General Discussion

General DiscussionFor those who are interested, here's something interesting about mmr ...

For those who are interested, here's something interesting about mmr calibration in General Discussion

    I recently did calibration, my first match had an average mmr of 2.9k and I was the highest at TBA. I lost that match becuz I'm trolling so much w this account. And my next match was something like 2.8k and I was no longer the highest or something like that. Can't remember if win or lose but eventually I'm settled at around 2.7 average and no longer the highest in team. So it seems my hidden mmr was indeed shoved around a lot depending on my performance in first few calib matches.

    On a side note, wtf is my last game. For those who always wanna know how to climb out of 2k or what is the difference between 2k and 3k: at around 2.9k mmr and above ppl know how to end games earlier. Take it from me since I've been in a wide range of mmr, 1k to 3k+. You'll realize that stomps happen a lot more often, and for good reason. Early leads usually mean game end, not throw and do nothing let the enemy farm and lose in an embarrassing shameful way.

    Its late game already and we are losing. But somehow we manage to team wipe them. We r 2 raxes down and instead of 5 manning mid to end invoker stays in base to defend, I Duno what sb is doing he always disappears after fights. Ggwp me and weaver pushing mid too slowly we take no objectives. Invoker is like "nvm we will take next fight" or something brainless like that. Like there is no fkn way we are able to fight them unless they fk up majorly. Game ends when enemy team respawns and take last lane of rax ez. I'm doing my best to carry


      3k game is more objective based for sure not mindless run around and hope for the best.

      Difference between 3k n 4k, ppl probably stop itemizing like retards. Our 3.2k lion goes dmg aghs when pipe would have done so much more for the team. Look at his hero dmg n laugh at him pls

      Този коментар е бил редактиран

        Git gud


          You're blaming invoker for your last loss? Are you trolling? You went 3-21-11 as bloodseeker, with only 279 gpm and 153 lh in an hour. You have 6.7k hero damage in an hour-long game, as bloodseeker. It's hard to believe you were "pushing" since you only have 72 tower damage. You chose to buy mek and aether lens and never upgraded boots.


            Thx for the insights


              Well since bs is a shit hero now. I decided to let my teammates carry while I support since lion went dmg. Rofl. Anyway. I'm blaming invoker for being shit at his role. There's no point comparing my score n stats to his. He underperformed severely for his role and made incredibly stupid late game decision is my point. Ppl at this bracket don't know how to take objectives. My observation is that from 2.9 onwards ppl start making use of early game leads. But what would do u know about dota anyway


                you're a moron
                please stop posting


                  Why am I a moron noob


                    you're fucking retarded



                      me, government hooker

                        judging by the posts in this thread im assuming its not worth reading


                          You are 100% the reason you lost that BS game.


                            classic braindead normal skill smurf player

                            lm ao

                              Predick mai mmr pls


                                Go support bloodseeker, feed, blame team.