General Discussion

General DiscussionNaga Siren

Naga Siren in General Discussion

    So I know this hero is really shit right now, but I like her. How to play this hero? Is the radiance > manta > octarine the items to go? And is it a purely split pushing hero? I mean she does suck at fighting. Help plz.


      Do what you think is best


        Watch some [A]lliance matches, they picked naga a lot (most recently at WCA 2015) and (in my view) generally execute the hero better than most other teams in the recent patches.


          since when naga sucks at fighting?


            ^URE a retard

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            waku waku

              don't bother you might as well pick spectre which is much better


                You can carry the shit out of the worst team as naga, but is a bad pick in almost every game...
                Not just a pure split pusher if you think farmed naga siren cant fight youre bad microing her illusions 1 by 1 during tf and you just need to play with her a lot to learn what to do and how to do it fast, i use 7 control groups, global orders, other units macro, cycle unit and shift orders all the time, after almost 300 games isnt so hard :P


                  Ty. So, should I send illusions 1 by 1 and count on radiance damage in teamfights?
                  In farming I know I should 1 illu to every camp but its very hard to pull off and some camps dont die in a full illu time. How do you manage to kill all the camps? Or do you jot do it in a single illu cd early game?


                    That dont have to be the build. Before there was no octarine and the hero still could carry pretty damn hard. Same with alch no need for stupid oct thats only good if you're really good at the build its not for casual players imo...

                    Corvus Corax

                      if they don't counter your illusions with es,od or etc naga is an unstoppable carry. get a babysitter and safe farm, when you have manta+radiance(depending on the situation you can rush radi) you have a guaranteed win most of the time.i think octarine is not necessary at all, you can buy items like fly or crit for better damage output.

                      among all hard carries, naga has the highest damage potential, a little higher than chaos knight, it is farm from shitty.


                        Go Build Radiance Travel Manta Octa And Cuirass - Armor Tower Fast Rat


                          ^^ es isnt a naga counter, and sometimes is better to play her mid lane if youre facing invoker, viper or some hero who cant deal with illusions, even if they can you can jungle faster than them when lane is pushed

                          Well @Light after radiance farm with your main hero jungle while illusions split push, cut waves, harm enemies, farm their jungle, chase supports, hit towers. Never send all illusions to jungle is so shitty, btw with radiance a single illusion can clear a camp alone and sometimes 2 camps, rip tide is a skill bro :P

                          You can send several illusions at once in teamfights and you must in most scenarios, but dont send all illusions to attack the same guy, split them run down the supports and send some illusions behind them, you can save an illusion to play around with your hero or just to back up, if you rely just on radiance to do damage youre losing the game

                          Get OC, best item after radiance travels manta or even before manta
                          If enemy team is pushing high ground get drums instead of travels cuz youre not leaving base


                            Naga can be really strong if you understand her potenzial to carry and maybe to turn the game!

                            (my naga games)

                            allmost allways the radiance-manta-Octarine is probably the best but sometimes you want to fight soon as possible them i would go like radiance-manta-diffu-octarine.

                            every naga player have a diffirent opinion how to build naga, one player told me diffu is a outdated item on her and he went for the skadi build which i dont like She is not like terrorblade she needs damage and diffu is in my opinion the best damage item for her and you right naga is not good in fighting for a long long time(thats why she is so weak right now) if she is like 4/5 slotted then you can start force fights

                            if you want learn naga you maybe should watch some pro player like old arteezy or mEracle matches

                            here inspiration for you meracle vs mushi
                            (Meracle got decently destroyed in the early game by mushi)

                            try to split you illus i saw so many player there just let all 3 illus farm 1 lane the best scenario is if you cut every or all creepwave behind you opponents and then they cant reach you base because backddor protections :P (she is so dirty) keep pressuring the lanes and you opponents must split to push the lanes out and that alloweds you teammates to maybe kill someone. And naga siren is not a good carry because she is strong with 6 slotts honestly i think a storm spirit is way strongen then a naga wiith 6 slotts naga is a strong carry because she outfarmes every carry after the first 30 minuts i just would say try to end the game if you 6 slotted with naga !


                              master puppan's smurf account naga games:
                              you are welcome.


                                @DDGDD Im ok with almost every thing you said, you know how to play naga. About six slotted naga not being a strong hard carry not true at all, im not good finishing games fast so i drag many matches to lategame cuz im an idiot, but because of this i know how fking strong lategame naga can be, ive won vs mega creeps like 3 times as naga and outcarried multiple cores, dual divine dusas, slarks, 20-0 storms and shit like that. Naga may seems not so strong in some ultra late games cause her team is outfarmed as fuck while shes the only carry and the enemy team is rich, if youre naga and you managed to hit lategame with the rest of your team also farmed you already won, no hero can outcarry ALONE naga siren, to outcarry naga you need team effort.
                                Lately i play her mid cause she can lane safely against voker (and some other mid heroes) and with another guaranteed farmed carry in your team you never lose games past 25 - 30 min