          Lol 2k players 'mastering' heroes