General Discussion

General DiscussionSilver edge vs MKB against PA

Silver edge vs MKB against PA in General Discussion
Ai Spik Inglis

    So i was wondering which one of this item is best to completely shut down PA..silver edge disable passive abilities and has invi and also has damage reduction..while mkb only has true strike and also mini stun..which one do u prefer and which best in your opinion?
    Sory for broken english..





        Mkb if you are a carry like wr or troll who should be man-fighting the pa.

        Silver edge is suitable for specific heroes only, either heroes which arent hitting pa regularly in team fights, or heroes where shadow blade is already part of their core item build. Examples include tusk, shadow fiend, troll.


          Silver Edge most of the time.

          Why? Even with MKB, Pa can turn around and instagib you. But with silver edge you cut her damage output by 40% and it makes a the fight a lot easier.


            ^ and then the pa turns on the bkb. or, i cant hit her with silver edge and it expires.


              doesnt silver edge never miss?

              but in general mkb since getting off the hit from invis can be pretty hard.


                I know that silver edge cannot be purged with bkb, so u have to kill her in 5 seconds before silver edge despire, or she kill u if u are a carry dd.


                  The silver edge thing last what 4 seconds? If she able to kite you for that duration she will roast you.. Maybe silver edge and a hard disable would do.. MKB is the much safer option..


                    I have been thinking about silver edge is better because in that 5 second not only the carry will be able to hit PA all the other heroes also dont need mkb because of one person buy silver its depends on the situation..


                      I just want to know u guys opinion..i know there are many good players here..i want to learn from u guys..


                        enemy picks pa
                        you won because enemy picked pa


                          the things is, sometimes it's just so hard to land that disable on the pa if she's alert and knows you have a silver edge.

                          Corvus Corax

                            if you dont have a mkb on your carry, you ll have bad time against pa in the late game unless of course you break him in the early. same cannot be said for silver edge


                              Depends, MKB is better but maybe if you play a hero that more naturally go shadowblade you can try silver instead, like slark, I would just go silver and not mkb probably.


                                If you don't also have suitable stuns to follow up with Silver Edge I'd imagine she could just kite you with blink strikes for the 5 seconds of break.

                                Dire Wolf

                                  Both are only good if they're a natural extension for you. A windranger rushing a silver edge for example is a terrible idea. But on slark it's a sweet item. Some heroes can go either way like sf, slark, lc. Sven and wk is kinda sucks, they don't want to build either really. Or like OD or invoker. On OD I'd probably let someone else build silver edge or something.

                                  The shadow walk debuff is really strong vs her, she'll die in that five seconds if you cooridinate at all. And if she bkbs, you pop the blade and just wait it out usually.


                                    It should be pointed out that silver's edge also disables her crit so it might be better if PA can crit down your carry too fast for him to get a reasonable number of attacks in.

                                    In general for a Carry MKB is better. With silver's edge, she can blink away or just kite you for the duration or an ally like OD or Pugna could stop you from hitting her. If you have an MKB it doesn't matter how long she kites you or runs for you'll still have truestrike when you eventually hit her.

                                    Silvers Edge is pretty good on a position 2 or 3. If their carry doesn't want to go for mkb yet or is a hero that really shouldn't build MKB (OD) then having a silvers edge on you position 2/3 can let him fight PA.

                                    BTW as OD I get Atos against PA. The 40% accuracy is usually enough to let me fight her unless shes really far ahead.


                                      Doom with aghs is the best it is a way better silveredge


                                        MKB, always MKB


                                          Depends on the hero and the team comp.